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Bisqwit wrote:
We compare the movie length and style. If the lengths are equal, style decides. We hope that if movies are beaten, they are beaten with big changes instead of small changes.
This asnwer ,equal to my worried answer; I think that you think 'Why?'. about length: I changed my 'Contoler-Settings'. To change the settings need a few seconds.(maybe 2~3 seconds) This difference is fatal, If both(or Some) movies are close to Perfectry. But, I need to change the Settings. After all, I must loss my times. about style: I said in the past, "I want to play the First-Boss-Scene,Freely." (The scene means, no related with Clear-Time scenes.) Mazzic said 'In first battle with Ridley, You refer to Frenom's play.' Mr.Frenom's style is maybe best. I think so. Surely,his play has 'STYLE'. But I can't play like him. I want to play freely, in these case.(no related with Clear-Time scenes.) I can't give way; So,About these two points, I can't win(?) Mr.Frenom. Or maybe, another players,too. And more, this time, I must need a lot of times to make a move. I think you know why I need a lot of times; I'm sorry about my own convenience; But I'm very afraid of this case.(My movie become meaningless.)
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I noticed you changed the button settings. Are you playing using the keyboard, or are you using a controller? Either way, you could avoid this options screen by changing the joypad configuration of SNES9x instead of using the game remapping.
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NrgSpoon wrote:
I noticed you changed the button settings. Are you playing using the keyboard, or are you using a controller? Either way, you could avoid this options screen by changing the joypad configuration of SNES9x instead of using the game remapping.
Thank you for your advises. I can understand all. Yes, I usually used a controller. (Japanese Play-Staion's Controller, I use.) Yes, I know that snes9x's setting(or Controller's setting) can change. But I can't. It is broken, half done(or unfinished). So, I can't change settings, right now. If I want to repair my controller (and connecter), I must need some parts. Now I can't get these parts,sorry; (Yes, to get the parts is hard, nowaday...) Maybe, this problem is not serious; The most serious problem is 'I need a lot of times'. Because, I(and you) must do translation. And I will have to re-make my movie,many times. (If I finished my movie , perhaps, someone say to me 'This movie is not perfect '.)
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Terimakasih wrote:
And I will have to re-make my movie,many times. (If I finished my movie , perhaps, someone say to me 'This movie is not perfect '.)
You now know what most of us feel. However, even if your new movie can be improved, it will be accepted, because it is better than the previous movie. Also, people don't have unlimited free time. You know it takes a long time to make a Super Metroid movie. There are not many people who want to do that. My Rockman movie can be improved, but it was published, and it hasn't been challenged for 4 months. I intend to improve it, but it will need time. Your Super Metroid movie is waiting because I'm still not sure what to do with the starts-from-save question.
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Bisqwit wrote:
You now know what most of us feel.
Sorry, I can't know your feesings, now; (Maybe, "Most of people want to me to make a new movie?")
Bisqwit wrote:
However, even if your new movie can be improved, it will be accepted, because it is better than the previous movie.
I want to tell you this fact. I created a movie, you know. (ClearTime is 00:30) I think , the fastest movie's ClearTime will be 00:29 or 00:28. Only two patterns. So, I say 'If two(or more) people try to make a new movie, these movie's clear time will be the same. Do you think that my idea is wrong?
blechy wrote:
If two movies are submitted, and they are the exact same times, whichever is submitted first will be published.
Now, Do you understand this paragraph's truely meaning? The Clear Time will be the same time. But, I can't win about the making-speed. (If you say 'no', sorry, but please tell me your idea;
Bisqwit wrote:
Also, people don't have unlimited free time. You know it takes a long time to make a Super Metroid movie. There are not many people who want to do that.
Maybe, I could understand. You said 'People'. This word includes Mr.Frenom?
