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That document really needs to be revised since you can't just "use jetpacks" in level 3+4, since its not available. EDIT: Anyway, I've now found a way to skip getting Vit_X and it was very easy to do. So I'll guess I correct Toxic Dump now.
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toxic dump I've redone the third level as well I hope you like my creative shortcut. Since the N64 version doesn't have an ingame time I'll have to figure it out, although I could be out by as much as second either way, but I've done frame counts. I'll compare to the PC run note: the PC run was done on the easiest difficulty 1st Stage TAS: 14 PC: 12 (I divert about 3-4 seconds to get a jetpack 2nd Stage TAS: 42 PC: 49 (JetPack saved time here) 3rd Stage TAS: 45 PC: 1:01 4th Stage TAS: 1:01 PC: 46 The reason for being so slow in the fourth level is because the PC version has an exclusive duck jump glitch which saves a vast amount of time possibly +30 seconds.
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I think it is a good job, although the game is nauseating but alright. :)
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Here's what I've got so far, although I'm messing about with the boss in real time, it seems circling close doesn't work and I've got dum dums but not a pistol, so that can be saved for next boss providing I can pick up a pistol somewhere without the need to divert also holo Duke is the most useless thing ever, I've though about combining steroids with the mighty but for reasons stated earlier I doubt it'll work.
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Episode 1 I did a bit of forward planning for the furture since the second boss has a lot more health than this one, but I'd like to know if there is a pistol I could pick up somwhere in episode withoutn diverting too much time since dum dums are very powerful.
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Just want to say that I'm completely screwed at the moment since I don't know where I can pick up a pistol anywhere in the second episode, if Rick or anyone else can tell me then it would be grealty appreaciated.
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Don't you have a lot of ammo right now or is that not enough? There is a shotgun in the 2nd level if that isn't too far away.
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I've decided to completely redo the first episode after realising many possible improvements and better planning moves for later levels. My overall improvement is about 40 seconds enjoy.
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40? beautiful! will watch tonight.
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Hard to understand what is going on a lot of the time but it looked better than the old version so good job.
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I've realised something very bad now after messing about in the Toxic Dump and Abyss. the duck jump glitch IS infact possible to do, unfortunatley although currently both these stages can be improved through the use of this glitch, the game updates frames irregularly and is not hex friendly, so I'll have to leave the improvement strictly to another improvement run, I have been able to do all the current episode two glitches so far so thats good.
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yeah. as with any TAS, bummer about discovering tricks late in the run, and N64 is the worst since it's the least hex friendly. edit: your latest WIP was good.
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Space The Final Frontier (or is it...) Here's episode 2 , there is a lot of glitches and shortcuts used to radically cut down pretty much every level, I hope you like the boss fight
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Eh, nice job again, I laughed but mostly because of the awful fps on the train thing and at the end.
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*Said in the voice of Towely* You guys... you guys.. I have no idea what's going on... Seriously, it looks well played, and maybe my 3 month old laptop just doesn't have the processing power this games needs, but my frame rates ranged between 9 and 25 most of the time I was watching. Must be game specific I'm thinking.
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mmbossman wrote:
*Said in the voice of Towely* You guys... you guys.. I have no idea what's going on... Seriously, it looks well played, and maybe my 3 month old laptop just doesn't have the processing power this games needs, but my frame rates ranged between 9 and 25 most of the time I was watching. Must be game specific I'm thinking.
Basically the game updates frames irreguarly, from watching normally the game will appear to be 30fps, but the game updates frames anywhere between 1 to 10 frames, so thats a range of 6 to 60fps, although the game uses a clever trick because the slower the update the bigger the difference between one frame and the last, although I haven't really been able to abuse this feature exept maybe by being able to dash through enemies in certain tight spaces.
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what the FAQ? this game has no music :/
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It would sound kinda corny with music, but I guess it already is.
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Hey, AKA, I wanted to know if you'd worked on this run any more in the last few months at all.
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No, I haven't worked on it at all. Hoe is collabariting with others on a Duke done quicker run which will show upto date routes and strategies, although the downside of the Duke done quick run is that is starts each level with no items gained from the previous levels. I generally think the response to the last one was too negative since it got rejected due to possible improvements, but I'm pretty sure thats not the real reason (wink, wink).
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Are you implying it's my fault? =P Yeah, it probably is on the advice column, since I did take a few months off from the forum because I was getting really, really jaded to these runs and that's not what I wanted. I've been back for a bit and I'm willing to spread my knowledge of this game, since I know tons about it inside, outside, and upside-down. =P I also use Project64 as my emulator, since I had a lot of trouble using Mupen64. Otherwise, I might actually do an all-levels run. I mean really, I've been here for almost three years and have done nothing in the way of runs. I need to start sometime here. XD
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Rick wrote:
Are you implying it's my fault? =P
No, he's implying that this forum values entertainment way too much.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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I wasn't serious about that. That's why I added the goofy face to that sentence.
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laughing_gas wrote:
Rick wrote:
Are you implying it's my fault? =P
No, he's implying that this forum values entertainment way too much.
I wasn't trying to directly imply that, the thing with FPS's is that they are difficult to follow first espeacially if you're knowledge is thin on the game itself, but once you're used to it can be very entertaining and cool. I think I'll give this another shot on the easiest setting and try and break 14 mins, prepare for even more glitches this time, as well as that I've learned what things I can avoid collecting, mainly becuase I overestimated boss energy and mass enemy problems. TASing should also be easier now that I know the brightness can be increased using the 1.6 pluggin, since my movements were very approxiamte in the dark areas.
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Boss energy really is a problem for sure, but Dum Dum bullets really give a lot of bang for the buck. The max of 36 bullets you have is enough to down just about anything, not to mention you have the speed of firing the pistol shots on your side. I don't know whether you went after them in your run because I can't watch any N64 emulator vids (Unless they're on AVI), but it's definitely something to think about. I'll try to help further if I possibly can. I'll run through this topic one more time after I've had a nap to look for talked-about glitches again (because my memory is horrid most of the time) and we can start from there. Also, I find it funny that the game takes place in 2007, yet there's no teleporters here in real life yet, nor have aliens shown up. =P