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Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is a one of famous Castlevania games, and it is also the sequel to Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA).
I recommend downloading my release package as it includes the movie file as well as other accessories such as memory watch files, lua scripts, etc.
This run aims for the fastest time to complete the game with the good ending, on normal difficulty. The run starts with no predefined save, but it completes the game in 8 minutes and 20.12 seconds, by utilizing a variant of a famous zipping glitch. The in-game completion time of this run should be 00:07:18 (26310 frames), but since game timers have been overwritten by a glitch, it is shown as 00:43:43 after the game has been completed.
  • Emulator used: DeSmuME 0.9.4+ (with no lag reduction options; i.e. official timing)
    • The game sometimes lags more than the real console, because of the emulator's inaccurate timing emulation.
    • I recommend OpenGL. Both OpenGL and SoftRasterizer work well, but I think SoftRasterizer causes a minor display glitch.
  • Aims for fastest time (to get the good ending)
  • Abuses programming errors in the game / Uses zipping glitch
  • Manipulates luck (for soul/item drops, boss moves, etc.)
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Genre: Action, Platform, RPG
  • Colors a warp room

About the run

The run completes the game in the following process.
  1. Prologue
  2. Meet Yoko and Julius, obtain Magic Seal 1
  3. Obtain Axe from Axe Armor
  4. Defeat Flying Armor
  5. Defeat Balore
  6. Save game for later glitch use
  7. Obtain Magic Seal 2
  8. Defeat Dmitrii
  9. Perform zipping to collect achieve things and suspend/restart the game
  10. Go to Warp Room and warp to The Abyss. The castle will self-destruct in a few seconds
It is well known that the famous zipping glitch, which is called Succubus glitch, allows you to obtain a bunch of souls and items immediately. That Succubus glitch is used in a few of speedruns. However, they needed to get to The Pinnacle to obtain Succubus' soul.
While making this run, I invented a variation of Succubus glitch, a method to interrupt special attack by a cutscene. It allowed me to perform a zipping much earlier than before. Moreover, I enthusiastically investigated what can be done by the zipping, and I finally concluded that the last warp room can be activated and also Menace can be skipped.
Since the emulator generates a ridiculous amount of lags, I did not mind lags and 1 frame losses very strictly (still I generally did my best, of course!). Instead, I tried to optimize the whole route/strategy hard, and also to discover general tricks of the game.


Here I show you what I have found.


There are three methods of move, backdash-jump, forward-backdash-blank and backdash-crouching. I compared their average speeds to see which is faster. I show the comparison on flat ground below.
  • Backdash-jump: (13784+13232+12680+12128+11576+11024+10472+9920+9368+8816+8264+7712)/12 = 10748
  • Forward-backdash-blank: (6144 + 13784 + 11384)/3 = 10437.3333
  • Backdash-crouching: (13784+13232+12680+12128+11576+11024+8624+0)/8 = 10381 (8 frame pattern = fastest one)
  • Additional note: Replacing crouching to subweapon use seems to be slightly faster if it does not lag. It will greatly decrement your MP, though.
That is why Soma jumps again and again. Crouching is used as an alternative move method, when Soma is on a downslope, or when Soma wants to jump earlier. Sometimes, it is also used for some luck-manipulations.
Actually, I also considered about one more method, "forward, backward + backdash, release". It has never been used since it was slower than the two methods above.

Motion cancels

  • Backdash can cancel an attack motion. It is a well-known behavior.
  • Landing can cancel an attack motion of some weapons. It is a well-known behavior, too.
  • Axe Armor's ability can cancel a landing motion after damage.
  • To cancel Black Panther's ability just before landing can cancel a landing motion.


Some rooms (more precisely, enemies, backgrounds, and other effects) change the randomness on every frame, some rooms do not.
Soma can affect the randomness at least by a normal attack (changes it once), backdashing (sometimes changes it while doing that), or turning around (changes it once). It cannot be changed by jumping, crouching, or using a soul that I used in the run. Backdash+crouching is a handy way to manipulate randomness without losing speed much.
The recurrence equation of RNG is identical with later 2 DS games, Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia. Also, it is almost identical with Aria of Sorrow. It is a sort of linear congruential generator. The following C code emulates the behavior of the RNG.
static int32_t x = 0; // $020c07e4
int32_t rand() {
    x = (x >> 8) * 0x3243f6ad + 0x1b0cb175;
    return x;
I wrote a Lua script that displays how many times the RNG is called in a frame (I learned about the implementation of RNG after I finished the run, so the script was not used for the run).

