Glover is a cross between a puzzle and a platforming game. The engine is similar to that of Mario 64. The aim of this run is to complete the game as fast as possible which means not collecting all garibs and thus not playing the bonus levels.

The Game

You are a magic glove whose mission it is to retrieve magic balls in six different worlds from an evil glove to save the kingdom or something to that effect. To do this you must grab the ball and cross through 3 levels plus 1 boss fight in each world without damaging or losing the ball.

Important aspects of basic gameplay.

To complete levels you must usually activate a series of buttons. A red button with a yellow circle is only activated by touching it with the ball. A red and white button with a "+" on it it activated by glover fist slamming it.
You can restart from a checkpoint in a level but only if you are holding the ball AND are resting on the ground. This is why you sometimes see me wait for an unusual amount of time before rolling over a button. I need to wait for the ball to quit bouncing.
Glover can use a magic spell to transform the regular rubber ball into a bowling ball, small metal ball, and a crystal ball.
  • Bowling ball - very slow, you can't bounce it, but is very strong and can break things. It also sinks in water, which comes in handy on several occasions.
  • Small metal ball - very maneuverable, but doesn't have the bounce and speed of the rubber ball. It is small so it can fit in tight places. It sinks in water as well. Since it bounces worse than the rubber ball, it can be faster to use in places where bouncing is not preferable.
  • Crystal ball - delicate and breaks from almost anything. It's only advantage is that it doubles the amount of points & lives you get when you pick up items with it. That means you get 2x points from garibs and 2 lives from and extra life. Points and extra lives are useless for this TAS.
There are several types of potions in glover. Two that come in very handy for a TAS.
  • The beachball. Turns the ball into a beachball for a limited time. It is very light and bounces very high. It also can go at insane speed if the camera angle is just right. This allows me to make some mega shortcuts and travel very quickly.
  • The Speed potion. Speed potions are always great for a TAS! As you would expect, this makes glover move very fast. This can be used also to make large jumps that would otherwise be impossible.
  • The helicopter potion. This allows glover to fly in the air like a helicopter (go figure) for a short time. This is obviously useful. I take some large shortcuts with this.

Aspects interesting for a TAS

Many factors make Glover an interesting game for a TAS. It is a platformer (which are always popular) and a puzzle game (showing interesting ways to solve various situations). Glover has many types of movements and 4 different types of balls, each with its own unique characteristics. It also has a variety of power-ups (potions) with interesting attributes. This means a lot of possibilities to consider when optimizing levels.
Most importantly, the TAS takes advantage of a multitude of shortcuts/glitches/and unorthodox play. What you see in this movie deviates highly from a regular playthrough or a console speed-run.


  • When glover has no ball, jumping is faster than walking. Double jumping is slightly slower than single jumps in most situations.
  • When he has the ball on a flat surface, dribbling it as fast as possible is the fastest movement.
  • Cutscene skipping. When you roll/smash a button, a cutscene is triggered. If you pause the game and respawn from a checkpoint the frame you touch a button, the cut scene will be skipped but the button will be still activated. This saves a good deal of time.
  • The "chicken" gltich. One of the more bizarre glitches I've ever seen! There is an egg throwing chicken in this game. If timed properly you can get the chicken and glover stuck together by having the chicken jump at glover while he is holding the ball in a throwing motion. Oddly this causes both to fly upwards into the air as long as they are stuck. Glover can become unstuck by simply canceling his throwing motion. This is used in 2-1 for a huge shortcut.
  • Dynamite boost. There is a dynamite enemy that explodes when you get near him (much like the bomb-ombs in smb2u). Normally this blows glover and the ball into pieces as one might expect. But if timed right it will send glover and/or the ball flying through the air unharmed. This is an extremely fast movement and also allows for shortcuts but is extremely hard to time so that you end up somewhere useful with both glover and the ball still intact. I use this in World 5 for a nice shortcut.


  • Aims for fastest time
  • Manipulates luck (primarily the slot machine in level 2-1, but to also boss behavior to some degree)
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Plays on hardest difficulty (has both an easy & normal modes, this one plays on normal)

Special Thanks

Vidar (meepers) played a significant role in the making of this TAS by discovering shortcuts & glitches (like the chicken glitch). Also some parts if this run were recorded by her (some of the world 1 & 3 boss fights); also the whack-o-mole game in 2-1. Also meepers recommended the game to me and motivated me to work on it. I also want to thanks kirbymuncher, maza, comicalflop, and AKA, for feedback on WIPs & general motivation.

Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3564)
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This is certainly a good place to post it as it affects my run. However, your trick uses cheats, which can't be used. Perhaps there is a way to do it without cheats though. It is worth trying since it could save a ton of time.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Joined: 4/30/2007
Posts: 150
i gauged it would be a month before i would get to see this, does it seem like this will be viewable by the general public by the beginning of june?
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15426
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [860] N64 Glover "all stages" by adelikat in 41:23.88
Joined: 4/30/2007
Posts: 150
awesome, the system works!
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Joined: 12/23/2004
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I downloaded the AVI a few minutes ago. My opinion wavered between "meh" and "yes", but ultimately fell to "no". Most of this run is either - boing boing boing boing - Obscured by sleazy depth whacking - boing boing boing, but with the camera - Interesting jumps into nothing only to land on a platform that magically fades into view Where it was interesting, it was interesting. But where it wasn't, it was horribly boring. I lost interest in watching about 15 minutes in, then just quit entirely after fast forwarding a bit. Beyond that, the "the Ocarina of Time pause jingle is ringing in my head" black screens between every room change got very old, very fast.
Joined: 2/16/2005
Posts: 462
I dont get the movement in this game. If the glove can be magically floating in the air while dribbling how come he has to jump around like a dweeb while walking? Can he fly or not?
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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asteron wrote:
I dont get the movement in this game. If the glove can be magically floating in the air while dribbling how come he has to jump around like a dweeb while walking? Can he fly or not?
Holding A will cause Glover to hold the ball in his palm and toss it in a sort projectile in a 360 degree range, it does not give Glover powers to fly since his speed is completely zeroed until he touches the ground.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3564)
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There are occasional potions throughout the movie that allow glover to fly for a short time but they wear off. Perhaps this was part of your confusion.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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I think asteron is referring to the game's complete irregard for Newton's third law when Glover dribbles the ball forward. The movie was okay, but felt suboptimal sometimes when correcting pathing several times instead of going straight. Anyway, if parts of two of the bosses were played by meepers, why isn't this "adelikat and meepers' N64 Glover"? Perhaps this has been answered already.
Joined: 4/30/2007
Posts: 150
i think what he actually is referring to is glover's magnetic upward propulsion of something like 5 teslas magically whenever he is holding the ball i also thought i saw a few minor things unoptimized, the only two major things being the first boss and something else i forget from back then anyway it was entertaining, thanks for making it
Emulator Coder
Joined: 1/12/2007
Posts: 95
I thought it was a good movie, considering the game being dealt with. It lacked as much excitement as some of the movies I've seen, but it was interesting enough for me to watch through all at once.