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A 14% Super Metroid run would be very cool. Personally, I'd prefer it if it were an Ice beam 14% as opposed to a speed booster 14%. The speed booster run would be faster, obviously, but the ice beam 14% requires a lot of very difficult but very impressive glitches.
Post subject: 100% No Damage Run:
Joined: 11/30/2004
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YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!! Oh, man I've been waiting for someone to make that. And beating Ridley at the outset!!! That would be awesome. I think no damage runs are a different art form altogether. I mean they're actual MOVIES. I mean why in the world would Samus throw herself at every enemy because they happen to hurl her only microseconds faster in the direction she's going? It doesn't make sense. No damage runs are speed runs with the idea that the person playing is truly trying to be that person--with regard to their own health as well as being lethal and deadly and as proficient as possible. I mean it's still a time attack--just a different form of the time attack. I don't mean to discredit the genuine absolute minimum time completion movies, but wow, would I love to see the walking death version of this movie. Please go for it! As a suggestion, I think you should download and watch "Samus Aran"'s time attack for 100%. It shows an awesome route to take. If someone has the link to the movie I'm talking about please post. Hey, at least you know someone else would love to see that movie made, Admiral. :D
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I dunno, if I was in an armored battle suit I would probably throw myself at things if it made me get to places faster. Walking is sometimes just too slow.
Post subject: Re: 100% No Damage Run:
Player (225)
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bjladd wrote:
And beating Ridley at the outset!!! That would be awesome.
I guess... I did think it was cool that the Kirby Super Star movie showed that you can kill Heavy Lobster the first time it appears, even though it's worthless to do.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I have completed the ceres, it's end at 47''29. If someone would like to see, it's there change the Ceres.txt to Ceres.smv, thank for your appreciation. ---- I dont know why I cant make a URL, maybe my brower problem.
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When I said that, I also meant a low percentage as there would be no need to get all the energy cells. If it doesn't get accepted on this site, that's fine. I just want to know I can do a run before I do anything further, so Super Metroid probably isn't the best starter but I'll try it anyway. No guarantees.
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It's desyncs for me at the beginning. On both the versions I have, which one are you using?
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Wow, I knew someone could beat it with over 47 seconds remaining.
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Hi ~ OmnipotentEntity I dont know your problem clearly, I just use the emulator from Were there two snes9x versions ? If so, i dont know which one I am using. Would you please ask others for help ? I dont have sufficient knowledge, or I convert it to avi ?
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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Version of the ROM. I have the (E) and the (JU). EDIT: Nevermind, it must've randomly desynced on me. It works fine now. Thanks. ^_^ Also, Very nice.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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(JU) and I can watch Terimakasih's superplay run correctly. Can you ? or the problem of settings ?
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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To Mr.Jecy. Hello Mr.Jecy. I saw your e-mail(and smv-file),thank you for sending to me. Wow, your Time of Ceres is great! Do you think that this(your movie) is the fastest, or not...? (edit) To Mr.AdmiralJonB I like 'No-Damage-Run'. In SuperMetroid, No-Damage-Run is not fastest. Yes , I know this fact , But I like it. I you make No-Damage-Run,I aid for you. To anyone Do you know that '14%-Movie has already exsisted, or not?'
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---- Terimakasih wrote You Don't need to worry for me, because I'm not making any movie, now. Thank you for your anxiety. ---- That's alright. You havd misunderstood, I haven't been anxious. I totally start my run for enjoyment, not for speed(Most of sites aim for speed day by day). Anyone(Terimakasih, Frenom, ... etc) you don't need to take notice of me, I sincerely never try to submit to any site. ---- And , Please don't expect about my another movie(^^;) ---- Haha, please don't say that. I always expect your movie, あなたは神乎其技^.* ---- Do you think that this(your movie) is the fastest, or not...? ---- It maybe my feeling. Because of the Snes9x emulator problem, the clock cycle scheme for each microinstruction sets are... Come to say it briefly, it's my best now. I can't get it better anymore. Someone(Terimakasih, Frenom, ...etc) can. ^.^! Finally, I always like style more than speed. 'No-Damage-Run' or '14%'... I like it very much even it is not for speed.
