Search Wiki and Forums

Supports similar syntax used by web search engines.
For more information, see the postgres text parsing documentation.
The search is in-sensitive for spelling. For example, ‹megaman› and ‹Megaman› give the same results.
However, the search may be sensitive to spacing. For example, ‹mega man› gives different result than ‹megaman› Much like the Google search, including more words in the search narrows down the search. ‹Metroid› will find all Metroid-related articles and movies for all consoles, but ‹Super Metroid› will only find those which contain also the word ‹Super›.
For exact phrase searching try the Advanced Search.
Note: Currently, our search engine may not properly appreciate publications and submissions over other results; we suggest either using Google search for those, or searching for game name and navigating from there. Relevant results of any type may not end up on the first page even if found; use the "Next" button below to browse other pages.
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Wiki Results:

Page Content
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations F1 to resume and the computer should boot using the FreeDOS floppy. FreeDOS setup will
EncodingGuide/Legacy/HighDefinition f1=layer(clp.selectevery(4,1),clp.selectevery(4,0).mask(m01)) interleave(f0,f1,clp.selectevery(4,2),clp.selectevery
ListOfIdeas/PCE F1 Circus '91 - World Championship (J)| | | |F1 Circus '92 - The Speed of Sound (J)| | | |F1
3188S F1 Glitch When being hit, your life continuously drains until it hits a certain amount
ES/ListOfIdeas/PCE F1 Circus '91 - World Championship (J)| | | |F1 Circus '92 - The Speed of Sound (J)| | | |F1
3411S F1~F10, the lagcount is cleared. There are two problems with my script though: When
HomePages/Michael_Fried f1|282 |4-4|276 |4-5|285 |4-6|291 |4-f2|280 |7-1|268 |7-2|271 |7-3|293 |7-5|260 |7-f1
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/Keys f1 - f24, numlock, scroll, pageup, pagedown, numpad_space, numpad_tab, numpad_enter, numpad_f1 - numpad
GameResources/NES/FinalFantasy1 F1 EC 96 CA AC 00 50 C9 4C FC 14 7E 56 80 D0 79 BF 29 87 48 24 19 C5 22 71 7F 72 0D CD 8F BE 3F 9E 34 ED
4864S F1 (pause), F5 (bring up Save Menu), escape (leave Save Menu), and F1 (unpause). One benefit

Post Results:

Post Content
Monster House F1, F2, F3, F4, Attic, Roof, 0%), Water bottle obtained once (0%), Gold camera upgrade
Drag'n'drop hash report script f1" if [%_is_dir%]==[T] call :procdir "%~f1" goto:eof :synerr echo. echo Calculates MD5 hash
ChuChu Rocket! F1, G9) (4 up, place LEFT, 8 down, 1 left, place RIGHT) (F1-G9 [12], G9-F1
Pokemon Yellow Total Control Hack F1 in "20 F1", or JR NZ input) which would allow jumping to the new program
Flicker in Youtube Videos f1 = SelectEvery(4, 1) f2 = SelectEvery(4, 2) f3 = SelectEvery(4, 3) a = Blend(f0, f1
#3188: zggzdydp & scrimpeh's MSX Knightmare 2: The Maze of Galious in 25:04.67 F1 glitching and character switches: [list] [*]Maybe take the W9 great key with Popolon and save
Super Mario 64 F1 = 32; if (longjumping) F1 = 48; if (hSpeed > 0) { if (hSpeed > 0.35) hSpeed -= 0.35; else
Programming for fun F1<>ACdg^])+*+Y4U?""
When to save a state? F1" to "Shift + F9" for saving states "F1" to "F9" for loading states I always
FinalBurn Alpha with re-recording F1? Or can you just push a button once and then F1?[/quote] In all other