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Post subject: Kirby's Adventure
Editor, Player (91)
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I started making a timeattack movie at Kirby's Adventure. Given the length of the game, I estimate 25-40 minutes for its length. I completed the first world in about 4:20, and there are seven worlds. The game is quite straightforward, but it has lots of ways to play, which should give some room for creativity. I'm just beginning to learn its controls and dynamics. Do you have ideas/tips/tricks I could use in the making of this movie? One thing I've noticed is that the speed of this game is really dynamic, at least in Famtasia.
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There's one glitch for this game at David Wonn's website, but since I know nothing about this game, I don't know if it would save any time.
Post subject: Kirby's Adventure update
Editor, Player (91)
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Doesn't look useful... My time is now 15:50 and I'm entering the 4th world. IRL, I go now sleeping. :)
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As you've probably notice, practically all attacks slow you down a lot. Some abilities speed you up a lot. From the top of my head, there's the fireball thing, tornado, wheel and UFO. Maybe some more. You could win a lot of time by finding a way to mix any of these as soon as possible, though the movie would be more interesting if you use some different abilities. If you decide to mix, there's a good mixing list here. Also, don't forget to run. When I used to play this game a lot, I always forgot about running because you need to press the direction twice and it's not very easy to tell the difference if you're focussing on your enemies too much. :P
Post subject: Re: Kirby tips
Editor, Player (91)
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Run? I didn't know that :o Eep. I have to do it again. Well, it might be a good thing - I've learned a lot of the game dynamics during those 3 worlds of play so it's time to see if I can use them to improve the 1st world. Yes, almost all attacks do slow you down, but there are some attacks that you can do while running or while jumping. I also use some of the abilities extensively to move forward faster, like you mentioned too. Also, the game seems to slow down the more when there are more sprites on the screen, so it's important to keep their amount to minimum by killing the monsters before they do anything and by not shooting when there's nothing to shoot (the shots are sprites as well). Thank you for the link :)
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I was currently working on a speed run on this game using the VirtuaNES emulator. Though, the movie desynched at about the second stage, so I'll have to start it again from the beginning. I used the very first two enemies to mix a Wheel ability. You can time the random switching and get whichever ability you may like.
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Bladegash wrote:
I used the very first two enemies to mix a Wheel ability. You can time the random switching and get whichever ability you may like.
I don't know how that is possible. The very first two enemies are far apart from each others - I couldn't suck them together. Also, only one of them is a special ability carrying enemy - you can't Mix a special and a regular enemy.
Editor, Player (91)
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Thanks for the tips... I got the world 1 time down to 3:58 or so. Looks good :)
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Bisqwit wrote:
I don't know how that is possible. The very first two enemies are far apart from each others - I couldn't suck them together. Also, only one of them is a special ability carrying enemy - you can't Mix a special and a regular enemy.
Sorry about my vagueness there, I was referring to the two Beam enemies that are about a screen apart from each other. Jump over the first one so the second one appears, then backtrack and the first one will now head to the right. When they get close together, eat them and obtain the mix.
Editor, Player (91)
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One problem is now that the overuse of Wheel doesn't look nearly as good as a more versatile utilization of different abilities, despite it being faster. I'll attach here the first version, which won't be published anyway, in case someone wants to see how it went. It doesn't run - I didn't know it's possible. It plays the first three worlds. https://files.tasvideos.org/bisqwit/bisqwit-kirbyadv-backup1.fmv (Applies to the .. hmm, European version, which seems speedwise identical to the USA version this time.)
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That's very cool. I'm a huge fan of it and played it only a week ago with my friend :D I don't know any special tricks though. Finally found the soundtrack in mp3 format also yay! I've wanted it for over 4 years hehe.
Editor, Player (91)
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Bisqwit wrote:
I got the world 1 time down to 3:58 or so.
Thanks to this
Bladegash wrote:
the two Beam enemies that are about a screen apart from each other. Jump over the first one so the second one appears, then backtrack and the first one will now head to the right.
the first world time is now at 3:45... 9:07 at finishing the second world boss... 14:47 at the end of third world... (a minute faster than in the first version) 21:31 at the end of fourth world 28:44 at the end of the fifth world... 35:20 at the end of the sixth world...
Post subject: Re: Kirby's Adventure
Editor, Player (91)
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As some may have noticed, I have edited the previous post during the past days when I have progressed in Kirby's Adventure. I finished it now, and the total duration is 44:26. Sure was a long game... Each world was longer than the previous. I played almost all levels at least two times. Only a few levels were played only once. I played the first three entire worlds three times, because at first run I didn't know about running and then I wasn't satisfied with the second run. Some other worlds (6, 7) I had to replay a few times because I had accidentally broken the recording by using savestates in wrong order. It took many days to do this, and this latest session (which ends now) was 15 hours long :I To be honest, I see lots of problems in it, but they were too difficult to fix and the movie doesn't hurt my eye too much yet. :) I'll try to put the rest of the comments to the entry at the webpage.