Crystal blocks

Crystal blocks are shattered by touching the screen (Balore's soul needed). In a tool-assisted speedrun, so many blocks can be shattered immediately, by moving the stylus incredibly fast.

Go down floating footholds without losing speed (not used)

I just discovered it after I finished the run, so I cannot tell you the detail at present. I assume that it happens under a limited pixel conditions. This trick might improve the run a little. I hope it will because it looks good.

Activate a switch behind the wall (not used)

One of famous glitches. The Cutall/Cinquedea/Alucard Sword's special attack is teleporting behind an enemy and stabbing it. By utilizing that, you can activate a switch, which is on the other side of the wall.

Infinite jump glitch (not used)

I don't know the detail since I have never had a look at it.

Zipping: General info

When Soma goes outside the room, the game writes "visited" flag to abnormal location. As a result, it causes various things like the run has done.
In other words, the write address is determined from Soma's location. I studied how to calculate the exact write address from Soma's position, and wrote up a lua script which shows the write address in realtime. It definitely helped me to consider the optimal route of the zipping part.
When Soma goes to the right as long as one room, the write bit gets shifted to the left. However, the range of the write address changes per 16 rooms (i.e. 2 bytes). Read the script below for details.
-- Address view for memory writing with zipping
-- Open the memory viewer to see what's actually going on.

if not emu then
  error("This script runs under DeSmuME.")

if not bit then

function cvdosPosToMapFlag(x, y)
  x, y = x % 256, y % 256

  local xl, xh = x % 16, math.floor(x / 16) % 16
  local i = (y * 16) + (xh * 46 * 16) + xl
  local pos = 0x20F6E34 + math.floor(i / 8)
  local mask = math.pow(2, math.floor(i % 8))
  return pos, mask

  local x = memory.readbyte(0x0210F018)
  local y = memory.readbyte(0x0210F014)
  local i = (y * 16) + x
  local pos, mask = cvdosPosToMapFlag(x, y)
  agg.text(140, 5, string.format("%08X:%02x", pos, mask))
  agg.text(140, 24, string.format("[%04X-%04X]", cvdosPosToMapFlag(x - (x % 0x10), 0) % 0x10000, cvdosPosToMapFlag(bit.bor(x, 0x0f), 255) % 0x10000))
  agg.text(140, 43, string.format("[%04X-%04X]", cvdosPosToMapFlag(x - (x % 0x10) + 0x10, 0) % 0x10000, cvdosPosToMapFlag(bit.bor(x, 0x0f) + 0x10, 255) % 0x10000))
  agg.text(140, 62, string.format("(%03d/%X,%03d)", x, x % 16, y))
Here are some of addresses I planned to (not) manipulate in the run.
020F70D7lower 4 bitsYorick
020F70E0lower 4 bitsSuccubus
020F70E1lower 4 bitsErinys
020F70EBhigher 4 bitsBlack Panther
020F70F3higher 4 bitsFinal Guard
020F70FChigher 4 bitsGolem
020F70FDhigher 4 bitsLilith
020F7104higher 4 bitsDraghignazzo
020F7109lower 4 bitsStolas
020F710Ahigher 4 bitsMalphas
020F710Blower 4 bitsDoppelganger
020F710Bhigher 4 bitsRahab
020F710Clower 4 bitsHippogryph
020F710Chigher 4 bitsProcel
020F710Dlower 4 bitsMud Demon
020F71E2lower 4 bitsCutall
020F71E2higher 4 bitsCinquedia
020F71EDlower 4 bitsKaladbolg
020F71F2higher 4 bitsClaimh Solais
020F720Elower 4 bitsDracula's Tunic
020F7216higher 4 bitsDeath's Robe
020F721Blower 4 bitsRosary
020F7226lower 4 bitsChaos Ring
020F6E201 byteRoom X position (for start from suspend)
020F6E221 byteRoom Y position (for start from suspend)
020F6DFC4 bytesIf the value bitand 0x44000007 is non-zero, disable Suspend
020F70184 bytesX position for start from suspend
020F701C4 bytesY position for start from suspend
020F703C4 bytesIngame time
020F7187bit2|bit3 (04|08)Save Room & Warp Room first time message flag
020F718A1 byteMenace related flags ($30 is the best value to skip him)
020F71A82 bytesActivated warp destinations (bit11/$0800 = The Abyss)
020F72282 bytes * 6Button settings
020F72562 bytesDisable Suspend/Pause (Julius Mode)
020F72591 byteHard Mode if nonzero
Note: As you can see in the run, Soma can move through the wall by sliding.

