This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
5729 Linux Nuclear Throne by rythin in 02:43.80
3841 Linux Order of Twilight by lexikiq in 00:47.23
4985 Linux Pajama Sam: No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside by EZGames69 in 00:43.72
6305 Linux Paper Lily - Chapter 1 "Dead End 1-2 - Salt is for Cooking" by Tegron in 05:48.72
6381 Linux Paper Lily - Chapter 1 by Tegron in 29:12.05
5324 Linux Pikuniku "Co-op" by Zarza in 11:58.13
6208 Linux Project Kat - Paper Lily Prologue "true ending" by Tegron in 07:56.55
4193 Linux Shovel Knight "King of Cards" by keylie in 27:10.67
3802 Linux Shovel Knight "Plague of Shadows" by keylie in 35:23.97
3800 Linux Shovel Knight "Shovel of Hope" by keylie in 39:37.68
3805 Linux Shovel Knight "Specter of Torment" by keylie in 35:04.23
4724 Linux Six Cats Under by Spikestuff in 00:41.83
3827 Linux SteamWorld Dig 2 by keylie in 18:11.87
4667 Linux Stick With It by GMP in 08:00.73
5353 Linux Super Mario 63 Redux (Tiny Demo) by Vexxter, Tomothy & roblox8192 in 00:14.78
4526 Linux Super Win the Game by letcreate123 in 06:43.65
5249 Linux T.A.S.Q.U.A.R.E. by rythin in 00:25.85
6274 Linux The Bowl Is Empty by Natetheman223 in 03:54.88
6057 Linux The Electric Shocktopus by EnderOnryo in 05:50.57
3833 Linux TowerFall Ascension "all trials" by keylie in 03:26.75
5745 Linux Undertale "all major endings" by OceanBagel, Svool_Gsviv_, duuuuude5, BlueMushroom64 & chair547 in 3:58:21.91
4149 Linux Undertale "Genocide ending" by TommyeAsY in 58:10.93
4539 Linux Undertale "Neutral ending" by OceanBagel in 48:51.95
4995 Linux Undertale "Neutral ending, newgame+" by LukeSaward in 36:04.20
No more running away! 4043 Linux Undertale "True Pacifist ending" by LucasWills in 1:20:04.30 No more running away!

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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