Lunar Ball / Lunar Pool.
It is a minigolf-esque pocket billiards game.
Emulator used: FCEU version 0.98.15. The last table will not sync on any other version.
- Game objectives
- N/A game objectives
- Comments
- Score and RATE
- Board by board comments
- Stage 01, Standard board
- Stage 02, Corner oriented
- Stage 03, Four corner compartments
- Stage 04, Clamp the middle
- Stage 05, Z shape with horizontal ball orientation
- Stage 06, Octagon with many adjacent pockets
- Stage 07, North diagonals
- Stage 08, Plus sign with eight pockets
- Stage 09, Circular with wall in the middle
- Stage 10, Superposition of two stage 02s
- Stage 11, X shape with sixteen pockets
- Stage 12, Circular with a giant pocket in the middle
- Stage 13, Greater-than sign
- Stage 14, Diagonal oval
- Stage 15, Choice of five
- Stage 16, Walled halves
- Stage 17, Little teeth here and there
- Stage 18, Z shape revisited
- Stage 19, Reminds me of the union jack
- Stage 20, Obstacle course
- Stage 21, Walls and corridors
- Stage 22, Walls point towards a drain
- Stage 23, Forward slash
- Stage 24, North diagonals revisited
- Stage 25, Circular with wall in the middle revisited
- Stage 26, Left-pointing arrow
- Stage 27, Plus sign with eight pockets revisited
- Stage 28, As board 01, but with shark tooth edges
- Stage 29, Obstacle course revisited
- Stage 30, Diagonal compartments
- Stage 31, Walled halves revisited
- Stage 32, LB
- Stage 33, Ziggurat
- Stage 34, Diagonal oval revisited
- Stage 35, Circular with a giant pocket in the middle revisited
- Stage 36, Horizontal walls
- Stage 37, Circular with smaller wall in the middle
- Stage 38, Standard board revisited
- Stage 39, Little teeth here and there revisited
- Stage 40, Dot dot dot
- Stage 41, Octagon with many adjacent pockets revisited
- Stage 42, Clamp the middle revisited
- Stage 43, Walls and corridors revisited
- Stage 44, Superposition of two stage 02s revisited
- Stage 45, Greater-than sign revisited
- Stage 46, Ziggurat revisited
- Stage 47, Corner oriented revisited
- Stage 48, Reminds me of the union jack revisited
- Stage 49, Four corner compartments revisited
- Stage 50, Left-pointing arrow revisited
- Stage 51, Diagonal compartments revisited
- Stage 52, As board 01, but with shark tooth edges revisited
- Stage 53, Forward slash revisited
- Stage 54, Circular with smaller wall in the middle revisited
- Stage 55, Choice of five revisited
- Stage 56, Walls point towards a drain revisited
- Stage 57, X shape with sixteen pockets revisited
- Stage 58, Horizontal walls revisited
- Stage 59, Dot dot dot revisited
- Stage 60, LB revisited
- Other comments
Game objectives
- Emulator used: FCEU version 0.98.15
- Complete all 60 boards starting from 1
- It is possible to begin from any board, including 60, but you have to complete all 60 to get the ending
- Single player
- Friction setting: 32 (DEFAULT)
- Fastest time
- Does not use death (it was used in the frictionless version).
- Utilizes glitches
N/A game objectives
- This game is completely deterministic. There is no "manipulates luck".
- Apologies, but there are still no dinosaurs in this game.
This movie was created mostly using a computer program,
the development of which took several months and several iterations.
This movie plays using the default settings of the game. That is,
it starts from the first board and uses the default friction setting.
Given the arbitrary selection possibility for friction, the default value
gives a reasonable baseline for comparisons to other players' results.
The development of this movie began in late 2006, after
suggested the possibility of writing a computer program to calculate the
optimal shots. I started writing my bot as a sort of competition
qFox and I.
As a programming challenge, it was very interesting,
because of the infinite possibilities for improvements.
The source code of my first version of the bot can be
here. It determined
the most optimal shot, then moved on, repeated ad-infinitum.
However, it was
quickly seen that
such a naive bot has its shortcomings.
This game has a
RATE mechanism that causes
the board clearing to take longer and longer time until it
is practically impractical. By board 27, the bot had already
consumed 29 minutes in the movie.
