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One would think it wouldn't take much time to run through it. It's not a very tough game, per se. The trouble lies in the major BS factor that you HAVE to be a certain level before you can do any damage to certain bosses. I think you have to be level 15 or 16 before you tackle the one in the mountains. There a way around this, or would trying to make a run through this be bland? Trying to think of other games to work on, but aside from realizing that I STILL suck at Solar Jetman... ><
Joined: 5/24/2004
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I would *LOVE* to see a speed run of Crystalis. I am pretty sure there is no way around leveling up to kill the bosses, but in a speed run, leveling up shouldn't really look that tedious. It wouldn't take very long with optimized movements. Solar Jetman is a great game as well. The speed run I'm pushing for is Street Fighter: 2010 for NES. It was a semi-tough game for nes, but the challenge was elegant and non-frustrating. Anyway, I would urge you to try a Crystalis run. You can do it!
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I'm gonna say it just like Goldberg: Crystalis, you're next!! First, I'd like to request Bisqwit or someone fix the spelling on this thread. Ok, so I think this is possible, but I need to do some research first, probably on my console version. The big problem is that not just bosses, but each enemy has a minimum level to hit them. So I need to figure out what level is needed to hit each enemy and power up accordingly. Then I know where to level up. I messed around some, running through the first valley and got to the wizard boss in about 3 min, it looks pretty fast. However, I was stuck on level 1. It seems the only enemies you can hit on lvl 1 are the slimes and tigers in the valley. At 1 exp each it will take 30 kills. I hope after that I can kill bigger enemies in the first cave and get to 3. On level 3 I can kill the first boss and go on to pick up the fire sword which will expand what enemies I can hit. At this point I will probably start warping around and build my level up. The ideal goal would be to kill the green crossbow guards outside Goa. Wind sword will hit them when I can get the level. I'll power up on them until I am high enough level to hit everything up to getting thunder sword, level 11 according to this faq. Of course I'll be getting experience along the way, so the optimal process isn't simple. The last few levels I'll kill those scorpions in the cave by sahara, this will level me up quickly. There are 2 big timesavers I've found so far: First, you can attack while moving. You can also move diagonally, and your guy moves fast, making a timeattack look pretty cool. Furthermore, the signature sword-charging can be done while moving at full speed by using turbo on the attack button! This will be very handy. There is a warp cheat you can use to go to 16 different spots in the game. I'll use this to level up quickly but it seems poor spirited to abuse it for convenient travel. Teleport magic is obtained fairly early. Any comments, questions, etc, I'll need all the help I can get!!
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I just don't think this would make a good run, due to the necessary levels. Later on, it does not get any more flexible than it is in the beginning: you will not be able to progress to the next level in order to get exp faster even using an emulator, because once you get there you won't be able to kill anything. And if I remember, it's not simple as killing the monster, getting him off the screen, and approaching him again to make him reappear- you have to go pretty far to do so(though exiting and reentering the area works, as it sounds you plan for the goa chaps)
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Yes, my plan is to find spots where I can go in and out of doors quickly and an enemy is nearby. Doing this is very fast when each iteration is perfect. I just have to find out where to do this for each level. The plan so far: level 1->2: outside cave to windmill, slime appears. 1 xp each, need 30. level 2->3: wind cave, in the middle there is a spot where you can leave a door and a dragon is nearby. For a fast kill you need to run halfway around and trap him against the wall. Takes several slashes but gives 3 xp. Not sure if this is faster than the slime which only takes one hit. On the way I can hack a few green slimes for 2 xp each. Ok, so maybe it won't work out, but I'm gonna try. This game is so sweet that it's worth a try.
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Have you planned out what bought items are necessary to continue quests? I don't think there are any for awhile, maybe not even until you start meeting petrified individuals, when you need lime flutes. Also, taking damage to save time? I seem to remember that getting damaged does indeed give you a push in the direction of the part of the enemy you hit. If this is true, any spare money could be spent on armor to allow this to happen as often as possible.
