Post subject: sound chanels
Joined: 1/22/2008
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i remember i used to play my genesis roms on the genecyst, the one with blood in the gui. what iu liked most on that emuator was the feature to eneble/disable each sound channel on the poped up window nowadays , none of genesis emulator has this opition the gens has something simlar, but i can only canb the drums and the synths all together somnething was done similar on the snex9x, can someone work on some path to allow gens to do this too?
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Gens 9.5b has this feature.
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Gens 9.5b has this feature.
i use gens 9.5b , if you are talking about the Z80, YM2612, PSG and DAC, i would say i wasnt clear on my post when i turn of the YM2612(the syntetiser) i only listen to drums and efects, but the point isÇ most of games are made by 6 channels, 3 channels of synthetisers,(main line, back line, and solo), and the gens are turning off the synthetisers allthogether.. i cant get the channel i want to listen and for DAC( its the drums, also the same problem(usualy drum are made by two cannels: the beats and the cymbals) im miss very much this genecyst feature
Joined: 10/3/2005
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Ah. Yes, that's much clearer. :X
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DGen has this too, all YM2612 channels can be enabled individually but unfortunately not the PSG channels (but you couldn't in Genecyst either) The DAC is only one channel. Sonic 3 has cymbals on top of the beats in the Balloon Park Zone song, and this is done by simply having a recording of a bass drum played together with a cymbal. In Sonic 1 you may wonder about the tympanis that are seemingly played together with the snares in the Scrap Brain Zone theme, but what happens there is that the snare sound is cut off and the tympani sound is delayed somewhat. Street Fighter II turbo mixes the drums with sound effects and voices in software.
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yeah , but this feature in snex9x is far better than in genesis, they cant forget the genesis music fans
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well i just tested and i found on genecyst Version x.xx cant do the sound channels here is the proof for the genecyst 0.32
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HHS said:
DGen has this too, all YM2612 channels can be enabled individually but unfortunately not the PSG channels (but you couldn't in Genecyst either)
it can in term, but doesnt works propely i teste on the sonic 2 on track number 05 as shown below i just left the YM2612 turned on, and what i got, every synthetiser playing together, (bass, main line and back line) i cant slipt then as i could on genecyst here is the proof
Active player (285)
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That picture is of Gens. I was talking about DGen.
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yeh, on the rusah i read just gens but this change nothing, gens stil need the feature to manipulate the FM channels btw this dgens feature isnt good
Joined: 1/22/2008
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yeh, on the rusah i read just gens but this change nothing, gens stil need the feature to manipulate the FM channels btw this dgens feature isnt good