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Actually, I think you can, now that you mention it.
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Yes, but your not suppose to start from a save...
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Oh man I can't believe I didn't see this. This means picking continue instead of start on the title screen and picking an empty slot. You just get dropped into the opening room with no name and skip the computer readout sequence. Oh well, I will probably continue from where I am and start over later on a master run. I want to run through and figure everything out before I get into all the details. Already have some ideas to speed things up even more. I think I can speed up the first level more and use the discount glitch to buy 2 alarm flutes and warp boots with the starting money. Those warp boots along with the ones I get in the first cave will speed up things until I get teleport, assuming I can master this glitch. I was just playing on my nes version and actually did this glitch, it can be very useful. Thanks for pointing this out Zaku.
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So, are you planning on using the wild warp (this is what Nintendo Power called it long ago in an issue) to move around at any point, and if so, what points?
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This is a tricky item, and there are several options: 1-Don't use it at all, just warp boots and teleport. I can get 2 warp boots before teleport, and then once I have teleport I can go to any town I've been to. 2-Abuse it to skip major goals. I don't know how much is possible, I think it will mess things up if you try to skip certain things. For example, would it be possible to skip the whole deal of turning on the windmill by warping into that cave? I wouldn't get refresh magic but would I be able to continue normally? Perhaps I should answer that question as a 'yes' would speed things up significantly. It wouldn't solve the leveling problem though, I would still have to work my way up the food chain. I'm pretty certain I'd still have to get all the swords and probably all the balls. This would lead to more requirements and in the end it might not be far from the first option. For example getting the thunder sword (definitely required) requires getting into Shyron -> change magic -> paralysis magic and love pendant.... 3-Only use it to speed up travel. I wouldn't skip any requirements to get items or talk to people, just use the warp to get around faster. Between this and teleport, a lot of walking would be cut out and revisiting places would be faster. It seems like if I would do this then why not go all out and try skipping things. Well, some studying is definitely needed, but also some input, what does everyone think?
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I'd say go for 2, but as you said, between level, item, and magic requirements, I don't know how much it'll help. edit: I remember the only thing I really used it for when playing the game(not under time constraints) was to get paralysis early. But that would hardly be useful here.
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I am waiting this movie.
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Ok, did some research and found out that I can skip quite a bit with the warp. Leveling will be somewhat slower in at least one spot, but this will still save plenty of time. I actually went through the game on my console skipping most of this and it went pretty well. Of course I still need to worry about leveling up. So what can I skip? I'll omit simple movement speedups like teleporting out of dungeons, etc and list what plot items can be skipped: The whole windmill starting could potentially be skipped. This is iffy as, it would mean forgoing refresh, essentially the only healing method in this game. Medicine herbs quickly become useless. Not sure if this is all right as there are swamps, spikes, deserts not to mention bosses that might be impossible or impractical to dodge. So more research needed here, I have so far only gone on my console and definitely needed healing. First boss can be skipped. Not the whole cave, as I need the ball of wind. No rabbit boots, but this is ok, I'll be skipping the part where I need them. Both parts of Mt Sabre can be skipped completely, including Kelbesque. This skips quite a few things, including teleport magic, the worthless tornado bracelet, rescuing the villagers of Leaf. Oh well. However, it's worth going to the lower part of Mt Sabre for level building. Paralysis is required, but this is obtainable by taking a few steps into the cave from the other side. It's not necessary to obtain the fog lamp. One of the teleportation spots drops you off at the start of the sea where you first meet Kensu. You must talk to him even though he just complains about losing something. For some reason this triggers being able to call the dolphin. Getting the shell flute and going out to sea is required to get the love pendant. It's also a great spot for leveling up. The entire evil island dungeon can be skipped by teleporting to Swan. However, the first room is an amazingly rich level-up spot, definitely worth a quick conversation with Ralph, the elder of Joel. After this, I can go back from Swan to pick up barrier magic, which I will definitely need if I skip refresh, and maybe even with refresh. After this, there isn't much else to skip. I can skip changing shape to fool the guards, but change magic is needed a couple other places. I have thought about and tested where to get levelups. Of course I'll kill anything in my path for the few places I have to walk, but certain enemies will be the mainstay for each level. Here are my plans: (experience for each kill) 2: blue slimes in the first valley (1) 3: sealed cave-green dragons (3) 4: walking warthogs near Tornel's cabin (5) 5: swamp bugs (8) 6,7: ice zombies on Mt. Sabre south (12) 8: Lamias in sword of water cave (50) 9: Spiders in Kirisa plant cave (120) 10,11: Sea cave room on evil island (160) 12,13: Sorceror dude in Styx cave (672) 14: Spiders in Goa fortress, section before Mado (1280) 15,16: Scorpions in cave between Sahara and pyramid (1440)
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That's surprising, I think it'll make it more interesting. About how long does it take to fully cycle through all teleportation points, anyway?
