Post subject: Tomba! / Tombi!
Skilled player (1612)
Joined: 6/11/2006
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Tomba! is a fast paced adventure game featuring a pink haired troll. With the any% in the workbench, a 100%-TAS might be considered as well. There was also talk about using the Red + Blue = ? to gain speed in the any% TAS but it would most probably not gain any time as it would be far off track I fear :/ The patterns for the moving speed with the Dashing Pants are as follows: While running with the Dashing pants, the pattern is: 3-4-3-4-4 While jumping and rising with Dashing Pants: 5-6-5-5-5-6 While jumping and falling with Dashing Pants: 4-5-5-5-6-5-5-5 While running as BlackWhite: 6-5 While jumping and rising as BlackWhite: 6-7-6-6-7-6-6-6-7 While jumping and falling as BlackWhite: 6 EDIT: (For the any%) <Cardboard> Go to mushroom forest, laugh quest, get sad mushroom, warp to Charity Square, run across it, do the Red + Blue, pick up happy mushroom and healing mushroom and continue with quest <Cardboard> It wouldn't demand the Jumping Pants or Dashing Pants at all, and still leave A LOT of time to run fast like a fucker. <Cardboard> The problem would be that you'd be one set of wings short.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 19
When you say you'd be one set of wings short, have you not included the two that are in front of the fountain in charity square which, iirc, were not collected in the any%. Also, just waiting for reply from SDA runner regarding the route. I think the haunted mansion route might need changing, considering you improved the any% route (although it is slightly different anyway).
Skilled player (1612)
Joined: 6/11/2006
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Yeah but picking up them forces a trigger on another quest (The Broken Fountain) and if I can, I'd rather avoid that. But there should be another set somewhere, there has to be. I think that this might be worthwhile...
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 120
I hope to see a 100% run of this game.
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Posts: 19
Cardboard wrote:
Yeah but picking up them forces a trigger on another quest (The Broken Fountain) and if I can, I'd rather avoid that. But there should be another set somewhere, there has to be. I think that this might be worthwhile...
It's only going to be about five seconds. It depends if there are any wings that are within a five second deviation of the current route =p Edit: 100% route *1* Start off, get the Furious Tornado, jump on the two pump rocks here, collect Frog, use peach flower gas for the baby koma pig, pop balloons to gogocar, collect the chick, use Furious tornado, go to collect the second chick, talk to Yan, go to ol’ pond, clear “Take me Home”, get bananas, save at Forest of All Beginnings. 0 Charity Wings 0 Cheese Comment: popping balloons now saves weapon switching in segment 26. *2* Go back to Charles, get Animal Dash, enter the background over the building by the mailbox, step on the pump rocks there, go across the river and step on the three pump rocks there, collect the third chick, into the foreground, climb up to the fourth chick, enter the 100 year old man’s hut, exit and collect the Charity wing, talk to Yan, return to the 100 year old man’s hut, jump out to the 100 flower forest. 1 Charity Wing 0 Cheese *3* Collect 25 Leaf Butterflies, bite the first 2 dwarves, step on both pump rocks, bite the third dwarf, enter village, learn the dwarf language, and learn of dwarves lost, fly to 100 Flower Forest. 0 Charity Wing 0 Cheese *4* Collect both charity wings, collect two dwarves on way to the Wobbly Wharf, pass Baron, push barrel, collect crystal ball, collect bucket, free dwarf, exit out, rescue Baron, free two dwarves on way to the village, give Baron to nurse, enter Watch Tower. 2 Charity Wings 0 Cheese *5* Jump on first wooden structure, free 1st dwarf, step on pump rock, collect/equip Jumping pants, free other dwarf, collect child, go up to the top, collect telescope, look and see (segment 23?), push off boulder, jump to the crystal ball, collect mirror, take child home, get thanked Old: 15 New: *6* Get blue pig bag, enter thief’s room, exit, acquire torch, return to prisoner, use torch, exit, learn of fight, reenter, get broken vase, go to fight, leave to watch tower, equip bucket, get three drops, exit to charity square, return, exit to the mushroom forest. 