It was
determined that any bot would
have to start shooting "dummy" shots in the between; shots that
would pocket no balls at all, but which would simply reset the
RATE value.
This was relatively easy to program, but not a trivial change
to make: Instead of 80*256 shots (20480) to determine, there
would be 80*256 + 80*256*80*256 shots (419450880) to determine,
per each round. It was obvious that something would have to be
done for the movie to be finished within a decade.
So I designed lots and lots of heuristics by which the attempts
could be cancelled as early as possible. Wrote code which attempts
to save frames (in testing) by reusing cursor positions and choosing
the velocity values in the order that they become available.
And I added multiprocessing, which analyzes four different
ways of shooting simultaneously using the quad-core CPU.
Even this was not enough, so I had to limit the search space
somewhat so that only
some second-shots would be analyzed.
The second-shots to be analyzed would have a velocity and angle
range much smaller than for the first-shots. This would reduce
the search space from 419450880 shots into 80*256 + 41*256*29*112 (34111488).
This reduced number is only 8 % of the original number.
Even with this reduced number, it took about 3 days per average
for the bot to do a single round; about a week by average to
clear a single board.
This movie does not utilize the "suicide" option that
was used in the
frictionless submission.
However, much to everyone's surprise, the bot managed to
find a bug in the game. You can see it in this movie in
a few boards, described below.
Score and RATE

In Lunar Ball, each successful shot increases the "RATE" value of the player;
each unsuccessful shot resets it.
The higher the "RATE" value, the more points the player is awarded for the
next successful shot. Points are awarded at a rate of 10 points per frame.
The RATE value maxes at 99, at which point completing a single board can
give about 12000 points IIRC. Tallying that amount takes about 20 seconds.
Because nobody wants to watch 15 minutes of score tallying, it is a good
idea to reset the RATE value every once in a while.
In this movie, the RATE value is reset by shooting shots that do not pocket
any balls. Such shots achieve to reset the RATE value, as well as to move
the balls into a more optimal position for the actual shot that pockets them.
Stage 01, Standard board
Shot 1 | RATE=01 | Positioning only. Push balls 1, 3 and 5. The bot determined that it can do a much better shot after this shot.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 4 and 6. Score += 410, (1*1 + 2*2 + 4*3 + 6*4)*10
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Touch ball 3.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 5. Score += 130, (3*1 + 5*2)*10
Stage 02, Corner oriented
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 4 and 5. Partially uses ball 6 as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3 and 6.
Stage 03, Four corner compartments
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 4. Score += 450, (1*5 + 2*6 + 4*7)*10
Shot 2 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 5 and 6.
Stage 04, Clamp the middle
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 1 and 2. Use ball 2 as a projectile. Score += 260, (1*8 + 2*9)*10
Shot 2 | RATE=12 | Positioning only. Touch ball 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 6.
Shot 4 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 3 and 7. Score += 870, (3*8 + 7*9)*10
Stage 05, Z shape with horizontal ball orientation
Shot 1 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5, 6 and 7. Score += 600, (4*1 + 5*2 + 6*3 + 7*4)*10
Stage 06, Octagon with many adjacent pockets
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 5, using ball 1 as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4 and 6.
Stage 07, North diagonals
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7. Score += 860, (1*1 + 2*2 + 4*3 + 5*4 + 7*7)*10
Shot 3 | RATE=14 | Pocket ball 6 without hesitation. Score += 840, (6*14)*10
Shot 4 | RATE=15 | Pocket ball 3 without hesitation. Score += 450, (3*15)*10
Stage 08, Plus sign with eight pockets
Shot 1 | RATE=16 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4, 5 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 6. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 09, Circular with wall in the middle
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 4.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 6.
Stage 10, Superposition of two stage 02s
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket balls 5 and 6 without hesitation. Score += 1270, (5*11 + 6*12)*10.
Stage 11, X shape with sixteen pockets
Shot 1 | RATE=15 | Positioning only. Push ball 6.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=14 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket ball 5. Score += 50.
Stage 12, Circular with a giant pocket in the middle
Shot 1 | RATE=02 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 6 and 7.
Stage 13, Greater-than sign
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 7.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5, 6 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 4. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 14, Diagonal oval
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 4 and 6 without hesitation. Push ball 7.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Pocket ball 1 without hesitation.