Zipping: The Succubus glitch and its variations

All of these glitches cancels a special attack halfway to go into the wall. The difference is only how to cancel an attack.
The steps to achieve the most famous Succubus glitch are:
  1. Equip Cutall/Cinquedea/Alucard Sword and Succubus
  2. Use its special attack then cancel the motion by Succubus immediately
  3. Walk/Attack for about 2.5 seconds (do not stop, jump, backdash, and so on. It's important)
  4. Use the special attack again against the wall
  5. The special attack will be canceled in the wall if it succeed
Axe also can be used to perform the glitch. Here is a demonstration video (youtube). When you use Axe, you'll need to switch your equipment during the glitch, because Axe's special attack is too long.
Axe also can be used to perform the glitch. However, you'll need to unequip the Axe once after you used a special attack (it's good to use Doppelganger to unequip a weapon quickly, by the way), because Axe's special attack is too long.
A cutscene after the boss fight also cancels the special attack (it's the core of the run). It can be used earlier since it doesn't require a Succubus' soul.
Additionally, there are some special locations you can perform the zipping (flat ground + door, narrow gap + Skeleton Ape): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkohuZnKPAg

Memory addresses

Most of the zipping related addresses are shown above.
020CAA404 bytesX position
020CAA444 bytesY position
020CA95C4 bytesX position (next)
020CA9604 bytesY position (next)
020CA9682 bytesX velocity
020CA96C2 bytesY velocity
020C07E44 bytesRandom number
020F703C4 bytesIngame frame
020CA9F31 byteSoma invulnerability 1
020CAA241 byteSoma invulnerability 2
020F74102 bytesCurrent HP value
020F74122 bytesMax HP value
020F74142 bytesCurrent MP value
020F74162 bytesMax MP value
020F74484 bytesCurrent EXP value
0210AF422 bytesLeft of sprite hitbox
0210AF462 bytesRight of sprite hitbox
0210AF442 bytesTop of sprite hitbox
0210AF482 bytesBottom of sprite hitbox
020F2A881 byteMagic Seal Step
020F2A8C1 byteMagical Seal Substep
020CED884 bytesSuccubus timer
The following addresses might change randomly.
020D36A82 bytesFlying Armor HP
020D35131 byteFlying Armor invincibility #1
020D35141 byteFlying Armor invincibility #2
020D35151 byteFlying Armor invincibility #3
020D26E82 bytesBalore HP
020D25531 byteBalore invincibility #1
020D25541 byteBalore invincibility #2
020D25551 byteBalore invincibility #3
020D2EC82 bytesDmitrii HP
020D2D331 byteDmitrii Invisibility #1
020D2D341 byteDmitrii Invisibility #2
020D2D351 byteDmitrii Invisibility #3
Also, I posted some info about cheat codes before.

Stage by stage comments


In fact, the first Skeleton can be defeated 1 frame faster, by not jumping at second backdash and sliding earlier.
Golem battle is one of my favorite parts. Soma attacks him with insane speed.

Lost Village - Up to Flying Armor

Actually, Soma moves faster than a bone of Skeleton's soul. So it's rather difficult to throw a bone optimally. After all, I tested all patterns I came up with. I am not so smart :P
It might be better to defeat Peeping Eye by using Knife (with backdash and 2 frame jump) instead of Armor Knight, but I am not sure.
The Axe Armor room is very luck-manipulative room. You need to manipulate the randomness to obtain Axe Armor's soul and Axe, and also to manipulate Zombies' positions. I manipulated the randomness hard by brandishing a knife here and there, but I could not manage to eliminate one zombie who is just after Axe. Also, this is the first room I really wanted a lag-free emulator :P
Upgrading Axe Armor's soul here (and possibly in Wizardry Lab) might save time later (if a lag-free version of the emulator is used). Perhaps it will make that luck-manipulative room even harder. *shivers*
Stylus can be used in the menu screen. It is sometimes faster than using keys.

Lost Village & Wizardry Lab - From Flying Armor, up to Balore

As Atma told me in the forum, in the Flying Armor battle, I need to manipulate him to position as low as possible to make attacking him easier, and defeat him with scrolling to the left as far as is possible. I tried hard but I could not get to the most left side of the room. A better luck might improve the battle a little.
You may think that I can perform the cutscene zipping with Flying Armor. That is right, but I cannot do anything during the zipping so that it takes a few minutes to return. Additionally, I can get nothing there (the range of write address: 020f6e34-020f7033).
After I used Flying Armor, I switched it back to Armor Knight soon, to make the Balore battle a bit faster and to cancel damage motions. I considered that it is faster than keeping Flying Armor equipped.
If I can go down floating footholds without losing speed here and there, it will save 10-20 frames.

