• Emulator used : Snes9x 1.51 v6
  • Fastest completion of the game
  • Use of luck
  • Take damage to save time
  • Use of a progaming error
  • SOme entertainment trade-off
In Paladin's Quest, you play Chezni, a boy born with natural magical talent. Because of a bet, you "accidentaly" turn on an ancient machine of doom. Your goal is to stop this machine. You will meet many mercenaries, blue trees, green mountains, walk on clouds and fight pig-like creatures.
This is my third publication (of a different game). It was hard in many ways : the frame lag is hideous, making it hard to know which frame is right to press a button; the random battles are uglyly numerous, and there is little way to diminish this number ( I tried it many times); and before about half the game, those battles are necessary, if not to get quick enough to escape them!
On the bright side, rising stats is very easy, and so is the dropping of key items that raise stats of magic affinity. It was crucial to get +6 strength for Chezni until after Gabnid... Also, many times, you don't have to talk to key people (Karon, Mistuo) to go forward with your quest.
Here are the highlights
  • Alornso is pretty straightfoward. I had to kill him before he killed me
  • Jarmlu proved to be challenging. In the end, I let Tiger die and manipulated so Jarmlu would miss most of his hits. I saved 30-40 frames each time
  • The caves of Hagubo were the worst part. Enemies are so quick, and before I get Smash, they are hard to kill. The programing error is here : even though I stopped the flow of magma, I am able to obtain medicine for free.
  • Renegades must be frozen in order to optimize the fight. Also, Dan's kick is does slightly more damage than his punch. PLus, it's only one action.
  • The inside of Strabo was one of the only places were I was able to gain level with ease. Wild was probably one of the most useful mercenaries...
  • Freezing bosses is fun. Guardian couldn't resist it.
  • In Rekuon, I included a Dragon Quest cameo. I was told that the priest resurects dead people in the game.
  • I got really lucky inside the Karon tower : only 2 or 3 fights. The boss inside the city fell to freeze once again
  • The boss inside the water shrine is also sensitive to freeze... by the para knife.
  • Since I lost enough HP in the previous fight, it was easy for Lokiarn to finish us off. Otherwise, I need 2 rounds because Midia's defense is too high (or she has time to attack). During the 2nd fight, the +6 strenght got handy. And critical hits too
  • Getting Nails was a blessing. He is so quick I can espace most battles without using preemptive strikes
  • Admiral Alon is another easy target to freeze
  • Gabnid was a hard fight. His explosion uses more frames, but this way I don't have to heal.
  • I got lucky against Doth. In my tryouts, I sometimes failed to cast Spirit before his attack
  • Finally, I took full advantage of Attack back (all attacks are considered physical) against Zaygos and Kaymat.
Possible improvements : restart altogether and pray for luck with respect to random fights; try to use less cards; fight less (if it can be done!)...

FractalFusion: Well done for an RPG. Accepting for publication.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2703: janus's SNES Paladin's Quest in 2:29:25.07
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What is up with the tag? What is wrong with good old "any %"?
Joined: 3/7/2010
Posts: 12
I remember truly loathing this game on my SNES, the bizarre translation, the extremely Japanese art style, a metric ton of random battles, and the fact that you use HP for casting spells. But, you pulled it off admirably, for that I applaud you and vote yes.
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I'll get on encoding this now. Keep an eye out folks.
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I was not familiar with this game before watching the run. Now that I've seen it, I don't like the game. The pace is slow, even for running away from battles. I find the HP drain for magic spells a really annoying gameplay mechanic. The music is not particularly good. It's also really hard to tell what any of the plot is or what the items are supposed to be (though I'm sure someone more familiar with the game would enjoy this run more). However, the technical quality seems pretty darn good. There were a whole lot of battles won with very little health left. I liked how bosses were generally manipulated. I'm not sure what to vote yet, since it seems to be a really good run of a really annoying RPG.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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This looks promising. Although I have to agree with henke37. Putting "fastest completion" is kinda redundant since that is the main goal in general.
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i've never been good with titles and description :P
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This has come a long way since your first attempts. I bet there's still some improvement possible with better manipulation but this is easily good enough for a yes. The Dragon Warrior cameo is classic, thanks for putting that in.
Post subject: Encode up (screeny wrong, don't have one for PQ sry)
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Archive.org Linky Direct Linky DailyMotion Linky Grr it basically cut my logo off the encode. I could redo it but it'll be another 48 hours and I dunno if my net is stable enough.
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Posts: 1212
I played this game a little bit. Once you get over some of it's flaws, like using HP for magic, it's really pretty decent. I did keep up with some of the WIPs for a while, so I'm giving it a yes vote based off of those since there isn't a Encode up yet. :3
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I would have had an encode by now but my pc has decided to be awkward and destroy my gfx card. Using my Wii currently, should have my pc back in action by tonight EDIT: if only things were that simple. My pc is now at a friend's hopefully her dad can get it fixed
Joined: 12/15/2005
Posts: 38
Archive.org stream and the .mp4 playback seems busted or somehow the audio is ahead of the very choppy video. MPC, latest VLC, GOM....all the same as the stream?
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getter77 wrote:
Archive.org stream and the .mp4 playback seems busted or somehow the audio is ahead of the very choppy video. MPC, latest VLC, GOM....all the same as the stream?
I just redownloaded it and it plays back fine. Archive.org streaming = UTTER CRAP... not much I can really do about that. I'd say download it if you want to watch it now, or wait for my DailyMotion link to finish encoding (nothing I can really do to speed that up). I'm using 6.04 Klite Codec pack mega, and VLC 1.0.5 and it plays back fine on both players, although the video needs to be seeked once in VLC to make it play back, not sure if that's a bug with my VLC or not though.
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Posts: 38
Gah, .ogv is the same to boot...seeking in VLC 1.1.0 doesn't help either. Weird, but I guess I'll just wait on that Daily Motion and such to check it tomorrow. Could well be some oddity on my PC's part despite it being modern and all.
Joined: 12/15/2005
Posts: 38
Right, I'm lost...even the daily Motion video is weird about it in the same way as the others....yet slightly better. As in, the character will just be walking, and there will be "beeps" or what have you that I could swear are meant to be menu selection choices, what I think are spell effects after the battle ends, etc. Less choppy though. I'm at a loss unless any other folk have any issues with it.
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Normally, I cant sit through RPGs. But given how much work you have done to complete this earns my Yes vote. Nice Job! Now how about Breath of Fire I?
Active player (284)
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once i finish my 3rd re edition of BOF 2.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1563] SNES Paladin's Quest by janus in 2:29:25.07
Joined: 8/6/2006
Posts: 33
i tried several ways but i could not get the encoded movie file to work. even reencoding did not work. is there something special about the codec?