This is an old revision of this page, as edited by
flagitious at
9/25/2006 9:35 PM
Follow the chain to your destination.
This map only includes the normal exits to each Field, and not those
provided under the
30 minute rule.
Boss Fields:
08 25 36 40 49 56 (denoted by *)
Ending Fields:
28 35 55 57 (denoted by !)
| |
| * | | | |
| 40* 20 33-37 |
| | | | |
| 35! 21-22-38-41 |
| | | *|
28! |-18-23-24-42-43-49--.
| | | |
| *25-26-31-46-47 |
| | | |
| 29-34-35! 48 |
| | |
`-12-36-45-50-51-56-57! |
*| * |
Yes, 35 is listed twice to keep the map compact.
Fields 09, 13, 19, 27, 32, 39, 44, 53, and 54 don't exist.
Field 28 is not connected on the map, but it exists and
is an ending level.
Right now, the only known way to get to this level is by the
30 minute rule.
This rule states that after 30 minutes of playtime, doors leading to Ending Fields are increasingly common. Because 28 is one of
four Ending Fields, upon entering a door at this time you have
a chance to arrive at Field 28. More details on this to come.
Shortest path: 00-36; 52-55 (1 boss)
00 01 02 10 11 12 36 52 55
Sightseeing path: 00-07; 08-25; 26-57 (3 bosses)
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 31 46 47 48 56 57
Bob's path: 00-07; 08-37; 38-57 (2 bosses)
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
14 15 16 17 30 33 37 38 41
42 26 31 46 47 48 56 57
Longest path with 1 boss: 00-18; 23-42; 26-57 (1 boss)
00 01 02 10 11 18 23 24 42
26 31 46 47 48 56 57
Bosses at fields 08, 40, 56 require waiting several minutes.
Bosses at fields 25, 49 require killing but no waiting (actually at 25 if you are headed to 29 you do not have to kill it).
Boss at field 36 can be bypassed.
1]: Not all maps are listed.
The makers of these maps became bored with the game? -