Wizardry Lab & Garden of Madness - From Balore, up to the save room

Balore is defeated without Mind Up. It makes the battle about 3 seconds longer, but later I can gain about 10 seconds. After I defeated Balore, there is a chance to leave a message on crystal blocks. However, I did not do that since it lags too much. This is one of obvious improvable point, isn't it? ;)
I used two Potions after the Balore battle, but I guess it might be a mistake. Reducing the amount of damage might make the run faster, rather than potion use.
In the Slaughterer room, it might be better to take damage instead of defeat them. It gives Soma less exps, and it might allow us to defeat more enemies later. By the way, it was a little hard to manipulate Slaughterer's position and hitbox. If you want to make a tas of the game, I suggest to you writing a hitbox display lua.
To activate the suspend command, I saved the game in Garden of Madness. Particles in the room might affect the time, but I really did not care. Even a zipping cannot skip this process. That is known via memory value.

Garden of Madness & The Dark Chapel - Up to the end of the Dmitrii battle

I didn't defeat enemies much because it causes a levelup and it freezes Soma for a few seconds. Also, I didn't equip Breastplate because it takes time a little to equip and I assumed that it doesn't save time after all.
I did not go up until the last axe hits Yorick. If I go, the collision detection will be skipped and I cannot defeat him.

Outside of the world - The zipping part

It's the most difficult section to explain... Well, read the general info section about zipping above first of all.
What I did in the run are:
  1. Obtain Black Panther
  2. Obtain Hippogryph (optional; I think it saves time rather than not use it, or more than obtaining Malphas instead)
  3. Set $30 to $020F718A to skip Menace (as a result, the game considers the first conversation and the battle are already done)
  4. Activate the warp to The Abyss
What I did not do in the run (because it seems to take time to do that) are:
  • Obtain Malphas
  • Skip the "Warp Room" description of the first time
I sometimes stopped to not overwrite the starting position after suspend much.
I constructed this route in the following steps:
  1. List up all possible useful locations (and dangerous locations as well)
  2. Divide them into 4 groups (odd number address or even number address, in higher 4 bit or in lower 4 bit)
  3. Count the minimum horizontal distance to get to each location, and group them by it (in the 16-bit alignment)
  4. See what is near/far each other and consider about how to visit them
One vertical loop takes a few seconds, so that I think it is not so smart to wait again and again to visit more locations.

The finale

In the room of lift, I compared which is faster, going from the upper or lower. They were the same.
When I fall from high position, I cancel Black Panther immediately just before the landing and cancel the motion.


I had never thought that I would invent such a odd route. In fact, before I met DeSmuME-rerecording, I had never considered about the speedrun of the game.
One day, I wanted to try recording a DS TAS movie with a new emulator, so I TASed the very beginning part of this game (the first battle against three enemies) just for curiosity. I learned some of the basic mechanisms of the game through the recording, and it told me that I can improve Atma's demonstration TAS in the forum. This is why I started working on the game suddenly. I had never expected that I would make a Castlevania TAS.
After I decided to work on the game, I watched Groobo's semi-TAS video on YouTube (and Satoryu's non tool-assisted speedrun).
The video completes the game in 28:58, by utilizing famous two glitches. One is a way to open a gate from the opposite side of a switch by Cutall's special attack, and the other is the one called "Succubus glitch" which allows us to go through/into a wall, and get a bunch of souls and items (details are described later). My original aim was to optimize his speedrun, and I assumed the completion time would be 20+ minutes at best.
However, that was not true. I'd like to thank all people who supported/encouraged me. I could not make the run without them.

Special thanks

  • Satoryu: for his non tool-assisted speedrun
  • Groobo: for his semi tool-assisted speedrun
  • People in the Dawn of Sorrow topic: You guys are always kind. Especially, I thank Atma for posting his first TAS attempt of the game. That motivated me a lot.
  • #TASers: A Japanese IRC channel. They motivate me always! Especially, I thank pirohiko for inventing a new style of video editing! ヽ(>ヮ<)
Hope you enjoy the run, thank you!