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Very sorry, I'm my own convenience. Don't make you feel ill by my reply; Now, I want to ask just one question.(Maybe Is is last question.) To all Maybe, you can understand my uneasiness. So , I ask one question. "Can you make a new movie, with these uneasiness." If 'Yes I can!' , Please make a new movie, I just say so... To manager Bisqwit If you feel my comments are very bad,please delete all of my posted;
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Terimakasih wrote:
Yes, I know that snes9x's setting(or Controller's setting) can change. But I can't. It is broken, half done(or unfinished). So, I can't change settings, right now.
you can remap with external program called Joy2Key (or JoyToKey), then you could leave setting in Super Metroid alone and have Joy2Key do the work . Would it work?
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Terimakashi wrote:
You said 'People'. This word includes Mr.Frenom?
Yes. 「人は広大な自由時間がありません」と言いました。
Terimakasih wrote:
Maybe, you can understand my uneasiness. So , I ask one question. "Can you make a new movie, with these uneasiness."
Since I'm not a Metroid player, I can't answer this question.
Terimakashi wrote:
If you feel my comments are very bad,please delete all of my posted;
心配しないで下さい。テリマカシさんそうしてテリマカシさんの書き込みは最も歓迎されますよ。 Don't worry at all. I'm happy to see you posting here.
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ventuz wrote:
you can remap with external program called Joy2Key (or JoyToKey), then you could leave setting in Super Metroid alone and have Joy2Key do the work . Would it work?
Thank you. I know this program. And I know more similarity programs. Sorry, I can't control settings. Of course,I understood these Programs's settings and functions. (I mean , "nobody can control.")
Bisqwit wrote:
If so, what is he(Mr.Frenom) trying now? What does his new record mean?("I got 46.44" ,he said.) (Oh, sorry about my new question;)
Bisqwit wrote:
Since I'm not a Metroid player, I can't answer this question.
Oh,, I was shocked; (sorry;) Mr.Bisqwit, please take a movie of SM, halfway. If you finished,then, I say to you ,"not perfect. Please re-make." "We want to you to make a new movie. Just you." How do you feel?; And don't forget that you have a few times, maybe. (* This is a situation; I want to you ,to imagine this situation;) (Please don't make a movie,truely;)
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Terimakashi, I already understood what you meant, and I share your feeling. But I really can't answer your question. We can not promise anything of the players, but I can only say that the general attitude towards spotlight stealers is not positive. :) (Can someone translate "spotlight stealer" to simple english? I'm not sure how to say it.) And this does not mean you. It means people who attempt to steal someone's success by doing almost nothing. You did more than just a little, so you're good :)
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If the minutes are the same in multiple Super Metroid runs, someone can just check the seconds. They are recorded by the game, yet never displayed. For example, the 30 minute run was finished in 0 hours, 30 minutes, 25 seconds, and 50 frames game time. Here's the RAM values: 7E09E0 - Hours 7E09DE - Minutes 7E09DC - Seconds 7E09DA - Frame Count 'Cheat Search' will display these values, if no other option is available.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Terimakashi, I already understood what you meant, and I share your feeling. But I really can't answer your question.
Thanks for your understanding. I think That'll do; I really thanks for your friendliness. Ok, I see. Now, I say very clearly. I can not make. Yes, I know you(many kindly men) want to me to make it. But I know, I need the times(Maybe one month over;) And terrible stress will build up. Now, I have terrible headache, but it is not sickness; The reason of stress is a 'not perfect. please re-make.' (Sorry, but this is too hard to me;) If you don't know that how difficult to make a SM's movie, Please try to make it, right now. I already have done it. Because, I already try to make a SM's movies 3 times over. (Please show my Web-Site. I uploaded all of those files.) Please understand my idea. I feel very sorry to all. I believe that If you a relief, you can understand my idea; Oh, I have to not forget this. I wonder this. May I ask this?; I must cansel my old movie submit? ( or needless?) (This Thread.)
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Bladegash wrote:
If the minutes are the same in multiple Super Metroid runs, someone can just check the seconds. They are recorded by the game, yet never displayed.
I know 'Cheat-Code' , so I can understand your paragraph easlier. I think it is nice idea.
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Terimakasih wrote:
The reason of stress is a 'not perfect. please re-make.'
Please don't carry stress because of that. Those things are not failures. They are opportunities. Your movie will not be rejected for those reasons. Indeed, a new movie might eventually be created from those observations, but that is another story.