Shot 5 | RATE=13 | Pocket ball 7 without hesitation. Score += 910, (7*13)*10.
Stage 15, Choice of five
Shot 1 | RATE=14 | Positioning only. Push ball 2.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket ball 5. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 16, Walled halves
Shot 1 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 6.
Stage 17, Little teeth here and there
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected. Ball 1 used as a projectile.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4 and 5. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 18, Z shape revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 7.
Stage 19, Reminds me of the union jack
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 4, 5 and 6. Ball 2 used as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket ball 3 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Pocket ball 2. Score += 240, (2*12)*10.
Stage 20, Obstacle course
Shot 1 | RATE=13 | Positioning only. Push ball 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Score += 910, (1*1+2*2+3*3+4*4+5*5+6*6)*10.
Stage 21, Walls and corridors
Shot 1 | RATE=17 | Positioning only. Push ball 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Ball 2 used as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=14 | Pocket balls 2 and 5. Score += 1030, (2*14 + 5*15)*10.
Stage 22, Walls point towards a drain
Shot 1 | RATE=18 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 2, 3, 4 and 7.
Stage 23, Forward slash
Shot 1 | RATE=19 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 2.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 6 and 7. Ball 6 used as a projectile.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Pocket ball 1 without hesitation.
Stage 24, North diagonals revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 6 and 7.
Stage 25, Circular with wall in the middle revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3 and 6.
Stage 26, Left-pointing arrow
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 6 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 5.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Pocket ball 1 without hesitation.
Stage 27, Plus sign with eight pockets revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 7, using ball 1 as the projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 4. Some cursor movement detected.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4, 5 and 6. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 28, As board 01, but with shark tooth edges
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4 and 5.
Stage 29, Obstacle course revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Pocket ball 7. PERFECT!
This is the only "PERFECT!" in this movie.
Stage 30, Diagonal compartments
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Pocket balls 1 and 2. Push ball 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=13 | Pocket ball 3 without hesitation. Score += 3*13*10.
Shot 3 | RATE=14 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 6.
Stage 31, Walled halves revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 2 and 3.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Pocket ball 7 without hesitation.
Shot 5 | RATE=13 | Positioning only.
Shot 6 | RATE=01 | Pocket ball 4. Maximum velocity.
Stage 32, LB
Shot 1 | RATE=02 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 7.
Stage 33, Ziggurat
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1 and 4. Using a maneuver that makes perfectly sense but is not likely to succeed.
Shot 3 | RATE=05 | Pocket ball 6 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=06 | Positioning only
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 5.
Stage 34, Diagonal oval revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 1 and 2. Maximum velocity.
Shot 2 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4 and 5.
Shot 4 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 6 and 7.
Ball 2 was pocketed before ball 1.
Stage 35, Circular with a giant pocket in the middle revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. Push balls 1 and 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=17 | Pocket ball 4.
Stage 36, Horizontal walls
Shot 1 | RATE=18 | Positioning only. Push ball 6.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 4, 5 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1 and 3.
Shot 5 | RATE=05 | Pocket ball 6.
I almost didn't believe it can get ball 6 without a positioning shot.
Stage 37, Circular with smaller wall in the middle
Shot 1 | RATE=06 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 3, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Some cursor movement detected. Push ball 4.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2 and 4. Some cursor movement detected.
Stage 38, Standard board revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 1 and 2 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Pocket balls 4.
Stage 39, Little teeth here and there revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=13 | Pocket balls 1 and 2.
Shot 2 | RATE=17 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 5, 6 and 7. Uses ball 6 as projectile.
Shot 4 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 3 without hesitation.
Shot 5 | RATE=09 | Positioning only.
Shot 6 | RATE=01 | Pocket ball 4. Slow, slow cursor.
Stage 40, Dot dot dot
Shot 1 | RATE=02 | Positioning only. Pushes ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | VANQUISH balls 3, 4, 5 and 6. Music stops.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | VANQUISH balls 1 and 2.
Shot 4 | RATE=15 | Positioning only.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket ball 7.
The glitch used in this stage took me completely by surprise.
