Emulator Coder, Player (79)
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INTJ Introverted 78, Intuitive 12, Thinking 88 & Judging 33.
You're just fucking stupid, everyone hates you, sorry to tell you the truth. no one likes you, you're someone pretentious and TASes only to be on speed game, but don't have any hope, you won't get there.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Sorry, heheheh...
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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INTJ, although their description doesn't entirely fit me.
adelikat wrote:
It started off fairly tame, but as more balls entered the picture it sure got a lot more entertaining.
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theenglishman wrote:
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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It's 9 past 10 and 40 seconds, the 2 is missing on the clock and a hammer is located beneath the minute hand... I don't get that picture at all! x_X Is it just random nonsense or am I missing out on an amazingly funny pun?
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Stop! Hammer time.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Kuwaga wrote:
It's 9 past 10 and 40 seconds, the 2 is missing on the clock and a hammer is located beneath the minute hand... I don't get that picture at all! x_X Is it just random nonsense or am I missing out on an amazingly funny pun?
Hammertime. Go look it up, as Yogi Bera (may or may not have) once said.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Good old Picard. An Internet comedian before the Internet. (To me, Internet did not exist before 1994.) Jung Typology Test by Humanmetrics scores me now as ISTJ. : I=56, S=1, T=12, J=1. Two years ago I was INTP : I=56, N=12, T=12, P=22. Interesting how N and P have changed into borderline S and J, while the I and T aspects have remained the same. So borderline in fact, that just as well this could be INTJ, ISTP, INTP, or even ISFJ, INFJ, ISFT or ISFJ if we consider the T=12 value low enough. Speaking of which, shouldn't these two threads (this, and the linked one) be merged? update posts set topic_id=5475 where topic_id=8344 would do it quite nicely.
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INTJ, just like everyone else here. Not original or exotic at all. :/ 33, 25, 50, 44.
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I'm an INTJ type: 44% introverted, 75% intuitive, 12% thinking, 1% judging. I am * moderately expressed introvert * distinctively expressed intuitive personality * slightly expressed thinking personality * slightly expressed judging personality notes that I'm a "mastermind", which is surely flattering. EDIT: wow, this is pretty accurate. The emphasized part is exactly how I prefer to work with others. "Masterminds are rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead." EDIT 2: though I must admit I'm kind of disturbed by the fact Ayn Rand is listed as having the same personality type as me.
Emulator Coder, Player (79)
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I think all/most of us here are INTJ/mastermind, so "Masterminds are rare" may not be so true. :P
You're just fucking stupid, everyone hates you, sorry to tell you the truth. no one likes you, you're someone pretentious and TASes only to be on speed game, but don't have any hope, you won't get there.
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Perhaps "TASVideos users are masterminds." is more accurate. (Noting a few laughworthy exceptions.) When it says "Slightly expressed", I don't think that indicates much of a preference one way or another. Answering one question differently could be enough to swing you the other way, so I don't think the test is that precise that you can accurately define yourself with a 10%-20% expression in one direction. It is just meant to show preference one way of the other, so it seems that scores in that range don't have a strong preference in either direction worth noting. These were my scores by the way: INTJ 78 - very expressed introvert 88 - very expressed intuitive personality 50 - moderately expressed thinking personality 44 - moderately expressed judging personality If someone cares to combine this thread with the other, by all means go ahead.
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most guys on the internets wrote:
I got this result. It seems I'm a mastermind. Also I'm so rare.
EDIT: Can you try this test? Looks better. I got: Extroverted (E) 55.56% Introverted (I) 44.44% Intuitive (N) 64.1% Sensing (S) 35.9% Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45% Perceiving (P) 63.16% Judging (J) 36.84% ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. MUCH MORE ACCURATE! hell yeah... OMG I'm a VISIONARY.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Post subject: Re: it was cool
Emulator Coder, Player (79)
Joined: 10/26/2007
Posts: 693
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
EDIT: Can you try this test? Looks better.
