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Post subject: Demon's Crest
Joined: 6/26/2004
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While watching the Super GnG-Run, i though of Demon's Crest Is there someone who has taken this project into reality? Would be interessting to watch.. Maybe diffenrent runs for the different possible Endings..
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I've actually tried to run this but... damn confusing game. You really gotta know where to fly next and change to different gargoyle forms quickly and in specific places and such. And bosses take a while to beat.. But I dunno if you could fly straight to the last place and beat the boss there with the Fire Gargoyle..
- mazzeneko
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AFAIK are there 3 possible Endings.. (maybe more) i know only.. ^^;; 1. Ending is after the first 3 Lavels, the 2. is after the next 3 Levels and the 3. is after the 7. Level i don't know if there were more.. i've played it several years ago the last time.. Edit: if you know/have the right Weapon/Crest, then are the bosses much easier to beat..
Post subject: I'd love to try...
Joined: 6/9/2004
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I'd love to try making this movie, I remember playing a NES version of this game and liking it a lot. Sadly, before I'm even going to commit to trying, I'd have to, you know, play and beat it first.
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actually, i was just thinking of doing a time attack for this game. ive beaten it inside and out so many times that it only seems logical. of course, this is if i give up on an inspector gadget rush. and an EVO rush.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Hooray for Red Arrimer. >>; *ahem* There's a zsnes movie for the Japanese version, Demon's Blazon, up on zophar, if anyone's interested. I can't remember what ending it goes for from memory, but...*shrug* I'd support a run of the game, though. A full version, the final Gargoyle form and all. As for Gadget and EVO... Gadget...moves strangely. And since enemies tend to pop out of nowhere to knock you silly sometimes, you'd have to work at routes and such. >< And Hat preservation. EVO... would take a loooong, long time to make, though. Why? Because, unless you want people to watch you eat meat for hours on end, you'll have to save/load a LOT to get glowing, special meats for EACH pickup so you can evolve as quickly as you can. Mouth -always- goes first, then speed. At least, that's how I always did it. I remember seeing a Zsnes movie of this, too... somewhere. It was well over two hours, since he basically had to sit around eating small enemies until his jaws were stronger. It was...boring. o_o If you do, I'd say go for the Human form to fight the final boss with. It'd be more impressive, since the Human -blows-.
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you do realise that (for EVO) you dont have to upgrade to the highest jaws all of the time. a few small upgrades for speed can be much more effective than a few upgrades for offense/defense.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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getting back to the main topic: are we shooting for best ending or just fastest end (without the shortcut end, which doesnt include 3 levels and the real* final boss? i would be fine with the latter. also, if you were wondering about where/what youre supposed to be doing in the game: many people get confused about why the air stage ends their game so quickly. what the game alludes to, but doesnt directly represent, is that you are supposed to jump into the wind vortex at the end of the chasm portion of the level. follow through, defeat arma, and you will unlock a few extra levels. *real refers to Phalanx himself within his own tower. if you replay the game with the infinity crest and all items, you can fight a third and final boss. however, this adds a lot of tedious level recaps and item hunting. edit: i will be trying this attack. i just need to ask; do you need all of the life capsules to unlock phalanx's demon form? if so, thats a lot of extra bosses and a lot of returning to places (sewers, colloseum, temple, etc). edit 2: apparently you DO need all of the life points in order to get phalanx's demon form. im not so sure if i want to do this anymore :/
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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alright, im giving this movie a shot. ill be headed for the phalanx demon ending (second best), which unfortunately requires a lot of retracing. due to the infinite lives part of the game, ill have to kill myself a few times in order to save a few minutes on the run. as of right now, the only things that will be difficult to control are the underwater portion of the temple and getting money for the imp and death spells in the beginning (ovnunu's children are fodder for the imp, and death kills fliers and phalanx like no other). estimated time for run: 25 minutes. edit: make that between 35 and 40. im at 29:40 and ive just gotten arma's time crest. one more run through the ice level, one through the forest, and two through the temple, and i should be set to fight phalanx. pray that the fight is quick and painless...
