This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
6163 Genesis Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog by ShiningProdigy9000 in 13:11.50
6164 SNES Castlevania: Dracula X "best ending" by McBobX in 13:48.34
6165 Genesis NHLPA Hockey '93 by alexheights1 in 04:33.19
6166 N64 Desert Mario 64 by DyllonStej in 6:32:28.10
6167 GBA Treasure Planet by Induviel in 37:06.01
6168 Lynx Hockey by alexheights1 in 00:11.72
6169 GG Surf Ninjas by alexheights1 in 07:57.48
6170 C64 10th Frame "maximum score" by nymx & DrD2k9 in 07:15.51
6171 SNES Super Off Road: The Baja by nymx in 21:08.08
6172 Flash Simple Room by Spikestuff in 00:01.92
6173 Flash Ame Yadori no Heya by Rxser in 00:03.17
6174 FDS Dead Zone by Darkman425 in 09:12.61
6175 PICO8 Pico Snail!: Dream Castle by Vexxter in 01:29.95
6176 DOS Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire "game end glitch" by davidtki in 00:37.24
6177 GB Kirby's Dream Land by DarkRiolu27 & MUGG in 08:45.55
6180 PSX Crash Bash "200%, no memory manipulation" by Craigelbagel001 in 5:21:19.83
6181 Windows Chrome Dino by Randomno in 02:37.63
There isn't a publisher bias (there is), just get used to seeing this a lot. 6182 GBA Pokémon: Emerald Version "Professor Oak Living Dex Challenge, glitchless" by drkspace in 14:23:26.50 There isn't a publisher bias (there is), just get used to seeing this a lot.
6183 PSX NHL Blades of Steel 2000 by alexheights1 in 01:10.25
6184 GBC NHL 2000 by alexheights1 in 00:27.25
6185 Flash 3-tsu no Hako no Heya Kara no Dasshutsu by Rxser in 00:11.83
6186 Flash 6-tsu no Hoshi no Heya Kara no Dasshutsu by Rxser in 00:03.00
6187 SegaCD Revenge of the Ninja by Darkman425 in 20:19.92
6188 SNES Super Ice Hockey by alexheights1 in 00:21.30
6189 GBA Elf: The Movie by Adorabull in 24:34.93

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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