The vault is the 3rd publication tier at TASVideos. Its focus is exclusively on being tool-assisted speedrun records.
- This category represents the fastest completion times for a minimum set of goals.
- Its purpose is to fulfill the site's goal of being a TAS records site, and a central repository of tool-assisted literature and information
Entertainment Requirements
- Entertainment value has little to no significance
- Opportunities to entertain the audience where it does not affect time is not a requirement. However, it is encouraged and can be used as a tie-breaker for two equally fast movies.
- It is possible for a faster movie to be published in this category while a slower but "more entertaining" movie is published in another tier.
- Aims to fulfill the site's goal of being a Tool-assisted Speedrun records site, as well as be an information based central repository for the body of TAS literature.
Technical Requirements
- Must beat all known unassisted records and beat or match all known tool-assisted records.
- Must show a proficient understanding of TAS techniques and be perceived as well optimized. I.e. should not have obvious pauses, mistakes, or sloppy play.
- In rare cases, there will be a sloppier movie that is faster than a more optimized movie due to the use of a major skip discovery. In this case, the faster of the two movies is preferred.
- The guidelines for difficulty settings, and password use still apply.
- Must be distinguishable from the best real-time speedruns.
Game and Goal choice
- Must be clearly definable as a game.
- Must be clearly definable as having completed the game.
- Games that loop endlessly can still be defined. The completion point is one where there is no new content, and the game is no longer increasing in difficulty.
- Hacks are not eligible for this category, but unlicensed games are. We demand hacks with entertainment value, therefore should be judged by the Moon tier requirements.
- For the purposes of this tier, board games and similar types that are a human vs CPU match in which the player beats the CPU as fast as possible is not defined as a game completion. Fighting games such as Street Fighter are however, eligible.
- Goal choice is limited to fastest completion time (any%), or full-completion (such as 100%, best ending).
- Other goal choices are not eligible for this category.
- Goal choice criteria must be clear and non-controversial (A clear consensus and what constitutes full-completion, or when a game is completed).