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Well, I can't tell you any exact times for the teleportations, but if I remember correctly, it takes about 1 second to teleport between areas. There are 16 spots, so that'd be 16 or so seconds. Generally though, you wouldn't need to teleport through all that many spots at a given time.
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I tested the teleportation and it found that each teleport takes about 44-47 frames depending on load time. This means a full circuit in about 12 seconds. Using warp boots probably takes about 2 seconds as you must select them in your inventory, use them, select the target and then warp in. This still beats WW sometimes if it drops you off closer to where you want to be. I've plotted out the teleportation sequence in a little outline. This plan calls for 3 warp boots which are easily obtained. Here's the plan: (WW is wild warp, WB is warp boots) WW: from sleep chamber to Leaf --get sword of wind and 2 boots WW: outside Leaf --build to level 2 on the blue blobs WW: sealed cave entrance --get ball of wind, medical herb, warp boots, build to level 3 WW: sealed cave exit --build to level 4, get statue and trade for gas mask WW: swamp --at some point before big bug, need to get level 5 --talk to Oak villager (either WW back to sealed cave exit or just walk to Tornel's hut) --beat Stom, get telepathy WB: Oak --talk to mom, rescue kid, get flute and fire sword --beat big bug, get ball of fire WW: Mt Sabre South --build to level 7 on the ice zombies WW: Mt Sabre exit near Portoa --step in cave to get paralysis --go to Portoa, get flute of lime --waterfall cave, sword of water, level 8 on lamias WW: Valley south of Portoa --get ball of water from Rage (either WW back to the same valley point or just walk there. If WW, then maybe get recover and shell flute here) --Kirisa plant cave, get level 9 and kirisa plant WB: Portoa --Talk to Asina for Recover and give herb to dolphin for shell flute WW: boat to sea --Talk to Kensu, call dolphin --go to Joel, talk to Ralph the Elder WW: Sea cave linked to Portoa --get love pendant, build up to lvl 11 in sea cave WW: Swan --talk to Stom, use paralysis to reveal Kensu, give him love pendant for Change magic --go back to sea to get Barrier magic [this might be avoidable, but it would require using an inn later] WW: Mt Hydra (2 warps) --sneak into Shyron with Change, get key to Styx [I think it will be worthwhile to buy magic rings here so I can spam out L3 thunder attacks later. With the shopping glitch they're only $180 each] --Styx cave, build to lvl 13 on the sorceror-type dudes, get thunder sword (a free warp back to Shyron) WW: Goa fortress (2 warps) --approach wall and get distress call WW: Sealed cave exit (looping back through several warps) --visit Amazones, get Bow of Moon and Blizzard Ring [not strictly necessary but easy to get and will speed up Mado battles] WB: Shyron --beat Mado, get ball of thunder [I think power ring is worth getting, it will speed up the many coming boss fights and the battle in the tower, not to mention the last few levelups] WW: Desert entrance (several warps) --get Power Ring (ball of thunder required) WW: Goa Fortress --beat all of the "finest four" --build to level 14 before Mado2. Finding these spiders requires a quick side trip, but it's worthwhile --get Thunder bracelet after Karmine [again, not strictly necessary but this is quick to get and will speed things up ahead] --get Flight magic from Kensu WW: Mt Hydra (looping back through several warps) --fly over chasm to get bow of sun WW: Desert by pyramid (several warps) --duck into cave and max level at 16 on the scorpions --go to first pyramid dungeon, run through and beat Draygon --Azteca gives bow of truth --second pyramid dungeon. Use all bows and beat Draygon's true form --Floating tower. Spam out L3 thunder strikes. Get Crystalis and final boss is a joke
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For now, that sounds like a good path to take. Once I see it in action, I might see something wrong with this plan, but I don't see it now.
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Just thought I'd check in and see how this run is going. I'm anxious to see the new version.
