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What is on your ideal sandwich?
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
What is on your ideal sandwich?
I'm ashamed to say I suck at sandwiches. I never use anything except for ham and cheese. I think it's a tough question because I've never really been into those huge mega sandwiches with lots of meat and stuff on it, you know. Either you have a "small" sandwich with lame ingredients like ham and cheese or you have an awesome super sandwich with bacon and stuff, but I've never really had those. I've eaten at subway once in my life. That said, yeah bacon for sure. Lots of bacon. Actually I bet a sandwich with bacon and eggs would taste great. Yeah I'm going with english toast (I could easily be persuaded into changing bread type though), egg, bacon, no mayonnaise. Some HP sauce too. What I'd really like is to try out a bunch of awesome sandwiches that I've never tried before committing to something. They'd probably all include bacon though.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
What I'd really like is to try out a bunch of awesome sandwiches that I've never tried before committing to something. They'd probably all include bacon though.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Fabian; I know you are a rather successful poker player, but how successful? Do you make your entire living off playing, or do you have a normal job and use it for extra income? How old were you when you started playing, and how old when you started winning consistently? Biggest one day win and loss? And if you have one piece of advice for an off and on aspiring player such as myself, what would it be?
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mmbossman wrote:
Fabian; I know you are a rather successful poker player, but how successful? Do you make your entire living off playing, or do you have a normal job and use it for extra income? How old were you when you started playing, and how old when you started winning consistently? Biggest one day win and loss? And if you have one piece of advice for an off and on aspiring player such as myself, what would it be?
I've made my entire living off of poker for the last 4 years. I haven't had a normal job during this time, or before this time, in fact :) I started playing just before I turned 17, as I entered my senior year of high school. At first, me and my buddy just read poker books and played with each other, we never played online or anything since we were both underage we had trouble getting started. We both loved poker though and we talked about it a lot, every day (we went to school together). This was early September, then in December of that year my buddy turned 18 so we deposited $60ish bucks and started playing online. This was before we had found some of the excellent online poker resources that exist (the 2+2 forums), and we had little to no idea of what proper bankroll management meant. We both did pretty well in the games we were supposed to be playing (full ring limit hold'em), but after a few months I started trying out some NL and MTT's, and I lost the $200 or so that I had online. Then in March, we decided to switch poker site to the most popular, US based, one, and focus solely on the game we knew best, limit hold'em. I started out playing on my buddy's account (I would still not turn 18 for another 6 months), and after I won $50 on his account I transferred it to my own, so I literally built up my poker bankroll from nothing. We did very well here, and by mid-May we were able to cash out about $2,500 each, which as 17/18 year olds with no significant money to speak of, felt pretty damn good. We were playing a lot in the summer after graduation, taking shots at higher limits quite aggressively, at least I did. By the end of summer I was playing $15/$30, and I guess from there my story is nothing special. At this point I still loved poker and was looking forward to playing every time I sat down, but after a few months of 15/30, even though I was a solid winner, I started losing interest, and ever since then I've had trouble getting enough hands/hours in. Ok I guess I got carried away there. To sum up, I started playing when I was 16, I started playing online a few months later, after I lost the initial deposit I redeposited once and was winning consistently from day one. As for my biggest winning and losing days, my best day is about 16k and my worst day is, I think, -14kish. They both happened within days of each other in the late spring of '06, when I was taking shots at very high stakes limit games. My advice to you or people in your situation, is to think long and hard before deciding you want to become a good poker player. It's not for everyone, and most people who try won't succeed. It's also not a great game to just have as a hobby, in my opinion poker is only good if you play a lot and really aspire to be great, or if you stay away altogether. I can elaborate on this if necessary, but the short explanation is that as a recreational player, you're going to be pretty mediocre, and the competition today is so much stronger than even two years ago, that you're probably going to lose money playing. Just pick up backgammon or knitting instead, you know? There are much cheaper hobbies out there than poker. Given that you do want to get better and are prepared to work hard for it etc, my best advice is to read a lot of strategy posts in poker forums, to post a lot yourself in strategy forums, and to join a training site. There are some very good ones out there, I would recommend Cardrunners.com, where I also have contributed a few instructional videos. I'm not recommending them just because I'm part of their team, I do think it's still the best resource even though they've got a lot of competition in the last 6 months. I could elaborate on why I think CR is better than other training sites too if you'd like. Ok so basically, the short version of that advice is just to think a lot about poker. One mistake I see in many mediocre players' thought processes is they're too focused on an easy answer or an easy fix for a particular problem. They're more concerned with "how?" instead of "why?", if you will. The reasoning is everything though, and by taking the easy way out and just accepting something as fact because someone told you is only going to hurt them in the long run because they don't really understand what they're doing, which will catch up to them eventually. Hope that answered your questions ok, otherwise let me know. Oh and guys, As much as I love attention (what's up comicalflop), when I made this thread I wasn't really expecting to answer more than a few questions about me. The focus that I had in mind was on questions about you guys. Just a heads up.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, How do you do nowdays? /Guybrush
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Guybrush wrote:
Dear Fabian, How do you do nowdays? /Guybrush
I remember seeing this question and thinking "I'll answer it later", and then I guess I forgot. Oops. I'm doing alright. Well, not that great to be honest, but I've been worse. Don't feel like going into too much detail, this isn't my blog after all, am I right comicalflop?
