This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
1339 Genesis Jewel Master by arkiandruski in 09:40.28
1340 NES Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure! by max12187566 & J.Y in 02:24.28
1341 PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood by arukAdo in 23:17.78
1342 Arcade X-Men vs. Street Fighter "playaround" by SDR in 11:38.38
1343 Genesis Shining in the Darkness by DarkKobold in 43:27.20
1344 SMS Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse by AngerFist & wwmarx in 13:40.35
1345 NES Contra (Japan) "pacifist" by adelikat in 09:41.36
1346 NES Mega Man 2 by Shinryuu, pirohiko & finalfighter in 23:54.75
1347 GB Trip World by Mukki in 06:59.75
1348 NES Excitebike by Lord_Tom in 05:29.44
1349 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee in 18:41.70
1350 Genesis Alien Soldier by Dammit & Truncated in 18:32.27
1351 SNES Kirby's Avalanche by smns72 & pirohiko in 05:44.03
Two franchises crossed over. Wait what! 1352 NES Donkey Kong by Phil in 01:08.67 Two franchises crossed over. Wait what!
1353 SNES Smart Ball by andymac in 14:27.37
1354 SNES Super Puyo Puyo 2 by pirohiko in 03:34.72
1355 SNES Ultima: The False Prophet by ketomei in 07:56.07
1356 SNES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team "2 players" by White Gastra in 17:50.27
1357 SNES Hagane by Tiger- & Heisanevilgenius in 14:11.27
1358 NES Kung Fu by Phil in 03:41.14
1359 GBA Kirby & the Amazing Mirror "100%" by MUGG in 58:10.02
1360 FDS Super Mario Bros. 2 "warps, Mario" by HappyLee in 08:06.96
1361 NES Nuts & Milk "100%" by klmz in 14:21.30
1362 N64 Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness "Henry" by zggzdydp in 14:00.97
1363 PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night by arukAdo & pirate_sephiroth in 19:01.63

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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