This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
6002 Coleco Pepper II by nymx in 02:40.27
6003 Arcade Daioh "maximum score" by PearlASE in 45:20.41
6004 GBA Madagascar by CoolKirby, YoungJ1997lol, Alyosha & SuperSqank in 27:56.75
6005 GBA Madagascar: Operation Penguin by Alyosha & FriiedPorkchop in 31:43.04
6006 SNES Mario & Wario "all levels" by Sam_Underscore in 1:16:27.96
6007 NES Rockman 3: The Last of Mushroom Kingdom?! "warps" by Tiancaiwhr in 07:14.10
6008 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Arcade" by KusogeMan in 07:01.67
6009 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Endurance" by KusogeMan in 05:56.38
6010 SNES Matsumura Kunihiro Den: Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero! by Pepper-Color in 07:54.95
6011 Flash Vex by Vexxter in 04:21.57
6012 NES Super Mario Bros. "arbitrary code execution" by OnehundredthCoin in 04:52.65
6013 Saturn Shienryu "maximum score" by PearlASE in 1:04:59.92
6014 GC TimeSplitters: Future Perfect by Geferulf in 1:17:09.53
6015 NES Rockman 2: Back to Basics by longbao in 27:46.57
6016 GB Terminator 2: Judgment Day by XTREMAL93 in 07:23.48
6017 NES Mario Bros. "1 player" by Spikestuff in 07:39.79
6018 NES Monster in My Pocket "2 players" by DreamYao in 13:39.55
6019 Flash Chomp and the Temple of Puzzles by curhob in 05:51.46
6020 SNES Mr. Tuff "100%" by Sam_Underscore in 39:24.57
6021 DOS Mario & Luigi by CasualPokePlayer in 03:49.07
6022 DS Simple DS Series Vol.21: The Hohei ~Butai de Shutsugeki! Senjou no Inutachi~ by JHolleworth in 23:55.34
6023 DS Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin "Sisters Mode" by Fortranm in 24:42.75
6024 NES Rockman 3: Winternight by longbao in 24:53.24
6025 Arcade Trio the Punch: Never Forget Me... "Santos" by Pepper-Color in 17:59.50
6026 TIC80 Double Sided by Randomno & DrD2k9 in 00:44.87

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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