This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
4873 INTV Venture "all treasures" by Winslinator in 05:45.71
4874 SNES SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony "Full Game" by calcwatch2 in 39:48.45
4875 PSX MediEvil "all chalices" by Crash41596 in 1:01:55.63
4876 Coleco Venture "All Treasures" by nymx in 06:31.60
4877 SNES SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony "Scenario Game" by calcwatch2 in 11:04.90
4878 NES Tennis by eien86 in 11:16.00
4879 NES Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship by ktwo & eien86 in 12:45.16
4880 NES Donkey Kong Jr. Math "Calculate B" by ShesChardcore & Cephla in 00:41.28
4881 Linux VVVVVV "20 trinkets" by Elomavi in 13:25.19
4882 NES KUBO "warpless" by Cephla in 00:30.05
4883 Flash Ultimate Flash Sonic by grindersky & TheAmazingYucemu in 03:34.32
4884 NES Rush'n Attack "1 player" by peco_de_guile & aiqiyou in 09:39.76
4885 NES The Untouchables by ShesChardcore in 04:56.99
4886 FDS Super Mario Bros. 2 "Worlds A-D, warps, Luigi" by electricpants in 06:34.38
4887 GBC Wizardry II: Llylgamyn no Isan by ShesChardcore in 02:25.40
4888 Flash White Chamber by Spikestuff in 00:35.40
4889 GB Cosmo Tank by tool23 & Alyosha in 22:23.79
4890 NES Spot: The Video Game by ShesChardcore in 00:25.74
4891 NES Winter Games by ShesChardcore in 03:33.58
4892 GC Star Fox Adventures "no void travel" by Lobsterzelda in 2:51:49.53
4893 NES Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos by aiqiyou, J.Y & eien86 in 09:10.48
4894 SegaCD Night Striker "pacifist, playaround" by Darkman425 in 16:08.13
4895 NES Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Grant path, warp glitch" by scrimpeh in 14:18.24
4896 GBC Little Nicky by ninespaces in 20:14.73
4897 NES Heavy Shreddin' by Lightmopp in 17:18.61

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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