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Haven't planned out too far ahead, however alarm flute is needed early, so buying it with the starting money is a no-brainer. You need another one at some point, but it's a while. Lime flutes are never bought, you must be thinking of lime fruit which only unpetrifies yourself. I believe you do need a medical herb at some point, so might be worth getting that in the beginning as well. Still, forward planning might suggest buying 2 alarm flutes with the initial money and buying or finding a medical herb later. Yes, hits in the right direction will speed things up but armor will take money which I will probably not get. Picking up money may add to level-building time, I'll only do if it's free. Leveling will up defense and hp. I'll point out that Walker never bought armor in his Faxanadu run, and I think the impact is similar here.
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http://home.comcast.net/~f_amoroso/Crystalis-TheAxeManv0.1.fcm Ok, worked my way into the first cave in pretty short time. Did about 40 secs of running one enemy to get the first level up in addition to killing stuff on the way. Looks like killing stuff is going to be a bigger help than taking hits as I need lots of experience to get levels up. The spot where the video ends is where I'll pick up level 3. Yeah, I think I could have optimized some of the battles more by using the charge shot but so far this is a good first run-through, I think I've shown it will be possible. Levels will take time but I only need to get to 15 through the course of the game.
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Well, I found my new favorite thread. I'll watch your video, and see if I can recommend anything. Well, movements in general seem very smooth. The person you ran into in town after the item shop costs time, but I assume it was longer to go around them. You should buy the second alarm flute at the start, as it will save you a trip to the shop later. Once you're in the cave, killing the green slimes, is there a reason you aren't charging a shot at all times? It would seem to me that since it does more damage, it would save you one sword swing per enemy.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
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Ok, went a little further it's at the same URL. I will probably start almost all over and get two alarm flutes and also figure out what experience I need. It doesn't seem possible to do the Stom duel at level 3 even with perfect playing. Does anyone know about this? Not sure what level it is but I will figure it out. But after that I can pick up fire sword and kill bigger stuff. I'll also have to look at what level I need for the big insect, hopefully nothing more than Stom. After that I'll need level 7 for Kelbesque and I'll probably do that on the first mountain. After that I don't think there are any level requirements past that until Sabera, and there will be plenty of good leveling spots. I'm thinking of the sea cave, right outside there is an octopus. The teleport cheat looks less and less useful...I will probably just forget about it. Yeah, I think I might want to try charging the sword more. However, it takes time to charge-about as much time as 2-3 slashes--so it is generally faster to just keep hacking unless I have time to charge. Yes, the person I talked to in town was just in the way, it is fairly quick if you cancel it fast and definitely faster than going around. Couldn't manipulate them out of the way either.
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Alright. The Bug in the swamps requires level 5. Kelbesque is level 7, and Sabera is the next level requirement, at 11. Mado requires level 12, Kelbesque v2 13, Sabera v2 13, Mado v2 14, Karmine 14, Emperor Draygon 15, and beyond that, 16 is required. There was really only one time where a charge probably would have helped, and that was when you were going south on the bridge in the cave. There are two enemies down there, and you might be able to manipulate it so that the charge shot hits both of them, saving a few frames. EDIT: I removed the comment about Stom. I'm going to look into it.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
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I thought Stom was the Wind Bracelet chap until I heard the name Kelbesque. I looked it up, and Stom is the one you duel to get telepathy. I never knew that was reliant on level.
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I remembered that Stom was the one you had to pin to the wall, which is why I edited my comment out. Now that I think about it though, the higher your level, the easier it is to pin him. I think you'll need to be at least 4, and maybe 5 to do so. You need to be level 5 for the Bug Boss anyways, so perhaps the best route is to get near level 5, as you would be doing anyways, and when you're close, head over to the house, level up along the way, and beat Stom senseless.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
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Thanks for the breakdown of level reqs. Did some more experimenting and I think I have things planned out for a bit. Tried Stom again at 4 and couldn't. I'm sure it's possible at 5 though. After beating the vampire I'll get the statue and gas mask and build to level 4 fighting those warthog men. In the northwest corner of that second outer world there is a spot where you can go back and forth spawning them pretty quick. After that I'll go to the swamp and build to 5 on the caterpiller type insects. You need level 4 to hit them. Then Oak, Stom, use the warp boots back to Oak, rescue kid and beat big bug. With fire sword and ball my arsenal becomes much more powerful :). On to Mt Sabre.