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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ultra edit: due to technical difficulties, this run isnt "done" quite yet. until i find out why this desynchs on other peoples' systems and not mine, consider this a work in progress still
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Well, due to circumstances that are out of anyone's control, I am putting this run on hiatus for the time being. If anyone wants to take over (or do a Hardest Mode/Uses Password run to fight Infinity), here is my sequence. -Takes No Damage -Aims For Fastest Time -Has 'Best' Ending stage 1 -> statue scroll -> miniboss -> straight to arma completes headbutt minigame in lake (NW of stage 3) stage 2 -> straight to underground area -> straight to ovnunu stage 4 -> straight to whirlwind -> miniboss -> crown relic -> scroll -> arma stage 3 -> straight to flame lord stage 3 -> uses air crest for vial -> uses air crest for life piece -> uses buster for skull relic stage 4 -> uses buster for life piece -> straight to flier boss stage 6 -> uses air crest for vial -> enters fortress -> uses buster for life piece -> uses air/earth crests to get armor relic -> straight to arma stage 6 -> uses earth crest to get scroll -> straight to grewon stage 5 -> straight to crawler stage 5 -> uses earth crest to get two life pieces in temple -> uses water crest to obtain life piece -> straight to holuthurion stage 1 -> collects vial -> uses buster to get life piece stage 2 -> uses water crest to get vial and hand relic -> uses buster to get scroll and life piece in underground area stage 2 -> uses earth crest to get life piece in graveyard -> straight to bone daddy stage 3 -> enter underwater area -> use buster for scroll -> use water crest for life piece -> straight to scula stage 7 -> straight through level, collecting life piece and fang relics -> defeat phalanx a few side notes: -only use earth crest to shatter objects or to dash across open area more than one screen in width (namely, the fountain area) -weapon succession whould be 'flame - buster - air - time' - try to use air crest's manueverability to shave time off of expansive areas -do not collect any gold (aside from headbutt game fees) and do not buy any items. death is only as strong as 2 air shots/1 time shot and takes 6 seconds to cast, which makes it inefficient anything else, feel free to ask here.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Just to let everyone know, all US and Euro versions of this game desynch for me. The most accepting version is the Demon's Crest (U) version, which waits 20 minutes before it decides to desynch. Demon's Crest (U)[!] and Demon's Crest (E) both desynch within the first 3 minutes of any movie. With that being said, there is no way I will be able to make this movie. *insert unhappy faces all over this post*
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Post subject: Demon's Crest
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I've been thinking about this game lately, and I wanted some opinions on it. As we all know, the only way to get to the true boss of the game is to get 100% of the items, beat the 3 phases of Phalanx, watch the credits, get the password, reset, enter that password and go take on the final final boss. However, there is an ending where you get very few/no items, pass a handful of bosses and take on only the 1st phase of the Phalanx fight. If I (or someone else) were to do an attack on this game, do you guys think it should be 100%, or just go for the quick way through and get the bad ending and all that?
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Interesting. I think both runs could be viable, but getting all items would require mucho backtracking and might not actually be as fun. You would get to use more abilities, however. The minimal one might be the best to do first. What does Zurreco have to say?
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There is already a 3 page thread for this game. Also, I am currently working on my eight version of the any% run. Most people agree that the 100% run will not be published. The password fight, although interesting, is apparently too vague to pique anyone's interest.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I say insert the password and beat that stupid Dark Demon without getting hit or something. Screw the rest of the game!
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Zurreco wrote:
There is already a 3 page thread for this game. Also, I am currently working on my eight version of the any% run. Most people agree that the 100% run will not be published. The password fight, although interesting, is apparently too vague to pique anyone's interest.
Seriously? Well, bless me bagpipes. In that case, I won't be worrying myself with this game. As an added bonus, I get to look like a noob asswad. Let the flaming commence!
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No flames here. I would post a WIP, but I'm barely to Arma and I get a desynch at the Hippogriff. Also, you're free to try this run. You might beat me.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Why do you keep on trying to run this game, even though you get desync after desync? (at least, so i read, i think)
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I don't really get desynch after desynch. I tested the (E) version of the game, as well as a few others, and saw that they have horrid desynching issues. However, the (U) version of the ROM seems to run fine for about 24 minutes. Granted, I still get desynchs in my movies (I'm at one right now...), but they are fixable. I kinda wish I knew if any of those tick-able features (High envelope sound, non WIP timing, etc) will help with desynchs. However, the main culprit with these movies is not the ROM itself, but the coding for the Hippogriff minibosses. The things tend to fly out of range and stay there, and 95% of all attempts at luck abuse can only bring it back down a bit early. Unfortunately, you have to fight at least 2 to beat the game (although my paths have 3), so its really aggravating to play a level well for maybe 10 minutes and then spend hours on a 25 second segment.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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just do what i did with my zelda 3 video, when it desyncs, just play the movie back to the point right before you get hit then just move out of the way and counter, was very long and tedious, but its the only way i can think of countering a desync.
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Ahh old buddy Culden is online again! It's same problem I have during my Secret Of Evermore recording but I get used to it to rerecord after every new screen...
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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no one wants to do a speedrun nor time attack on demon's crest ? I've never seen the complete game :p
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mikwuyma and I are talking about a speedrun for it... kinda. time attacks aren't viable. all ROMs for Demon's Crest desynch or crash.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I understand, and what about making a vid ? (I don't use replay functionnalities from snes9x or any emulator, just watching movies)
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