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Terimakasih, you did very good using Morph-Ball. Don't stress like what Bisqwit said.
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Terimakasih you are a good player. And you will need alot of patience to make a movie like that. When it comes to perfection we can only give advices. Not tell you what you should do. I hope to see you continue this project. But do not stress over it.
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Sorry, by all means, I can't join this project; Please excuse me. Oh, I want to tell you only this; If someone improve my movie, I do not think "He is stealer.". Because, 'To improve my movie' must need some efforts. So, If anyone thought "I can improve this movie",You can do it. (I don't hate him;)
Joined: 7/27/2004
Posts: 48
Awesome movie, Terimakasih. A few plusses I noticed: - Takes more hits to save much more time. Samus literally catapults off of the monsters and spikes in this movie. - Uses a save slot to skip the intro sequence. This saves a few minutes off the bat. - Many rooms are smoother and faster in general, thanks to taking hits. - Lots of monsters die. Samus shows no mercy in this video. - Very fast use of bombs. Bombs are dropped at the very edge of their blast radius, making it as fast as possible. - Great multi-tasking to get the charge beam. Wait for the bomb while getting the missile pack. Classic. - More optimal positions for super bombs. - Maridia boss: PWNED! He didn't stand a chance. That must be the best fight ever. - Lots of neat dash tricks. - All the great improvements of the previous videos put together. Some possible improvements: - Phantoon has 610 HP at the end of the fight. He is killed with 3 charged Wave-Spazer shots. (210*3=630 Damage) Can he be killed with a charged shot, and a super missile instead? (210+600 damage) Super missiles can't be used at any other time in the fight, because they make him use his whip attack. It might save a few seconds. - When Samus is hidden, the movement doesn't seem as fluid. Bombs aren't put in the best spot, etc. A little more care in those spots could save a few frames. Tip?: Play without the top layers at first, just to get the timing down. Then re-record with the layers in place. - Extra time is spent staying stocked. It'll take some careful planning to figure where it's best to take time to stock, and when it's better to run. - After the Super missiles after Phantoon: There's a place where Samus waits for a bomb to push her through a tunnel. Can she jump and morph-ball instead of using a bomb? - Getting the grav suit: Can the spikes help out? Right now they push Samus backwards, but could they push her forwards? Also, make sure to use all of Samus' invincibility to get speed before jumping. - Waiting for shots. Tsk, tsk Samus. You can kill and run at the same time. - Samus goes a little out of her way to get some missiles earlier. But she avoids the missiles that get in her way in Maridia. - Some areas have excellent foward planning, and others seem to solve obstacles as they happen. This problem is easily remedied by getting more sleep! A good night's rest will always keep Samus on her toes. :)
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I once heard on GameFAQs that someone managed to avoid the Torizo fight after getting Bombs by using savestates to get out of the door quickly. I thought it might be worth testing.
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How would that be possible? I would like to see someone do that. :) Would cut alot of time.
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Zaku X wrote:
I once heard on GameFAQs that someone managed to avoid the Torizo fight after getting Bombs by using savestates to get out of the door quickly. I thought it might be worth testing.
Impossible, I know.. believe me. I've have been testing that for ages now. =) You can get close to the door, but not that close so you could jump thru the door. Ill believe it when I see it. But that wont happen.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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It is actually possible to skip the the torizo fight, but if you want that to happen you have to do: - get all beams - speedbooster - use the reset glitch (equiping murder beam and using it in the room to the left of the tourian escape shaft) - before you enter the torizo room, charge up a boost - use the boost to escape the room before the room closes But because you need the bombs very early in the game this just isnt doable in a timeattack. I tried to make a video of it, but im to tired now. So if no one else makes it by the time i get home from school tomorrow ill give it a try again then.
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I suppose you must cheat to get this to work right? So we'll never going to see this in a run anyways. One could hope that someone comes up with a way though. :D
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Hey Frenom. It seems Terimakasih isn't going to make a new version. Feel like doing one?
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The Torizo can only be skipped in the European version. Samus's speed is slightly faster in that version, and she can escape the room before the door auto-closes.