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http://home.comcast.net/~f_amoroso/Crystalis-TheAxeManv0.4.zip Ok Hamm, you asked for it. A full test run in 48:30. I think I can get this down to 45:00 with a bit of work, maybe even better. Of course the more feedback I get the better. There are quite a few mistakes, unplanned problems, etc here. Most time improvement will come from leveling faster. In pretty much every case the bosses made themselves easier than I could ever have expected, I hope I can get this lucky on a real run. Oh yeah, the wild warp can be confusing sometimes as it's pretty sudden, so sometimes things are hard to follow. Problems I ran into: --A couple times I have to spend several minutes leveling up, and it's kind of tedious. The worst is the ice zombies. Even though I have a pretty efficient circular pipeline of destruction, it takes about 5 minutes to get levels 6 and 7. But in those 5 minutes I kill 150 of these dudes! Unfortunately, these ice zombies are the best I can do at this point. In the sea cave and styx dungeon I also need 2 levels each, which takes time. You can think of it as a snack break or intermission. --I had hoped I could step into Goa from the fortress and then warp in later with boots to save from looping through all the warp points. It seems you have to walk all the way through, then on warp booting in you'd have to walk through again. Since this is the case, I end up wild warping through all the warp points again. I also bought extra warp boots in Swan for this purpose. --You have to pick up the items the boss drops. I end up dropping something so I can pick up Sabera's fruit of repun. I don't really need this, the sacred shield, or the opel statue. Item space won't be a problem since I won't be getting magic rings. --I still haven't figured out Stom. I couldn't find any way to change his attack pattern besides losing a couple times. --Looks like in changed form the dolphin doesn't go as fast. Oops, didn't realize this until too late. --Also, doing the moving charge trick slows you down when riding the dolphin. I stick to hacking sea enemies. --Leveling in the Kirisa cave, I couldn't find a good spot with just the spiders. The spiders give the most experience and are vulnerable to the sword of water so they would be ideal for leveling. I think next time I'll blow open that wall before leveling to give myself more room and also kill enemies on the way through the cave. The first room is probably the best as once you get deeper into the cave the enemy mix isn't as lucrative and there isn't one sword which hits them all either. Helpful things I found: --Using the wild warp interrupts some sequences, like waiting for Akahana to leave Brynmaer. A neat little bonus. --I don't need any magic rings. I was able to use magic and level 3 sword attacks as much as I needed and plot-based healing was enough. In fact, I made it through with no armor, no shield, no healing magic and without visiting an inn. It was kinda close so if things worked out differently, I could get one from the chest near where I built to level 14. Actually, I do acquire an armor and a shield near the end, but I didn't bother equipping either. It might be a good idea to equip the Psycho armor and take some hits near the end. Shields are completely useless in this game though. If I want to block enemy attacks, I'll use barrier. --Barrier was pretty useful. In the final tower it was hard to use against the gold robots, but easy on the silver ones. It might be faster to just use hack and barrier tactics vs these guys instead of a thunderstorm. My favorite use was on Karmine-without his curse he's nothing. Also, after checking the statue traps I needed barrier on, I can confirm that one of these is needed to get by these: 1. Barrier. Easy to get, many uses. 2. Refresh. Requires a few chores in the beginning, including spending precious starting money on an alarm flute. 3. Decent armor and inn stops. Not really practical as this would take more time to get than barrier and not be as useful. --I think getting power ring was a good call. It took about 53 seconds, which is easily returned on the remaining bosses and leveling. I could cut this down slightly by waiting until I have flight, but then I wouldn't have it for the fortress. The ice bridges are actually in pretty convenient locations so I think I will stick with this part of the plan. Definitely glad I did this test run, this game is so complex that it would have been impossible to figure everything out in one pass. I think my next step is another test run, and then I'll be ready to go all out. I'll be a little smarter on planning, and hopefully faster on all the leveling. I also have some minor changes for the warp pattern, using warp boots more. I'll get the first three in the same place and the rest in Portoa, as I walk right by the item shop. Here's the new plan: WW: from sleep chamber to Leaf --get sword of wind and 2 boots WW: outside Leaf --build to level 2 on the blue blobs WW: sealed cave entrance --get ball of wind, medical herb, warp boots, build to level 3 WW: sealed cave exit --build to level 4, get statue and trade for gas mask WW: swamp --build to lvl 5 --talk to Oak villager WB: Brynmaer --beat Stom, get telepathy WB: Oak --talk to mom --find kid WB: Oak --get flute and fire sword --beat big bug, get ball of fire WW: Mt Sabre South --build to level 7 on the ice zombies WW: Mt Sabre exit near Portoa --step in cave to get paralysis --go to Portoa, buy more WB(3), get flute of lime WB: Portoa, just to get from queen to entrance --waterfall cave, sword of water, level 8 on lamias WW: Valley south of Portoa --get ball of water from Rage --Kirisa plant cave, get level 