OK, looks like I did some pretty poor explaining there, I'll try and clear things up. First of all, forget about the 2 endings ordeal, there's really only 1, it was just my inexperience which lead me to believe there was 2. If you're not quite sure on it, just watch this quick video, you can skip nearly all of it anyway:
For the first half I deliberately kill myself just for the sake of getting to the Game over screen. For the next bit I warp and defeat the final boss without the neccessary requirements, hence getting what I referred to as the
bad ending; where as in fact it's actually just the exact same Game Over screen I got a few minutes earlier. No credits or "The End" gets shown, so doing it this way basically has the same effect as just dying; so I can't see how finishing the game in this manner could be considered completing it.
That is what I was gonna do originally, but obviously changed it into what is currently being published.
Ok, now the other issues. Jumping will maintain speed, but it doesn't last forever. Air will eventually slow you down too, it's just that it takes longer to do so, so I cant go through entire levels at sonic speed. Next, I've only got 1 health left at 37000, so jumping down into the hole would've killed me. I needed to wait for the TNT to finish exploding.