Stage 41, Octagon with many adjacent pockets revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=02 | Pocket balls 4, 6 and 7. Ball 2 used as projectile.
Shot 2 | RATE=09 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Stage 42, Clamp the middle revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Push ball 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5 and 6.
Stage 43, Walls and corridors revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Touch ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 4 and 5 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Pocket balls 6 and 7 without hesitation.
Pocketing ball 7 is what they would call a "lucky shot".
Stage 44, Superposition of two stage 02s revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=16 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 6.
Stage 45, Greater-than sign revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. A chain reaction affecting balls 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Stage 46, Ziggurat revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4 and 7.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Pocket ball 1.
Stage 47, Corner oriented revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Pocket balls 1 and 4. Disturb the position in general.
Shot 2 | RATE=13 | Pocket ball 2. Score += 260, (2*13)*10.
Shot 3 | RATE=14 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 5 and 7. Push ball 6.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Pocket ball 6. And almost the cue ball, too.
Stage 48, Reminds me of the union jack revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Positioning only. Push ball 6.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only. Push ball 7.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 7.
Stage 49, Four corner compartments revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5 and 6.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 4.
Stage 50, Left-pointing arrow revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2 and 6. Disturb the position in general.
Shot 3 | RATE=05 | Pocket balls 4 and 5 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=09 | Pocket ball 3 without hesitation.
Shot 5 | RATE=10 | Pocket balls 1 and 7 without hesitation. Score += 870, (1*10 + 7*11)*10
Stage 51, Diagonal compartments revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=14 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2 and 4. Balls 1 and 5 used as projectiles.
Shot 3 | RATE=05 | Pocket balls 1 and 5 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=09 | Positioning only.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3 and 6.
Stage 52, As board 01, but with shark tooth edges revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 4 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 3, 6 and 7. Ball 6 used as a projectile.
Stage 53, Forward slash revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3, 4 and 5. Ball 1 used as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 6 and 7.
Stage 54, Circular with smaller wall in the middle revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 7.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket balls 1, 2 and 3.
Stage 55, Choice of five revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=18 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 3, 4 and 5.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket ball 2 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 6 and 7.
Stage 56, Walls point towards a drain revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. Push balls 1 and 2.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Push ball 1.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 5 and 6.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Pocket ball 7.
Stage 57, X shape with sixteen pockets revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=09 | Positioning only.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 2, 3, 4 and 5. Uses ball 3 as a projectile.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Positioning only.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 6 and 7. Trades motion energy twice with ball 1.
Stage 58, Horizontal walls revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=08 | Pocket balls 1 and 2.
Shot 2 | RATE=12 | Positioning only.
Shot 3 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 4, 5 and 7.
Shot 4 | RATE=08 | Positioning only.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 3 and 6.
Stage 59, Dot dot dot revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. Pushes ball 7.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Shot 3 | RATE=11 | Pocket ball 5 without hesitation.
Shot 4 | RATE=12 | Positioning only. Touch ball 6.
Shot 5 | RATE=01 | Pocket balls 6 and 7.
Stage 60, LB revisited
Shot 1 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. A chain reaction affecting balls 1, 2 and 3.
Shot 2 | RATE=01 | VANQUISH balls 1 and 2. Disturb the position in general. Music stops.
Shot 3 | RATE=05 | Positioning only. Push balls 4 and 5.
Shot 4 | RATE=01 | VANQUISH ball 3 and pocket balls 5 and 7.
Shot 5 | RATE=08 | Positioning only. Touch ball 4.
Shot 6 | RATE=05 | VANQUISH ball 4 and pocket ball 6. MOVIE END
After shooting the last shot, the input is terminated.
The triumphal ending is seen after the board is completed.
Thanks to:
- Comicalflop
- qFox
- Derakon
- Xkeeper
- Adelikat
- Nach
- Bisqwit
- Jemini, Teramoto, Miyamoto, Yunoki and Niitani -- the Compile crew credited in the game
FractalFusion: Set to delayed while the author works out improvements.
Bisqwit: Framecount goes from 85834 to 85792 in this update. Submission is "new" again. And I think, unfortunately, it will probably still fail for some emulators. At least the stage 60 has now been exhaustively tested.
FractalFusion: Accepting for publication on technical merit alone.