Tool-assisted movies (4)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 5/18/2004
Released on many systems, this game was so popular they even released it for cellular phones and made a board game.
This version is 51 seconds faster than version 3.
Double Dragon

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 2/25/2006
Even the most unconventional means of fighting are nothing uncommon on this website, as shown in the screenshot. This is Phil's fifth movie of Double Dragon, now 38 seconds faster than the previous version.
Released on many systems, this game was so popular that they even released it for cellular phones and made a board game. Even a Hollywood movie has been made.
Check out this movie being played back on an actual NES.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/17/2004
This is a historic movie, submitted and obsoleted before the creation of the database-based (and wiki-based) site engine, before July 2004.
It was inserted to the database in a history revival project by Bisqwit in autumn 2006.
This is our 2nd Double Dragon movie by Phil (his 3rd attempt). It is about 40 seconds faster than his previous attempt. It saves some time by getting baddies to group together and then beat them up at once.
Double Dragon

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/7/2004
This is a historic movie, submitted and obsoleted before the creation of the database-based (and wiki-based) site engine, before July 2004.
It was inserted to the database in a history revival project by Bisqwit in autumn 2006.
This is the first of Phil's Double Dragon movies published on the site (but his 2nd attempt). It is a fairly good attempt that does a good job of weapon use including the dynamite glitch (which kills enemies without the dynamite igniting).
Double Dragon

Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

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Republication of movies from this site is only allowed under the following conditions:
  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
Do not label them with speculations. If unsure, ask the site staff for details.