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I can't wait to see it (don't use Famtasia, so I've got to wait for the avi). This has got to be my favorite NES game and I've played it from start to end quite a few times. Wheel-overuse probably makes this movie less interesting than, say, a movie which uses all abilities, but the speed you gain is so huge that you can't say no to it for a time-attack. Should still be very interesting. The time sounds pretty good, I've never seriously tried to speedrun it, but I'd guessed it'd take about 45 minutes for a perfect run. Now the next challenge: finish the game with all secrets... ;)
Editor, Player (91)
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It's there now (110 MB, ugh). I agree that wheel-overuse doesn't look cool. I tried to not use when it doesn't help significantly. I didn't use all abilities, but I think I used quite many of them anyway. I still don't know why "Warp Star" is in the set of abilities that blink when you gamble for what you get from Mixing. You can't select it.
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This is gonna be sweet, I'm downloading in 135kb/s O_O I've actually done a "normal" speedrun a few years ago, so this'll be very cool.
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Very nice run ^_^ Brings back good old memories :)
Editor, Player (91)
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Bisqwit wrote:
It's there now (110 MB, ugh).
Apparently the sound went quite much desync from the video. Can't help it. (Could spend another 3 hours for recording+encoding it, but there's no guarantee it would work this time.) If it bothers you, use a movie player where you can adjust the audio/video delay manually.
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Hmm, I just remembered I hadn't commented on the movie yet. When I started watching it I thought I'd watch the first world, go to bed and watch the rest later. That plan failed. I couldn't stop watching. Great movie for a great game. You used wheel to get a great time, but luckily you also used a lot of other skills. I even recall a few seconds with beam, which I thouroughly hate. :-P The sound did go out of sync somewhere, but I have to admit I usually turn of the sound anyway. I like watching movies, but the sound often doesn't do them much good (though Kirby has pretty good sound IMO). I also really like the way you use highjump. It's one of my favorite skills and you show how it should be used. (Most people just used it to jump high ;-) There are lots of places where you could win a little time, but it's never really serious. I think the most time you lost at one single time was one time you got a 1-up at the end of a level and even that didn't take too long. One of my favorite movies for sure. Thanks! :-)
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yea nice speedrun but it can be improved considerably by just being consistent with the endings (you tend to jump to 7 alot, in the beginning to 1 once). you also do loose some time here and there... i've never done this before, but i've played kirby .... ALOT on the nes. how much time difference would there have to be for me to be listed, and would a 100% speedrun (perhaps even no dmg taking) version also be listed? i still know the hard secrets, its amazing how much of this game came back to me by just watching the video... :edit ... hold that thought... i just got the emulator and a rom, and this is freaking hard :\ i cant get the right feeling for A B and select :\ also the emulator accepts keypresses even if its not the active window? thats no good :(
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but it can be improved considerably by just being consistent with the endings (you tend to jump to 7 alot, in the beginning to 1 once) 7 is best for time. I did 6 when I couldn't do 7 (famtasia allowed keyboard control on every 3rd frame only), and 1 once to just show it. you also do loose some time here and there... Yes - I did some accidents with the wheel, and I was a little sloppy in a couple of places. However it took a few days to make and I really wanted to just get it done, so I think it's acceptable for a first version. Someone (preferably me ;) ) should do a better version sometime. Preferably using more different abilities than I did. how much time difference would there have to be for me to be listed Time is not the only thing that matters. If it looks cooler, even a slower movie could be acceptable. A faster movie could be rejected if it's more boring. It depends. The best bet is to do faster _and_ cooler. :) would a 100% speedrun (perhaps even no dmg taking) version also be listed? If it's good enough to be published, it would end up as a supplement for the regular timeattack.
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I enjoyed the video. It brought back good memories. I have a trick that could save a few seconds if anyone attemps to retry the run: In the battle against DeDeDe, when he's below half energy and he's doing a "dive" attack (wich creates two stars), it' possible the inhale both stars and start a Mix. Pick up the "boom" attack (or whatever it's called in the english version, the one take clear the screen) If I remember well, this attack removes half the energy bar of the bosses. I don't know if it actually saves significant time but it's cool to watch.
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Mike could be cool too.
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at some points i wonder either the UFO could be faster to clear one area, then the rest. but if memmory serves me well, the ufo disappears at the end of each level so that would kinda suck, unless you can get a double enemy at the beginning of the next level. i've been practicing with the emulator a bit and slowly getting the touch back. i wish there was a shortcut key to switch speeds from 100 to 50 to 10% fast, i couldnt find a way to bind them. is there a way to go frame by frame, and so to get the right power with the mix? at first glance it seemed as if the order of the skills were always the same, but then it appeared to change so you cant really rely on them i think. as for no damage, the hardest part to get no damage is at level 6 boss, vs that sword guy. i dont think i ever got him without taking damage :\ oh and sorry i did mean 6, not 7 :)
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The ufo is not really fast. I didn't see any situation where it would have really helped. It is possible to go frame by frame. The mix doesn't go too fast - even on regular famtasia you can control it fairly well if you set the execution speed to something like 20%. On the 60 fps patch (see the Movie making forum) it's not even a challenge. Find the execution speed settings from Config | Speed.
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