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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jecy wrote:
Finally, I always like style more than speed. 'No-Damage-Run' or '14%'... I like it very much even it is not for speed.
I like style when it is not defined by a mechanical rule.
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Great job on the Ceres station, jecy. Very good idea to take a steam hit to clear the room.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I like style when it is not defined by a mechanical rule.
Oh, crud... I define all my styles through mechanical rules.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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What did this movie do to be faster? Previous movies have also jumped off the steam to get a boost. Was this just identical strategy but played more exactly?
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Seems to me the other videos only hit the steam once (in the larger room). This one hits it in the room before (I think), which may provide that tiny edge.
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jecy wrote:
You havd misunderstood, I haven't been anxious. I totally start my run for enjoyment, not for speed(Most of sites aim for speed day by day). Anyone(Terimakasih, Frenom, ... etc) you don't need to take notice of me, I sincerely never try to submit to any site.
Sorry my misunderstood... I don't say 'Why?', But ,I want to say this. If you will be able to make a fastest-movie, please submit it. Or enjoyment-movie,too.
Haha, please don't say that. I always expect your movie, あなたは神乎其技^.*
Thank you , but this time, you have misunderstaning, you too. One is I don't have 'A peerless skill'... And I think that '神乎其技' is Chinese(China's)-Language(^_^)
It maybe my feeling. Because of the Snes9x emulator problem, the clock cycle scheme for each microinstruction sets are... Come to say it briefly, it's my best now. I can't get it better anymore. Someone(Terimakasih, Frenom, ...etc) can. ^.^!
I see. But, I know that , you made every effort to make this movie. So, To pass your record is very hard for me. (or impossibility for me.)
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I started to make a another movie. I hope that my movie will not overlap-content(substance?) with Mr.Jecy's new movie.(^^;) I don't know what kind of movies which Mr.Jecy are making... (100%? any%? or No-Damage-Run?) anyway, maybe, I finished to make my movie,in 1day~ 2days.
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>神乎其技 Oh, good, I wasn't the only one who didn't understand then. It looked like Chinese to me too but didn't make any sense. God-?-that-skill. >anyway, maybe, I finished to make my movie,in 1day~ 2days. What?! How can you make movies of so such high quality and length in only a few days?? Most people here spend weeks for movies half as long as yours. I don't have many ideas for improvement. But here are some at least. * When you fall in a vertical tunnel, don't stay close to the wall. Stay a bit away from it and start moving toward the wall so you just miss the corner. This way you will have more speed when you pass the corner (Difficult to understand maybe... I can try to draw a picture.)
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Examples of this is 33040, 55810, 72100, 72170, 72330, and so on. Almost every place where you fall vertically and go past a corner. * Bladegash said that the Torizou where you get the bombs can be avoided, but only in the European version. Have you tried that? (I am not sure if you needed some other items also to do that. Maybe Bladegash can explain.) * It looks like you could have placed the bomb at 40070 a bit earlier. * You could pick up the hi-jump while being more to the right. * It looks like you could have released your charged shot earlier at 70350 somewhere. At other places you shoot before you trough the door and the shot appears on the next screen, is this possible here? If so you wouldn't have to wait as long to start the speed flying. * Can you be more to the right when you drop to the door at 72760? * It looks like you could hit Phantoon a little earlier each time he opens his eye. * Corridor at 81400, is it possible to take a hit to get thrown across the room? * 88610, why don't you land closer to the door? Do you need the running distance to gain speed? * In the room with the plasma beam, can you shoot at enemies as you fall down so you won't have to fight them for as long afterwards? Or does only the plasma hurt them? Except for the first point, these are very minor things that would only save a few frames at most. Good luck with it!