9 and kirisa plant WB: Portoa --Talk to Asina for Recover and give herb to dolphin for shell flute WW: boat to sea --Talk to Kensu, call dolphin --go to Joel, talk to Ralph the Elder, get back on dolphin WW: Sea cave linked to Portoa --get love pendant, build up to lvl 11 in sea cave WW: Swan --talk to Stom, use paralysis to reveal Kensu, give him love pendant for Change magic WW: Mt Hydra (2 warps) --sneak into Shyron with Change, get key to Styx WW: Sealed cave exit (looping back through several warps) --visit Amazones, get Bow of Moon and Blizzard Ring [not strictly necessary but easy to get and will speed up Mado battles] WW: Swan --go back to sea to get Barrier magic WW: Mt Hydra (multiple warps) --Styx cave, build to lvl 13 on the sorceror-type dudes, get thunder sword (a useless free warp back to Shyron) WW: Goa (2 warps) --enter fortress, approach wall and get distress call WB: Shyron --beat Mado, get ball of thunder [I think power ring is worth getting, for a 53 sec side trip it will speed up the many coming boss fights and the battle in the tower, not to mention the last few levelups] WW: Desert entrance (several warps) --get Power Ring WW: Goa Fortress --beat all of the "finest four" --build to level 14 before Mado2. Finding these spiders requires a quick side trip, but it's worthwhile --get Thunder bracelet after Karmine --get Flight magic from Kensu WW: Mt Hydra (looping back through several warps) --fly over chasm to get bow of sun WW: Desert by pyramid (several warps) --duck into cave and max level at 16 on the scorpions --go to first pyramid dungeon, run through and beat Draygon --Azteca gives bow of truth --second pyramid dungeon. Use all bows and beat Draygon's true form --Floating tower. Spam out L3 thunder strikes. Get Crystalis and final boss is a joke
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FINALLY got to watching it, after a period of not being at my computer. I sped through the leveling up like crazy, it was just as slow as I figured it'd be(not your fault). However, it was well done, and I know you weren't overly careful on perfection since you didn't plan on submitting it. The leveling was really painful though... I'd probably abstain when it came time to vote. Nonetheless, I can't think of anything in terms of actual route adjustment. As long as what you fight give the most experience over time for whatever level you are at the time, then you have no real changes to make. There were a few times where I felt you may have stayed leveling in one area too long- the Kirisa cave is all that comes to mind right now, which you mentioned in your post. By killing less at the door and killing more on the way, you could save your time, which I recognize that you figured out. There may have been other areas like this as well, I forget. If they could beat Stom at level 3, I'm sure you can at level 5. For those that did at level 3, did you lose to him before winning? Have you tried waiting outside his door before entering? Waiting between entering and talking to him? Stabbing him in various ways rather than as many times as possible(perhaps you can interrupt his stab with yours)? I like the use of the warp a lot. The planning paid off.
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I watched the enitre video... the leveling is definately painful. It raised a question in my mind - how much of a differential would it be if you killed the enemies you bypass, instead of looping? Is there that much of an experience differential that you don't gain much by killing them? You walk by soooo many enemies, it seems like taking an extra step or two to kill them would be worth it, since watching the leveling is like watching paint dry.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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DarkKobold: most enemies in this game can't be killed with all 4 swords, and most of the enemies he bypasses are enemies that can't be harmed with the sword he is carrying. Switching swords all the time would waste more time than would be gained killing them. Ok, I watched the video this morning, and I'm just now commenting, so I may be off on a few things. The good parts first! Bosses are handled EXTREMELY well. They all seem to be defeated with very little room for improvement. The general path layout seems correct. I have a few thoughts on it, but I'll adress that later. I thought your use of the barrier spell was also well done. You conserve magic very well. Number 1, Stom. I know he can be defeated the first time you see him. I just don't know how. I know that in the 20 or so times I've played through the game, I've beaten him without losing first. Next, Leveling up in the Swamp. I noticed that many times you attacked an enemy going left or right, pushing it farther away from you, instead of driving it down into a wall, where you can repeatedly hit it quickly. Is this to move the screen far enough to force enemy respawns? If not, wouldn't it be faster to step around them, and hit them into the walls (this complaint carries over to most level up spots)? The warrior ring (the ring that allows you to shoot level 1 charge shots whenever you attack) is found in goa, by changing into Akahana (sp?) and talking to the guy in the upper-right house. Would using this instead of the power ring speed up leveling, by hitting multiple enemies at once, and if so, would it offset the time taken to get it? It is probably a waste of time, but I have to ask. Also, what are the level requirements for the enemies you level up on? Can you go to any of those locations earlier, in order to speed the leveling process? I think you are on the right path, and I really enjoyed the run. Keep up the good work.