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I guess so....
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Dear Fabian, What are your thoughts on drugs? And not the prescription kind...
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Dan's Stats wrote:
Posts: 420
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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alden wrote:
Dan's Stats wrote:
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Amazing. :D
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Dear Fabian, In about a week, time is being set an hour forward, so that it's light for a longer period of time in the evening. I was thinking... during this hour, there will be no babies born in the entire country (since the hour is skipped). But when the time for set backwards an hour, there would have to be relatively twice as many babies born on that hour... so this got me thinking... What about twins that were born during this hour where the time is set backwards? What if the older twin was born before it was set backwards, and the younger twin after? If you would look at the data, it would seem that the younger twin was the older one... Do you know what happens in this situation?
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Dear Fabian, Is your answer to this question "no"?
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Dan_ wrote:
Dear Fabian, What are your thoughts on drugs? And not the prescription kind...
I'm not big on drugs myself. Hell, I barely even drink alcohol. But if you like it, I say go for it. I It's not my, or anyone else's, business what you choose to do with your life and with your body. Not really sure what you're asking for exactly, so I guess that'll do.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Baxter, I don't. Warp, Yes.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, I hate school and I'm considering dropping out. What I'm studying doesn't interest me, and the thought of becoming an accountant or anything close to an accountant for the rest of my life scares the shit out of me. The problem is, I don't know what else to do with my life. I can't really think of anything else I'd rather be studying, plus I feel that if I were to drop out now, I'd have wasted over a year on something I won't have much use for, and I'm afraid it would leave me feeling even less accomplished than I already feel. I also know that dropping out would make my parents even more disappointed in me, which makes me feel terrible. I hate the thought of getting some crappy job instead. I do realize there are some positive side effects of getting even a useless job with next to no pay, but yet I can't help but feel I would still be accomplishing nothing. It's not like I would be making a career out of working at McDonalds, you know? And after a few months I'd just quit and be back to where I am now with nothing to show for it. Does this make sense to you? I've considered maybe taking some time off and traveling. This idea does interest me, but I don't really see myself enjoying it if I were to go alone, and I have no friends who could just leave everything and go away for a few months. Do you have any advice for me? What do you think I should do? Thanks.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
Dear Fabian, I hate school and I'm considering dropping out. What I'm studying doesn't interest me, and the thought of becoming an accountant or anything close to an accountant for the rest of my life scares the shit out of me. The problem is, I don't know what else to do with my life. I can't really think of anything else I'd rather be studying, plus I feel that if I were to drop out now, I'd have wasted over a year on something I won't have much use for, and I'm afraid it would leave me feeling even less accomplished than I already feel. I also know that dropping out would make my parents even more disappointed in me, which makes me feel terrible. I hate the thought of getting some crappy job instead. I do realize there are some positive side effects of getting even a useless job with next to no pay, but yet I can't help but feel I would still be accomplishing nothing. It's not like I would be making a career out of working at McDonalds, you know? And after a few months I'd just quit and be back to where I am now with nothing to show for it. Does this make sense to you? I've considered maybe taking some time off and traveling. This idea does interest me, but I don't really see myself enjoying it if I were to go alone, and I have no friends who could just leave everything and go away for a few months. Do you have any advice for me? What do you think I should do? Thanks.
That's a tough situation. I don't know what you should do.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian, What's the answer to my edit in this post?
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Fabian, strangely similar to where i'm at right now. except i started thinking like that before i ever got into a university. basically my dad set me up with an office job with serious career potential right outta high school, and i worked there for a year and a half. after the first few months, i started thinking about having to do the same type of thing for the next forty years. i kept thinking about these sorta things for a year and half, and finally quit a few weeks ago. trouble is, nothing else really interests me due to the same reasons you have. what i've been doing is instead of focusing on what i do "when i grow up", i focus on who i am (yes, i got that idea from the movie "across the universe"). as a result of this thinking. as a result, i've pretty much renounced my religion (not a good thing in my parent's book), started smoking, started drinking, started doing other sorta drugs (nothing health-threatening, just psychedelics and my lovely thc), and started, well, having a completely different lifestyle then i did when i grew up (i was raised mormon). thinking about it now, i'm really not to worried about my career or if i'm gonna get into school (i hated high school so a university's out for a while at least. there's other reasons but i don't wanna ramble on forever.) the way i see it, i'm gaining memories and experiences that i won't forget. i think it's about what you get outta life instead of what you do in life. i'd say that if you've got the money, take some time off and go travel. that's what i'm gonna do. i'm moving to a different state in a couples weeks to work for the summer, and after that i'm probably just travel around and do stuff for a while. ps. i didn't expect this to be so long when i started writing. oh well. also, hi TASvideos. its been a while.
