Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

  • CV,SotN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Platformer
  • RPG


Not only was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX but also the first PSX game to have a published run here. Follow Dracula's son Alucard as he glitches through the castle on a quest to end his father's life.
ForgoneMoose manages to improve the previous run by 00:21.55 seconds due to better luck manipulation and movement technique.
A run that beats the game even faster through save data corruption is available here, and a 100% run covering the whole castle can be found here. If you prefer the main character to have muscular bare arms and to pray to the rain gods to defeat bosses, you may enjoy the Richter version. If you want to see a run on Replay mode that can skip many cutscenes, see this run.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX. Follow Dracula's son Alucard as he glitches through the castle on a quest to end his father's life.
This run is played on a Replay save file (not newgame+ because neither experience nor items are carried over) using the Luck Mode command. Using Replay allows the player to skip most cutscenes and alters what the librarian can sell. Using Luck Mode lowers the player's base strength which, among other changes, ironically makes the run faster by enabling a route filled with kicking enemies that wouldn't be possible otherwise.
A run that beats the game through save data corruption is available here. If you prefer the main character to have muscular bare arms and to pray to the rain gods to defeat bosses, you may enjoy the Richter version. If you want to see a run that beats every boss, see this run. We also have a run of the Saturn version using Maria. We even have a run where Alucard avoids killing everything except Dracula.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX, and was also the very first PSX game to have a published TAS.
Follow Richter (playable after you beat the game once) as he glitches and speeds through the castle on a quest to defeat Dracula. If you like fast sliding, dashing, uppercutting, and using precipitation to defeat bosses, you'll love this run.
This is an improvement of 00:01.88 over the previous run. You can read the author's comments for more information.
TASVideos also has several runs using Alucard, including a Replay run, a run that aims for fastest time on a clean save, and a run that kills every boss and obtains all relics. We also have a run from the Saturn version using Maria.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.
Not only was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX but also the first PSX game to have a published run here. Follow Dracula's son Alucard as he glitches through the castle on a quest to end his father's life.
ForgoneMoose and sockfolder, by corrupting the save data, manage to corrupt the memory and go straight to the ending, totally skipping Richter and the whole second castle.
A 100% run covering the whole castle is also available here. If you prefer the main character to have muscular bare arms and to pray to the rain gods to defeat bosses, you may enjoy the Richter version. If you want to see a run on Replay mode that can skip many cutscenes, see this run. A run with clear save without memory corruption is also available here.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.
Not only was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX but also the first PSX game to have a published run here. Follow Dracula's son Alucard as he glitches through the castle on a quest to end his father's life.
This time, arukAdo, using the X-X!V"Q code to play on Luck Mode, defeats Dracula whilst on a pacifist setting, abusing many glitches in the process. Please read the author's comments for more details.
A pre-existing save was used to skip cutscenes.
Not only was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX but also the first PSX game to have a published run here. Follow Dracula's son Alucard as he glitches through the castle on a quest to end his father's life.
This run beats the game at level 1 with 0 experience, and the only official (recorded in the bestiary) kill being Dracula. A few other enemies are killed using a glitch to avoid the kill being recorded or experience being awarded.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.
Not only was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night the first installment of the Castlevania series on PSX but also the first PSX game to have a published run here.
Not satisfied with just going on a death spree to Dracula, Alucard decides to steal every single one of his father's heirlooms, while also killing his prized collection of monsters. Luckily he has the handy ability of phasing through walls whenever he needs to.
A run that beats the game through save data corruption is available here, along with one that avoids data corruption. If you prefer the main character to have muscular bare arms and to pray to the rain gods to defeat bosses, you may enjoy the Richter version. If you want to see a run on Replay mode that can skip many cutscenes, see this run. We also have a run of the Saturn version using Maria. We even have a run where Alucard avoids killing everything except Dracula.
Due to the lengthy amount of time needed to obtain the best ending in the previous run, this run was deemed significantly more entertaining, and thus obsoletes it.

Note: Due to an emulation error, the audio in the ending FMV sequence doesn't play.

Author's commentary during the run's video can be watched on YouTube
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Akumajou Dracula X - Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Japan).bin J 1.0 PSX SHA1: 96175f76736b10ff00d44ff12a76c5128afa1f6f
MD5: 28d48c2dc3b3eeed3ad34198ff297e33
Good Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (USA).bin U PSX SHA1: 65dd0c7e8c47d43982687005bb36430ac5763dec
MD5: 958dcd07eb60769870454a7a50f02b0c