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Well in some cases I did pass by enemies that I should have probably killed. Moving through an area and killing enemies is pretty complex, so I ignored the problem for now. However, the levelup loops I do obtain experience much faster than walking through large areas where you really only see a few enemies. I can spend 10 seconds walking and kill one enemy or 10 seconds in a loop and kill 3, 4, even 5 sometimes. This is one reason why I wasn't sure if warping was a good idea, as it significantly increases the proportion of the time spent leveling. As it stands, it's about 44% of the time here. Things are faster overall though. Sadly, the best levelup spots are all easy enemies which don't make for interesting battles. Tougher enemies are usually less numerous, in less accessable spots and don't respawn as quickly. As far as killing as I walk, I can kill most enemies easily early on, but later it can be very inconvenient for many reasons: --Switching swords. Switching swords for one or two enemies usually isn't worth it. Sometimes I don't have the sword to kill an enemy. --Experience differential. When you're walking by an enemy that gives less than a third of what you can get from the enemy in the loop, why bother? Since your exp goes to 0 at every levelup, it may not even matter if you kill it or not. Combined with needing to switch swords, this is a strong deterrant. --The blob guys can only be killed when they congeal a torso. --The sorcerors in the second pyramid dungeon can only be hit by sword of wind and take a zillion hits to kill. --Fast-flying bugs may never be in a good position to hit. --The invisible guys with just a shadow can only be killed with a level 3 sword attack, costing magic. Probably the two spots I can do less looping and more as I move are the Kirisa cave and the Styx cave. It looks like I can kill some soldiers and other enemies before Kelbesque, so I'll factor that in. The first Mado fight can be done on level 12, but he'll probably take an extra couple hits. In the first pyramid there are a couple scorpions near the beginning. Of course putting things off like this just means moving leveling to a later, more efficient spot, so it doesn't go away entirely. As far as Stom, I'm not sure when his attack pattern is set, but it's before the fight. You can't block his attacks or change his pattern by attacking differently yourself. All you can do during the fight is move left and right and attack. While attacking you stand still, and if he attacks he's going to hit you. So far the only time I've seen it change is after losing to him.
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The bosses do die pretty fast, I was really surprised how easy it was to achieve wholesale slaughter on them. Yeah, the swamp leveling could be done faster, I'm going to address this in my next run through. I need to find a loop in the swamp which has the most enemies and kill them efficiently. It might also go a little faster if I charged my sword. I did better in the second part of that leveling. Also, I'm going to change the route here by warp booting to Brynmaer after talking to the person in Oak. This will cut some non-productive walking time. Sometimes pushing an enemy along is a good thing. In particular, it lets me get levels 6 and 7 in 5 minutes instead of 10. But I think the one ice zombie by the slide I should be cornering instead of pushing back. In general, I need to move a certain distance to respawn more enemies, so I might as well hack as I walk. In fact, an ideal levelup loop would be moving constantly and killing as I go. At each levelup spot, I'm starting at the minimum level I can hit the enemy, or when I acquire the sword that hits them. If I do 2 levels at a spot, it's because I'm skipping an area which would be better or because there is no more lucrative spot at the next level. When testing, I found that in most areas you can't hit any of the enemies if you aren't at a high enough level to beat the bosses beforehand. For example, you have to be level 7 to kill the first Kelbesque (I skip him) and anything less than this you won't be able to hurt anything past Portoa. I need sword of water to hit the lamias, and they give much more exp than anything else I can hit at that level. Unfortunately, all 150 of the ice zombies I kill are the most experience possible at that point. Playing through regularly, it's easy to need leveling up at this point. As for the warrior ring, I like it too, and it wouldn't take too long to acquire-less than 20 seconds I'd say. However, this would be after the fortress, and the only use would be on the final leveling sequence. The scorpions take 3 hits with power ring, so 5 or 6 without. I can charge a shot walking in between and I need to move anyway to respawn. So I don't think it would be worthwhile. In general I think the power ring is going to be better in a timeattack since the main point of the warrior ring was keeping enemies away. Power ring is always going to be a faster kill.
