Gonquai (3) GC Super Monkey Ball Adventure "Challenge Mode" by Gonquai in 12:08.25 DS Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll "Challenge Mode" by Silverbawxer, Taechuk, xy2_ & Gonquai in 26:19.51 GC Super Monkey Ball Adventure "Story Mode" by Gonquai in 43:39.95 Taechuk (3) DS Tetris Party Deluxe "Sprint" by Taechuk in 00:43.04 DS Meteos "Multi Star Trip, best ending" by Taechuk in 06:50.39 DS Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll "Challenge Mode" by Silverbawxer, Taechuk, xy2_ & Gonquai in 26:19.51 Lobsterzelda (2) GC NFL Street "NFL Challenge" by Lobsterzelda in 1:23:53.28 GC NFL Street "NFL Challenge" by Lobsterzelda in 1:14:20.35 Wobmiar (2) GC Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles by Wobmiar in 1:38:24.28 GC Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles by Wobmiar in 1:37:20.33 Malleoz (1) GC Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door by Malleoz in 2:00:58.23 mcill (1) N64 Space Station Silicon Valley by mcill in 56:56.45 mtbRc (1) DS Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin "Old Axe Armor mode" by mtbRc in 19:16.44 Silverbawxer (1) DS Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll "Challenge Mode" by Silverbawxer, Taechuk, xy2_ & Gonquai in 26:19.51 Soig (1) DS Contra 4 "all levels" by Soig in 1:01:15.52 tendog (1) Wii Wii Sports "Golf, 9-Hole Game" by tendog in 03:33.40 Ubercapitalist (1) GC Resident Evil 4 "The Mercenaries: Village, maximum score" by Ubercapitalist in 07:12.37 vince1919 (1) DS Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story by vince1919 in 4:49:49.35 xy2_ (1) DS Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll "Challenge Mode" by Silverbawxer, Taechuk, xy2_ & Gonquai in 26:19.51