2 Charity Wings 1 Cheese *7* Go to background, fight the bonsugee for the rise and shine powder, collect the charity wing, get happy, talk to dwarf, get sad, talk to dwarf, fly to Charity Square. 2 Charity Wings 1 Cheese *8* Get 2 charity wings, collect crystal ball, enter leaf slider, get one healing mushroom, use blue powder, clear ‘red + blue =?’, exit to phoenix mountain. 4 Charity Wings 1 Cheese *9* Step on the two pump rocks, jump the gap, don’t free Charles, step on the two pump rocks between the walls, on to the second area, go to lava caves, get Charles’ pants, get the dashing pants, equip, ride phoenix to Baccus village, learn of baby mouse in town square, find mouse, learn of the fruits of death, report mouse to town hall, learn of lake problem, go to haunted mansion. 4 Charity Wings 1 Cheese *10* Go to lake, breaking eggs on the way, return to town hall, learn of town hall chest, return to haunted mansion, turn to the east side, collect the 1st key panel, break egg, go left onto the south side, break 3 eggs, jump up, break egg, over chimney, egg, all the way left, egg, get 3rd key panel from the mermaid’s room, enter the elevator room, jump across and out for the egg, reenter elevator room, get 4th key panel by hanging, go out, jump down, enter ‘unbreakable wire room’ for 2nd key panel, break 2 eggs, jump down to the small key room, get key, go left and back up to the west side of the mansion, jump down to enter the cry baby door, get cheeses, go to north side, go left to the eggs, drop down, break last 2 eggs, enter the small key door, go back to the west side, then to the south side, talk to the 1,000 year old man, exit and fly to Lava caves, get Green pig bag, exit and get/equip grapple, enter the doorway to fall to the beginning, fly to mushroom forest. 2 Charity Wings 3 Cheeses *11* Get mysterious mushroom, break 5 death fruit juice plants, get 2 healing mushrooms, use the mysterious mushroom and fly to the north side of the mansion. 1 Charity Wing 3 Cheeses *12* Go to smile! Door, get key piece, use healing mushroom, fight green pig, go to assemble key pieces, get the purple pig bag, fly to Baccus village, tell about the death fruit juice (gets charity wing), give healing mushroom to crying man, then give baby koma pig, talk to red fortune teller, then get Orange pig bag, then fly to Lava Caves. 0 Charity Wing 3 Cheeses *13* Backtrack to two charity wings, get the Red evil pig bag, use mysterious mushroom, enter smile door for Yan and charity wing, use healing mushroom, get healing herbs, fly to Lava caves, fight the purple evil pig, save. 2 Charity Wings 3 Cheeses *14* Collect 1st bunk flower, 2nd bunk flower (stone platform), collect what the thief forgot, step on pump rock while entering the hidden village, get Yan’s lunch box from his dad, exit to Lava Caves, collect 3rd bunk flower (by thief), return what the thief forgot, collect 2 charity wings from 1,000 year old chest, jump onto 4th bunk flower, land on 5th bunk flower, jump on last pump rock in Lava Caves, exit to the phoenix’s nest, ride the phoenix. 4 Charity Wings 3 Cheeses *15* Collect the funga drum, fall in river, get bananas, get 4 leaf butterflies, return hat to miner, get banana juice, learn to swim, get knowledge fruit, step on the pump rocks, fly to dwarf village, use healing herbs and knowledge fruit, get Charity Wing out of 1,000 year old chest, fly to mushroom forest. 3 Charity Wing 3 Cheeses *16* Step on 3 pump rocks, get normal mushroom, go to boat, collect seaweed, enter mansion, open chest, exit, fly to dwarf village, get baron, baron to the y-crossing, learn of power problem, learn of old door, learn of bomb. *17* Exit, get bomb, fight orange pig, talk to yan, give take-out, blow up door, learn of Mizuno, get raft, learn of gogocar, fly to the ol’ pond, enter Trick Village. 