Mother 3

  • Id: 4620
  • Platforms: GBA
  • Display Name: Mother 3
  • Discussions:
  • Game Groups:
  • EarthBound
  • RPG


Mother 3 is a great RPG, directed and designed by Shigesato Itoi, and is also known as the title that never made it out of Japan.
Watch as xxezrabxxx and radixsmash complete the final part in the trilogy, through many story beats within the game's eight chapters in record time.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Mother 3 (Japan).gba J GBA SHA1: 4f0f493e12c2a8c61b2d809af03f7abf87a85776
MD5: af8b0b175f7ec8914cb87b3161ba1aaa