Games for Group: Sonic the Hedgehog 1 hacks and modifications

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GameSystemsPublicationsSubmissionsResource Page
Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis 1 1
Doctor Robotnik's Plan B Genesis 1 1
Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis 4 6 GameResources/Genesis/SonicTheHedgehog
Somari NES 0 1
Sonic - Omochao (S1 Hack) Genesis 0 1
Sonic 1 Powers Genesis 0 1
Sonic 1: Return to the Origin Genesis 1 3 GameResources/Genesis/SonicTheHedgehog
Sonic 2 Extended Genesis 0 1
Sonic 2 Recreation Genesis 0 1
Sonic The Hackable Genesis 0 1
Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix SegaCD 1 2
Stella the Cat Genesis 0 0
Tails in Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis 4 4 GameResources/Genesis/SonicTheHedgehog
Vector in Sonic 1 Genesis 0 2
White Sonic in Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis 0 1