2 Charity Wings, Baron 5 Cheeses *18* Talk to 10,000 year old man, get seashell necklace, fly (using Charity Wing) to 1,000 year old man’s room, exit to mermaid’s room, learn to dive, exit room and fly to lava caves and get what the thief left behind, fly to ol’ pond, use mighty fish food, fly to the wobbly wharf, find where the barrel rolls and enter, use mighty fish food, exit, give the thief what he forgot, get the jewel of fire, go find Yan, get the two cheeses, get a lunchbox, talk to thief’s boss, get the boss’ jewel, fly to phoenix’s nest, get jewel of wind, fly to old tree hill, enter river, use mighty fish food, (using Charity Wing) fly to charity square. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 9 Cheeses Old: 55 New: *19* Beat the red evil pig, talk to Yan, use leaf butterflies, talk to Yan, feed the fatty, fly to phoenix mountain. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 9 Cheeses *20* Use Charles’ pants, step on pump rock, use funga drum, get molasses, learn of famous digger, enter room for cheese, enter non-windy door, fly to Trick Village. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 12 Cheeses *21* Collect 10 math beads and the jewel of water and 2 charity wings, fly to 10,000 year old man’s house (using Charity Wing), get yellow pig bag, fly to charity square (using Charity Wing). 0 Charity Wings, Baron 12 Cheeses *22* Exit to Watch Tower, enter Underground Maze, collect two (one?) cheeses, needlegator teeth, cold medicine, use thief’s wire, learn of unbreakable wire, fly to 1,000 year old man’s room, exit and go get unbreakable wire, exit and fly to underground maze, collect cheese and biting plant flower, fight blue evil pig, open the 1,000,000 year old chest for AP, fly to underground maze, talk to the blue fortune teller, go left for butamushi thorn, fly to old tree hill, learn of tree’s knowledge (is it necessary?), get navy pig bag, ride raft, fly to 100 flower forest. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 15 Cheeses *23* Get baked yam, fly to dwarf village, use baked yam, talk to prisoner, race prisoner, get flower seeds, grapple to watch tower to finish race (look and see?), fly to dwarf village, give seeds to child, fly to the mushroom forest. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 15 Cheeses *24* Beat yellow bonsugee, use rise and shine powder, use tear bottle, use boat to beach, fight navy pig, fly to the y-crossing. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 15 Cheeses Comment: merged 24 and 25. *25* Defeat the yellow evil pig, fly to baccus village, get friend, give cheese, get wine, fly to the y-crossing, get the friend, enter the iron castle, get friend, go to lumberyard, get friend, give wine, get fuel bar, fly to the forest of all beginnings. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 0 Cheeses, Gold Fruit *26* Go to motocross course, get gold medal, talk to mermaid, fly to forest of all beginnings. 1 Charity Wings, Baron 0 Cheeses, Gold Fruit *27* Enter motocross course, get silver medal, fly to forest of all beginnings, enter mizuno’s house, give candy ingredients, talk to give lost items, exit, enter, power-up your weapon, exit, enter, give cold medicine, go to motocross course, get bronze medal, fly to dwarf village. 1 Charity Wings, Baron 0 Cheeses, Gold Fruit Comment: split segment 27. *28* Get friend, get golden flower, fly to 10,000 year old man, get fish, fly to Tree of Knowledge, open gold chest for AP, complete Tree of Knowledge Knows, fly to charity square, use flower tears, get sacred fish, fly to north side of the mansion. 0 Charity Wings, Baron 0 Cheeses, Psychic Fish *29* Get friend, exit, fly to the strange, small room, beat final evil pig. There's a bunch of comments that might not mean much to you and it's segmented, but yeah, that's the route. Also, no spoiler box? It takes up a lot of room.
Expert player (2480)
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Wow, it sure is a lot of work! But let me ask you, do you need to find and clear all events to achieve 100%, or just clear? I'm asking because I never achieved 100% when I played this game, and do all this work to finish with 69% would be cruel.