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Goldberg references = A-OK in my book. Ah, for the days when wrestling didn't totally suck... Anyway, I like the looks of this movie. The leveling up seems like it'll be plenty tolerable, and fighting in general goes by quickly. Good luck! -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Thanks for the breakdown of level reqs. Did some more experimenting and I think I have things planned out for a bit. Tried Stom again at 4 and couldn't.
Took about 30 seconds of constant button mashing to get him pinned at level 3, but it can be done, even at 100% speed.
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Hmmm, I wasn't able to mash fast enough at 100% at level 3 when I attempted it. It would seem you are a better button masher than I am.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
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When I tried it in real time it only took a few seconds, I went in there with a fully charged shot which knocked him back a bunch, then just kept hitting the button until I won. This was at wahtever level the speedrun was at, which at the momemy I cant remember. Edit: I guess now that I look at it again it's not letting off the charged shot even though it's charged. I guess just am hitting the button fast enough to push him back with no trouble... which isn't very fast...
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hmm, I'll have to try this again then. At any rate, I do need lvl 5 to kill the big bug which is definitely not negotiable. However, since I'll be back in the swamp I can get 5 then instead of the first time through.
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Ok, tried Stom again and was able to win at level 3. It ended up being a 30 second deal though. This seems to be a luck manipulation item as his attack pattern seems strange. Moving left and right doesn't seem to help. If anyone wants to check this out in more detail feel free. My hands need a break.
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I really dont' see what your guys problem is with Stom, after your last post I went out tried to beat him. This is my first attempt at real time speed, here. You can use the autofire button and get a time which is probably faster then what I have there. Set it to 400% speed and just hold the autofire button through that room, it will be way faster than 30 seconds...
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Thanks for posting your fight, b. Looking at your fight and comparing it to mine, it's obvious that Stom is not attacking as much in yours. This is why you win and I lose. Sword speed only matters to a certain extent, it's much more valuable to have Stom attack less than to get more attacks yourself. With autofire held down Stom beats me. Same thing happened on level 4. So it looks like a complex luck manipulation problem to make Stom attack less.
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I'll agree with that, because I also did not have the same results when fighting Stom. I'll see if I can play around with it, and get a more surefire method to beating it. Ok, here's what I've found thusfar. It takes two hits from Stom to move you back the first time, and one hit each time thereafter. It takes you 3 hits to move Stom back the first time, and 4 hits thereafter. Each hit of his cancels one of yours, and vise-versa (meaning that even if you don't move him back, you can gain an extra hit before being pushed back. That's why you can trade blows without being forced back all that quickly, but eventually you will lose). It appears that his attack frequency is generated when you enter the room, because when I saved after entering, he always seemed to attack with the same frequency, regardless of any held buttons. On one try entering the room, I was able to have him attack only once out of every 2 attacks I made. This, combined with a weaving left and right after each hit, allowed me to dodge around half of his attacks, and I forced him to the wall in about 15 seconds. I'm not sure if I could have just stood in front of him and forced him back more quickly though.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
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Redid just about everything and I'm pretty happy up through the first boss. I will try to clean up the level 4 buildup. The spot I used worked out really well but I think I can do a slightly better job of respawning the enemies. I still have to figure out Stom, but I haven't put much work into him yet. But hey, overall I've made it to level 4 and change in about 7 minutes, a little better than the skeptics would have guessed. One more thing, I get a discount when I buy the first alarm flute due to a glitch. The starting money is enough to pay full price for both and I don't know if I have any use for money after this but I'll take it anyway. If I do have reason to shop again, I'll try to remember this. http://home.comcast.net/~f_amoroso/Crystalis-TheAxeManv0.3.fcm
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It's been a while since I played the game, but can't you skip the name entry sequence by comtinuing from a blank file?
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