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I'm familiar enough with the game to know the level requirements for bosses, but I've never attempted to try and figure out the level requirements for the enemies before. I'll trust you that you're doing things as low as possible. In fact, you used almost every level-up spot that I use, so I don't doubt for a second they are the best spots. I'm just trying to think of some way to speed up the process for those who don't enjoy watching you level up (which, sadly, I do). I wasn't sure if the warrior ring was available the first time you went to goa, or only after you've gone through it once. Since it is only available afterwards, it obviously wouldn't be worthwhile. Thanks for confirming that you were moving the enemies to speed up the respawn. I figured that was probably the case.
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Considering how great the power ring both looks and affects gametime, along with how fast he charges anyway, I don't think the warrior ring would benefit, perhaps even if it wasn't 20 seconds out of the way. Yes I forgot to mention, great job on the bosses as well(I tend to focus on negatives since they're more important to note). I had forgotten what sabera looked like and was looking forward to remembering, until she immediately died heh. Good show. One weird thing I noticed is that enemies need different distances to respawn sometimes. This was most obvious when leveling at the sorcerers in I think goa. Sometimes you had to walk almost down the stairs to respawn it, sometimes a little bit past. Same every other area in which you didn't leave the screen.
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Yes, the bosses really are the high point here, I laughed at every fight. The distance needed to respawn an enemy does seem to be random, and can vary quite a bit. I didn't put a lot of work into it on this run, but this is certainly an improvable item. It looks like after doing a loop for a while, the random factors die down a bit.
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Ok, after doing some more console-based testing I'm ready to start another run. Changes to levelup plan I'm considering: --Levelup to 9 will still be in the Kirisa cave, but it will be at the stairs between the first and second floors of the dungeon instead of right by the entrance. I'll also fight as I go through the cave. --Levelup to 5 will be in one shot with the trip to Oak afterwards. Actually, I will leave some exp off and kill some warthog dudes on the way to Tornel. I'll be using warp boots to teleport to Brynmaer after the first visit to Oak. Anyway, I want find and stick to a nice, tight loop, as it makes leveling faster. --Moving level 13 from Styx cave to the first area of Goa fortress. I think I've found a good spot to kill the knights and bats that swoop in with good frequency. It should be at least a little faster than the sorceror in Styx cave and a whole lot more impressive, as this is definitely not a spot you would normally want to level. The hard bounds I have to meet are level 12 for first Mado fight and 13 for Kelbesque, so I will try to hit these pretty close. --All other levelups will be in the same spot as before, but I will experiment some in speeding these up.
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http://home.comcast.net/~f_amoroso/Crystalis-TheAxeManv0.5.fcm I'll show off tonight's work on Crystalis. Everything is the same until I start leveling in the sealed cave. I earn level 3 faster with an improved killing method. Level 4 was earned only slightly faster, though I use very different tactics. Level 5 in the swamp is done much faster by sticking to a loop. My new warp boot usage also proves advantageous. I still don't have an elegant solution for Stom, but as far as I can tell, the method here is the fastest. It appears that his first two victories are assured long before the fight takes place, so I take a dive twice. The third time I used frame advance to get fastest possible slashing (faster than just holding down turbo). When this ends I have already earned about 40 seconds of improvement. This run should be completed under 45 minutes, and there's hope for even more. Unfortunately, I'll still need at least 4 minutes to kill the 150 ice zombies for the next two levels.
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Joined: 7/17/2004
Posts: 985
Reworked things so that I beat Stom on level 4 and get level 5 right before the boss, saving buildup time. One more d'oh I just realized is that if I'm shopping for warp boots in Portoa then I should get the medical herb there instead of in the sealed cave. Should be plenty of money after the ice zombies. Upon getting level 6 I'm now over a minute better than before.
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