gocha: Hi! I am an idiot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

adelikat: Accepting for publication under one condition. A video like the one on the nicovideo be the published MKV.
ShinyDoofy: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15913
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2392: gocha's DS Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow in 08:20.12
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3590)
Joined: 11/3/2004
Posts: 4756
Location: Tennessee
Easy yes vote. Very entertaining run and I am surprised at it being so short. You were brutal to this poor game :( Also, (if) when published it should be done the way it is on nicovideo (http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm8093884) That is an excellent presentation of the movie.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Emulator Coder, Former player
Joined: 6/21/2006
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Location: Japan, Nagoya
Hi, let me archive some of extremely messy craps that I used for video editing here, please. RamReader.lua RamReader_NicoVideo.lua RamReader_YouTube.lua RamWriter.lua CV-DoS-glitched-tas_NicoVideo.avs CV-DoS-glitched-tas_YouTube.avs These files are also archived at r59 in the svn repository.
I am usually available on Discord server or Twitter.
Joined: 7/1/2008
Posts: 272
holy shit Yes vote. i knew this game could be broken, but you flat out obliterated it. i love how you were even able to skip fighting Menace. i wonder if this can be duplicated without TASing.
Joined: 5/13/2009
Posts: 141
WHAT DID YOU DO TO THIS GAME? Incredible run. Agree with adelikat, the presentation was exceptional. I especially enjoyed seeing the stylus input.
Senior Moderator
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Yes very much. A very cool run that leaves one craving for a glitchless version (and a lag-free emulator). :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 757
This game got violated worse then Rockman 2.. and I didn't think that could be possible! I literally blinked and missed it after that one battle... Definite Yes vote of astonishment and amazement.. and a true Dawning of Sorrow for this poor games life. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Hah! Very nice, and I agree, the video presentation on Nicovideo is excellent. I was also amused by your imitation of NESVideoAgent's screenshotting. :) Congratulations on an excellent TAS!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Joined: 12/28/2004
Posts: 210
Well isn't that lovely. Great work Gocha, easy yes vote
Skilled player (1233)
Joined: 9/15/2006
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Location: China
Never knew the Menace skipping, it's cool that complete the game in such a short time.
Former player
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Wow. The amount of abuse in this run is incredible. I knew a tool assisted run would be impressive, but I had no idea it would come this far. Easy Yes. Is anyone planning on doing a warpless run?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Skilled player (1102)
Joined: 8/26/2006
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Very entertaining. My second favorite CV run behind CV1 (NES). Clear Yes vote. As to the Nicovideo presentation; I liked it for just checking out the movie, but am not sure about officially implementing the layout at tasvideos. This is mainly because it does not accurately represent the nintendo DS and publishing movies that are not consistent with the hardware (even if for entertainment purposes) should not be made lightly. I'm not hugely concerned either way, but I felt it was worth bringing up.
Joined: 7/24/2008
Posts: 9
Two encodes, maybe? I know for some of the Sonic games an alternate encode with a camera hack was done.
Senior Moderator
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Two encodes would be ideal. Personally I think the way gocha visualized RAM contents in his Nico encode was pretty much perfect, but I do agree with Mukki that a clean version should be there regardless.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 8/7/2006
Posts: 344
What. Yes vote. :o
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Location: Georgia, USA
Hmm... I wasn't able to successfully view the Nico video yesterday, but it worked today. Thanks to Shinryuu back in the Rockman 2 discussion thread for linking to a guide for subscribing to Nico. Now that I've finally watched it, I don't really have anything more to add to what everyone else already said. Very nice work!
Derakon wrote:
I was also amused by your imitation of NESVideoAgent's screenshotting. :)
Me too, though you seem to be really critical of yourself Gocha :-(
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Player (40)
Joined: 10/9/2004
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Location: Floating Tower
Yes vote for the run, and yes vote for the suggestion of two encodes - one standard and one as was given on nicovideo.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
Joined: 6/25/2005
Posts: 1377
that's a very nice run you made there, along with a very descriptive encode. Who could vote anything but yes?
Former player
Joined: 12/27/2006
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Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Well I'd say. You truly broke the game to bits. Easy yes vote.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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I haven't watched it myself, but I do hope it'll sync with the svn trunk. For the sake of encoding it, of course.
Joined: 6/4/2009
Posts: 893
the movie desynched right after getting the axe so i had to rip the Nico² video to watch it in full screen the run is amazing, yes vote ! avi version of the nico² : http://ftpdugeni.free.fr/idee/flaEF.AVI also can you provide the save file ? when i did the game, i had a early version of DSemune so, the save didn't work ( just the state save), when i finished the game, i was so pissed to see that i couldn't do the julius mode because of that... i hope that with your version i will be able.
Joined: 12/7/2005
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Location: Sweden
This submission gets top score in every department from me. Can't wait for glitchless and 100% runs of this game.
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (983)
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Dear gocha, how do you manage to be so awesome? Love, /Truncated
Experienced player (969)
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More Castlevania goodness. Easy yes vote from me.