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Dan_ wrote:
started smoking, started drinking, started doing other sorta drugs (nothing health-threatening, just psychedelics and my lovely thc), and started, well, having a completely different lifestyle then i did when i grew up (i was raised mormon). […] the way i see it, i'm gaining memories and experiences that i won't forget. i think it's about what you get outta life instead of what you do in life.
It's good if you're having fun (though avoiding health-threatening drugs when you've mentioned two of such just before that seems slightly inconsistent), but just devoting time to said process is not going to leave many colorful memories. You won't remember every day spent like that, so I guess it makes somewhat more sense to do something more meaningful and memorable while at it, or alongside it. Otherwise, creating any forms of art usually brings satisfaction and is memorable as well. The problem with living the present day without caring of the future is that it's only good while it lasts, and facing a brick wall one of these days is pretty much inevitable, which is why many people just throw their life away at this moment. I've been largely following that lifestyle until recently, too, after graduating from my university: basically, just slacking on everything possible. But on this year's January, 1st, I was thinking over my life and supposed future, and many of my thoughts were similar to yours and Fabian's, which was the reason I decided to change my lifestyle, as it started to seem too meaningless in the long run. I realized that I reached the limit of mental development it allows, and when I asked myself, what was going to be afterwards, the answer seemed to me as a dead end, at which I'd have to suddenly give up most of what I had, and lead a sad and boring way of life. I won't go into details, but a good answer to my situation was to start working on something that would further develop my personality and bring good emotions in the process; i.e., to get ahold of my life. Thankfully, I've found a great job, and my only complaint with it is that it takes a huge toll on my time. Another possible solution in addition to that would be to fall in love and eventually create a family, but right now I don't care enough to cut another chunk of my free time. It's going to take a couple years to fully adapt. Not sure if it helped any of you, but I guess trying didn't hurt.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I'm not sure what you humans are talking about but the way i see it is that... nothing matters... because we're all gonna die anyway. It's a dead end every time. Death makes brick walls meaningless.
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Sooo... you're a glass half full type guy aren't you? Also, get less emo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdASTkfi91E&feature=related
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nfq wrote:
the way i see it is that... nothing matters... because we're all gonna die anyway. It's a dead end every time. Death makes brick walls meaningless.
Well, duh. The point is not living forever, the point is spending the time you live so that it fills some purpose defined by yourself, be it the continuation of your kin, gathering experiences, deriving pleasure, anything else, or any combination of them. If you have no such purpose, killing yourself is an option (hint).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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nfq wrote:
because we're all gonna die anyway.
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Fabian wrote:
Dear Fabian, I hate school and I'm considering dropping out. What I'm studying doesn't interest me, and the thought of becoming an accountant or anything close to an accountant for the rest of my life scares the shit out of me. The problem is, I don't know what else to do with my life. I can't really think of anything else I'd rather be studying, plus I feel that if I were to drop out now, I'd have wasted over a year on something I won't have much use for, and I'm afraid it would leave me feeling even less accomplished than I already feel. I also know that dropping out would make my parents even more disappointed in me, which makes me feel terrible. I hate the thought of getting some crappy job instead. I do realize there are some positive side effects of getting even a useless job with next to no pay, but yet I can't help but feel I would still be accomplishing nothing. It's not like I would be making a career out of working at McDonalds, you know? And after a few months I'd just quit and be back to where I am now with nothing to show for it. Does this make sense to you? I've considered maybe taking some time off and traveling. This idea does interest me, but I don't really see myself enjoying it if I were to go alone, and I have no friends who could just leave everything and go away for a few months. Do you have any advice for me? What do you think I should do? Thanks.
I know I'm not Fabian, but hopefully I can help you out with this one. My advise for you in such a troubling situation would be to first and foremost, if you care about what your parents think of you so much as you seem to, sit down and have a discussion with them. Tell them your situation, financially and how you're feeling. I remember when I had a similar situation back in 2003/2004. But then I got kicked out of my house cause my father and I were on really bad terms. I ended up joining the Navy and spending 2 years in japan and blah blah blah. Concerning dropping out of school for a year, this may be a great decision for you. It would be better to not pay for a bunch of classes that would be superfluous for whatever you decide to major in. Rather than thinking you wasted your time this previous year, I would prefer to look at it as a learning experience. You tried it out, and now you've learned that "hey, this isn't for me." Better to find that out now rather than after 4 years and a degree later. What you can do by dropping out of school for a year, perhaps with a part-time or full-time job (I don't know your situation), is you can take some time for yourself, relax, and in your leisure do some searching. Whether it be introspectively or extrospectively. But as I've said, the first thing I would suggest is having a sit down with your parents and talking to them. If they understand your situation they would probably much more sympathetic and supportive. I hope this was helpful in some way. Now for the question that I wanted to ask Fabian before I noticed your dilemma. Dear Fabian, Is it possible that we could ever be super awesome fun friends? Deign
I'm sciencing as fast as I can ! ______________________________________ <adelikat> once more balls enter the picture, everything gets a lot more entertraining <adelikat> mmmmm yummy penises
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