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 19
You need to clear them all to get 130/130n quests on the final screen. This route doesn't include collecting stuff like health pick-ups because 100% is already well-defined.
Skilled player (1612)
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To be fair, I don't understand half of the 100%-list. Like I said before, I never played the game apart from the demo. For instance, I have no idea what the Pump Rocks are. Did you say that you had a 100% run recorded, or just made one and not recorded it? That would help a whole lot. Also I will be occupied with school and work until early June, so I most likely won't be able to start this one until then. I would be grateful if you could be able to record a 100%-run, it doesn't have to be optimized or anything, just showing the route. Then again, there's no rush for that.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 19
I was actually going to complete a 100% run in the summer (hopefully, anyway...) Also, pump rocks are the things you call "green springy things" :p
Joined: 6/27/2004
Posts: 55 Ching! A complete video walktrough. Found that on youtube a few days ago. This doesn't follow the route above but it will show you very well what the events require you to do. I support the 100% run. I used to play this to death as a kid, I remember that it felt like a lottery jackpot when my father bought me this back in the day (After some nagging from me of course). Before that I had to go to my friends place to play the demo. You did good on the any% run and it looked like you knew the game well. :)
Joined: 5/17/2010
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I never got to play this game as a kid, I played Tomba! 2. Well I just started playing it because the second one was so much fun. I'm at lava caves right now. I decided to watch the any% run, despite having not beat the game yet. Unlucky for me, it desynched at the haunted mansion when he was opening a 1,000 year old chest (he didn't open it, which was why it desynched). Oh well, I will try again later and if it fails again I'll just download the encoded version. And actually I've been thinking about doing a TAS of Tomba! 2, but I've never done a TAS before... But I'm probably going to soon. And if it goes well, I will do a 100% TAS, because I know that game like the back of my hand ;)
Skilled player (1612)
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Location: Arboga, Sweden
Mattriani wrote:
I never got to play this game as a kid, I played Tomba! 2. Well I just started playing it because the second one was so much fun. I'm at lava caves right now. I decided to watch the any% run, despite having not beat the game yet. Unlucky for me, it desynched at the haunted mansion when he was opening a 1,000 year old chest (he didn't open it, which was why it desynched). Oh well, I will try again later and if it fails again I'll just download the encoded version. And actually I've been thinking about doing a TAS of Tomba! 2, but I've never done a TAS before... But I'm probably going to soon. And if it goes well, I will do a 100% TAS, because I know that game like the back of my hand ;)
That exact desync happened to me if I first played a movie in PCSX and then played the Tombi-TAS. Doing that caused a desync at that chest (The room where the grapple is being used, I presume).
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 5/17/2010
Posts: 8
Location: Kentucky, US
Cardboard wrote:
That exact desync happened to me if I first played a movie in PCSX and then played the Tombi-TAS. Doing that caused a desync at that chest (The room where the grapple is being used, I presume).
Yea, that was the room I was talking about. That may have been the problem, because I tried it again later and it worked. Nice run btw
Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 19
Apologies for this bump, but -hopefully- I should be starting my 100%(non-TAS) run soon. I have one question though that I thought that users on this forum would be able to answer. Do FMVs add to the in-game timer? I imagine that some searching through the code in some way might be able to reveal this (obviously, I don't know the specifics, hence why I can't do this myself). Also, as an aside: the final evil pig can use the other evil pigs' magic, but this occurs very infrequently. Although in no way a priority, could anyone look into what causes this?
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Well, there has been some progress on the speedrunner side for this game lately with some cool tricks discovered. Time to re-TAS the game Cardboard? :P
Joined: 4/15/2010
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I stumbled across this video today. At the very least, it looks like it might save some time in the underground maze since it means we don't have to get the strong wire.
Joined: 11/22/2004
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There hasn't been much activity here. :) But I'd still love to see this game. It's one of my favorites (and these days it's very hard to get this game except at a pretty high price).