This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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This is why Donkey Kong isnt in Starfox. 1644 SNES Donkey Kong Country by Tompa in 16:22.63 This is why Donkey Kong isnt in Starfox.
1645 PCE Dungeon Explorer "5 players" by DarkKobold in 20:19.30
Shhhh... hwnting wabbitz 1646 SNES Romancing SaGa 2 by knbnitkr in 1:08:30.85 Shhhh... hwnting wabbitz
Entering the gap between blocks in 7-1 sideways 1647 DOS SkyRoads by Ilari in 15:53.27 Entering the gap between blocks in 7-1 sideways
1648 PSX Chocobo Racing by sparky in 27:12.02
Love the nature, and run right for justice 1649 NES Mega Man 2 by aglasscage, finalfighter, pirohiko & Shinryuu in 23:48.51 Love the nature, and run right for justice
1650 GB Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 by Greenalink in 29:24.77
1651 SNES Super Metroid: MockingBird Station by Hoandjzj in 31:00.42
Now it's possible to walk while being upside down! 1652 GB Battletoads by Cardboard in 09:59.73 Now it's possible to walk while being upside down!
Who doesn't want to destroy Death Star power generators with massive explosions... while on a stealth mission 1653 NES Star Wars by Aglar in 07:53.35 Who doesn't want to destroy Death Star power generators with massive explosions... while on a stealth mission
Now that's what I call action! Thanks Zeupar for the screenshot! 1654 SNES Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 "tournament mode" by SDR in 03:55.50 Now that's what I call action! Thanks Zeupar for the screenshot!
1655 GBA Densetsu no Stafy "demo glitch" by jlun2 in 06:34.60
Now with 37% more broken. 1656 Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles by nitsuja, upthorn & marzojr in 29:51.20 Now with 37% more broken.
1657 PSX Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles by DarkKobold in 46:31.18
Shang Tsun  Wi s! 1658 GB Mortal Kombat II "playaround" by AKheon in 09:04.22 Shang Tsun Wi s!
That 18-wheeler is about to get dipped 1659 DOS Lada: The Ultimate Challenge by Ilari in 04:22.47 That 18-wheeler is about to get dipped
Struttin' the Dinosaur 1660 Genesis Chuck Rock by adelikat in 08:51.43 Struttin' the Dinosaur
Glitchy graphics once more 1661 GB Final Fantasy Legend II by knbnitkr in 29:55.57 Glitchy graphics once more
1662 GBC Daffy Duck: Fowl Play by Aqfaq & Sonikkustar in 07:32.02
1663 GBA Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced "N. Tropy" by wwmarx in 34:19.83
What happened to the player?! 1664 SNES Romancing SaGa 3 by knbnitkr in 21:59.65 What happened to the player?!
The world turned upside down. 1665 GBA Sonic Advance by Mukki in 10:46.52 The world turned upside down.
How not to dance the pole 1666 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by mmarks in 04:27.38 How not to dance the pole
The elbow of doom 1667 Genesis Pit-Fighter by adelikat in 04:48.22 The elbow of doom
Yes, the left floor is slippery and right is burning... All the way to horizon 1668 DOS SkyRoads: Xmas Special by Ilari in 12:08.03 Yes, the left floor is slippery and right is burning... All the way to horizon

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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