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Another thing. According to GameFAQs, it is possible to hurt Ridley with a Super Bomb before he becomes visible. I know that you have zero Super Bombs when you fight Ridley in your video, but it could be something to look into. Another faq there states that Draygon (fish boss) isn't damaged by super bombs, but I doublt that. Let me know if my English is too hard to understand.
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Truncated wrote:
In Japan(And maybe Chinese), "Very-Skillfull-Man" called "神". (^_^) "神" equal "God" ,but, in this case, "God" means "Great". (not include meaning of 'faith' , or 'religion'. And I don't know "乎" and "其". "技" means , yes, 'Skill'.
What?! How can you make movies of so such high quality and length in only a few days?? Most people here spend weeks for movies half as long as yours.
Because, until now, I have a lot of times.(^^;) And, I have been made many kind of games of movies. So, maybe, I am used to make movies. And, I have been thought movie's plan...
here are some at least.
Thanks for advise! Yes, I could understand it. (In some places, I used this trick(^^;)) Ok, If I make a improve-version, I try so. >Torizo Yes, I tried it. But I can't escape the room.(^^;) I think, In (JU)-version, I need "Draygon-Suits" or "Speed-Boots". >(70350) >Is this possible here? I don't know about this, now. >If so you wouldn't have to wait as long to start the speed flying. This play(70350) has 2 meaning... 1:Keep life, As I possible. 2:Keep 1-SuperMissile. So, If I can Speed-Flying more quickly,I don't use quickly. Keep life is very important... In other place, all right. >Can you be more to the right when you drop to the door at 72760? No I can't. Because If I drop more right, I can't reach the *Robot'Head in the next room. (*Used-PowerBomb place) >Phantoon Now, I know the "fastest" way. If I finish my another movie, you can see it. >Corridor at 81400, is it possible to take a hit to get thrown across the room? Maybe No. I need "Life" and "PowerBomb". >Why don't you land closer to the door? >Do you need the running distance to gain speed? Yes I do. I need distance. Because, I equiped "Hi-Jump-Boots." If I remove "Hi-Jump-Boots", I don't need distance. But, I don't like that trick.(^^;) >Or does only the plasma hurt them? Yes. >It is possible to hurt Ridley with a Super Bomb before he becomes visible. Ridley's HP is 18000. SuperMissile hurt him 600 by 1. I used SuperMissiles about 18. 18*600 = 10800. 18000 - 10800 = 7200. And I used Charged-Shot. Charged-Shot hurt him 900 by 1. I used Charged-Shot about 8. 900*8 = 7200. 7200 - 7200 = 0(Just he dead.) PowerBomb(SuperBomb) hurt him 400(200*2). I don't need 400 damage. And, If I use 'SuperBomb', then, he is invincible a lot of seconds. And If I don't have 'SuperBomb' at 5(Max), he don't give me Items. :If I have 0~4 Superbomb (Life, SuperMissile, Missile,SuperBomb) [inefficient] :If I have 5 (max) Superbomb (Life, SuperMissile, Missile) [efficient] ...Can you understand my explain?(^^;) And other your advises, I understood. Thank you! >Let me know if my English is too hard to understand. Thank you for your easy-English.(^_^) I could understand all. Oh, I think that someone maybe are mistaken.(^^;) I said "I started to make another movie". "Another movie" doesn't mean "Improved-Version" This time, I made not speed run movie. (Edit) >This time, I made not speed run movie. This time, I'm making not speed-run movie. >SuperBomb about Draygon I did't hope that SuperBomb hurt Draygon. The meaning of use'SuperBomb' is delete his mucus(liquid?) And ,sorry but I can't find this word "doublt".
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He ment "doubt". He accidently added an l.
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BoltR wrote:
He ment "doubt". He accidently added an l.
Thank you! I can understand it. I think that he said like this. "I think SuperBomb can't hurt Draygon, But I have no confidence." (If I have misunderstanding, please tell me.)