Using a hex editor to edit the resets back in after using the TAS movie editor provides a solution, so this run will have resets. We'll look into partboy1a's lua script to see which is more convenient.
Now that we completed the first world again, it's time to release a WIP! We will release a wip up to 2-4 for now of our old movie before the walljumps were known. 2-1 through 2-4 will be the levels we will be working on again, and we have some very nice improvements planned for them! These won't just be walljump-improvements. For now, enjoy this new (old) WIP!
Spezzafer used a 1-1 warp in this level, and we decided not to use them in our TAS to avoid seeing 1-1 over and over, and display the full game. The big frame loss in this stage is solely because the 1-1 warp was not used. Not using this warp enables us to show off some very nice aspects of 2-1 that reduce the frame loss vs the warped version significantly.
These aspects include the baby room, and using the dog. Shooting an egg to the right of him works like throwing a ball with a real dog. It makes him turn around faster and he runs faster than yoshi does.
Time saved in 2-1: -2694 frames
Total time saved: 13 frames
Lots of optimizations and better strategies, which all add up.
Time saved in 2-2: 338 frames
Total time saved: 351 frames
Same as 2-2. This level has a nice and lively first room, and some sweet egg shots later on.
Time saved in 2-3: 141 frames
Total time saved: 492 frames
Shooting the ladder before when entering the door may seem like an improvement as Yoshi is walking into the door instantly, but it is merely visually entertaining.
The first Flipper is skipped with the use of the enemy, for which a short wait was required. This avoids having to go through the stair formation cutscene and enables Yoshi to take a route in the ‘wrong’ direction.
Time saved in 2-4: 319 frames
Total time saved: 811 frames