Introverted (I) 87.1% Extroverted (E) 12.9% Sensing (S) 55.56% Intuitive (N) 44.44% Thinking (T) 86.67% Feeling (F) 13.33% Judging (J) 54.55% Perceiving (P) 45.45% ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. I don't like this one. I wanted to be below the 1% of total population... :P
You're just fucking stupid, everyone hates you, sorry to tell you the truth. no one likes you, you're someone pretentious and TASes only to be on speed game, but don't have any hope, you won't get there.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
EDIT: Can you try this test? Looks better.
Introverted (I) 78.79% Extroverted (E) 21.21% Intuitive (N) 54.55% Sensing (S) 45.45% Thinking (T) 84.38% Feeling (F) 15.63% Judging (J) 80.65% Perceiving (P) 19.35% My intuitive score went way down with this test.
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I always trusted you, mz. EDIT: wait you're like the opposite of me WTF
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
EDIT: Can you try this test? Looks better.
INTJ, same scores, +/- 5.
Post subject: Re: it was cool
Skilled player (1649)
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
most guys on the internets wrote:
I got this result. It seems I'm a mastermind. Also I'm so rare.
Stop trying to derail the thread pirate.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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Now that I read it, yeah, I think you guys fit in the description. I got that text, replaced all "INTJ" by "GEEK", and yeah it's you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, at the bottom of the test results, you can see a quick overview of the types. Me: outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking, good at getting people to have fun, pleasure seeking, irresponsible, physically affectionate, risk taker, thrill seeker, likely to have or want a tattoo, adventurous, unprepared, attention seeking, hyperactive, irrational, loves crowds, rule breaker, prone to losing things, seductive, easily distracted, open, revealing, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, attracted to strange things, non punctual, likes to stand out, likes to try new things, fun seeker, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, empathetic, dangerous, loving, attachment prone, prone to fantasy My careers: performer, actor, entertainer, songwriter, musician, filmmaker, comedian, radio broadcaster/dj, some job related to theater/drama, poet, music journalist, work in fashion industry, singer, movie producer, playwright, bartender, comic book author, work in television, dancer, artist, record store owner, model, freelance artist, teacher (art, drama, music), writer, painter, massage therapist, costume designer, choreographer, make up artist (I think I'm being watched) Most of you: loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, not very altruistic, not very complimentary, would rather be friendless than jobless, observer, values solitude, perfectionist, detached, private, not much fun, hidden, skeptical, does not tend to like most people, socially uncomfortable, not physically affectionate, unhappy, does not talk about feelings, hard to impress, analytical, likes esoteric things, tends to be pessimistic, not spontaneous, prone to discontentment, guarded, does not think they are weird but others do, responsible, can be insensitive or ambivalent to the misfortunes of others, orderly, clean, organized, familiar with darkside, tends not to value organized religion, suspicious of others, can be lonely, rarely shows anger, punctual, finisher, prepared Your carrers: scientist, dictator, forensic anthropologist, systems analyst, philosopher, nuclear engineer, political analyst, researcher, statistician, scholar, research scientist, computer scientist, software designer, curator, computer programmer, aerospace engineer, electrical engineer, paleontologist, english professor, philosophy professor, chemical engineer, epidemiologist, forensic scientist, museum curator, research assistant, mechanic, astronomer, figher pilot, librarian, systems administrator, neurosurgeon, book editor, biotechnology, archeologist, lab tech, bookstore owner Gentlemen, you are EVIL.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 7/16/2006
Posts: 635
Introverted (I) 72.73% Extroverted (E) 27.27% Intuitive (N) 65.79% Sensing (S) 34.21% Thinking (T) 73.53% Feeling (F) 26.47% Perceiving (P) 56.41% Judging (J) 43.59% Your type is: INTP INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
ooh, big surprise, INTP again. With about the same ratios, too, though I appear to be less introverted here. At least it's consistent, I suppose. However, their description of INTP is...interesting.
loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm
OK, while I admit many of those things do apply to me, a lot of them sound rather negative when they put it that way. The three bolded ones definitely do not apply to me, though. That third one really came out of the blue.
favored careers: philosopher, game designer, scientist, software engineer, freelance artist, research scientist, assassin, freelance writer, physicist, software developer, mathmetician, geologist, computer scientist, philosophy professor, webmaster, slacker, medical researcher, painter, mortician, systems analyst, comic book artist, computer technician, website designer, scholar, archeologist, computer repair, forensic anthropologist, astronaut, researcher, historian, systems engineer, genetics researcher, astronomer, enviromental scientist, egyptologist
OK, I must say I've considered a lot of those, and actually am one of them, but assassin? Really? I didn't know that was considered a valid career. The same goes for slacker, though for a different reason. Mortician is an odd one, but now that I think about it, I could see myself in it. On a related note, I really, really hate philosophy, so it was interesting to see that as a first choice. Considering I temporarily worked on a OoT hack, perhaps game designer isn't too far off, though.
disfavored careers: human resources, public relations, social worker, guidance counselor, health care worker, trainer, school teacher, wedding planner, movie star, hospitality worker, supervisor, child care worker, fundraiser, customer service, stay at home parent, office administrator
Well, they're got me there. I wouldn't be able to stand any of those.
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mz wrote:
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
EDIT: Can you try this test? Looks better.
ISTP: I=71, S=53, T=67, P=64. It's a middleground from the "ISTJ" I got from humanmetrics yesterday and the "INTP" I got from it years ago. As usual, the S/N axis differentiation is weak, and the I/E axis differentiation is strong.
ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.
Can't say this doesn't describe me. And in the same breath, can't say that the ISTJ described at [1] is me. I'm trying to develop towards the E and F directions a bit. Reading the Wikipedia article, I think the truth as for my type is INTP. – I vs E: I clearly plan my actions before acting them out, and acting them out tires me and planning charges me. That makes me pronouncedly I as opposed to E. However, I am very slowly drifting towards the direction of E, as I am gaining confidence with social life and simultaneously losing motivation in deep thinking and finding active things to do that charge me. – N vs S: I prefer to understand the general principles behind singular occurrences, and to formulate theories in my mind. However, I'm not fond of elaborate rule sets and of intimate study, and prefer to understand as much is required in order to not make mistake, but not more. That makes me a weak N. – T vs F: My decisions are usually based on logic and reasoning; on understanding the principles, and acting the decision based on that understanding. That makes me clearly a T as opposed to F. Emphatizing on people's feelings is clearly not something I do naturally ― I can understand feelings, but internally I convert them into concepts ―, but I'm trying. – P vs J: I tend to hold my actions and decisions (T/F) until I can see the cause (N/S). That makes me a stronger P than J; I put more energy in the perception than in the judgment that follows it. However, the ongoing drift out from I also makes me drift out from P. So perhaps I'm going to be weakly ENTJ or ENFJ some year soon ;) At least ENFJ is a teacher, and I like teaching.
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hahahah petrie911 does not like happy people... HAHAHAHA what do you say about this pic? yeah, that + potential assassin + potential slacker = great mortician And I think I can be a slacker too... where do I send the resumè?
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Jung Test Results Introverted (I) 78.13% Extroverted (E) 21.88% Intuitive (N) 70.59% Sensing (S) 29.41% Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25% Judging (J) 54.05% Perceiving (P) 45.95% Your type is: INTJ o_O Well, I guess it can be roughly compared to the "old" result (this could be wrong though): Introverted (I) 78.13 - 21.88 = 56.25 Intuitive (N) 70.59 - 29.41 = 41.18 Thinking (T) 75 - 25 = 50 Judging (J) 54.05 - 45.95 = 8.1 So I've become less introverted and intuitive while more thinking and judging within a day (24 hours).
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do