
All of the pages on this site use a special type of formatting, which follows some features commonly found in Wiki systems.
The documents of this site (including submissions) are not edited in HTML or bbCode!
This page explains all of the features of this customized markup language, which is developed with simplicity of editing in mind.


Example: This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two. There is a blank line in between.
You can force a line break without making a new paragraph with %%%, but it is not recommended. Example:
This paragraph
uses line breaks
However, if your lines begin with a space, none of this happens. See preformatted text.


  1. This is a numbered list.
  2. In order to create a numbered list, put # at the start of each line.
    1. You can use ## and ### as in the previous example.
    • You can also mix # and *.
Term to be defined
Your explanations appears here.
A tool-assisted speedrun.
Hint: See the source code of this page to see how the markup works.


Four or more minus signs at the start of a line make a horizontal ruler. Example:


This is an example quote.

Preformatted text

In order to use preformated text, such as indented code, use space as the first character of a line (monospace font).
Example: This is standard text
This is preformatted text using a monospace font (space as first character).
Here is an action scene:
   +__-+-       “One image says more than a thousand words.”
 --   \__|                                    _____ _:
              _____             ____    - -- |     | |_
     - - --- /  |__\__    --  _/ |__\|_    - O  ~  |   \
   _  -   __ `-o----o-'__    `-o-----o-'  __ `-oo--^--o-'
Notice the usage of '''' (four successive apostrophes) to break long strings of underscores to prevent them being interpreted as bold on/off.
Please use preformatted text for program source code and such only. Preformatted text does not line wrap and can break page layout if used incorrectly.
Linking to submissions
Construct the link from the movie ID and "S". For example, Rockman submission is #1032, so the link is written as: [1032S].
To add a custom description, write for example: [1032S|rockman submission]. The internal description can be seen when hovering over the link.
You can find the number from the URL of the submission.
Linking to movies
Construct the link from the movie ID and "M". For example, Rockman movie is movie 515, so the link is written as: [515M].
To add a custom description, write for example: [515M|rockman movie]. The internal description can be seen when hovering over the link.
You can find the number at List All Movies.
(Note: This was recently changed. Before it used to be =movies.cgi?id=number)
Linking to forum topics
Construct the link from "=forum/t/" and the topic ID. For example, the Gradius topic is written as [=forum/t/629|Gradius topic].
Linking to forum posts
Construct the link from "=forum/p/" and post ID. For example, the forum rules is written as [=forum/p/227916#227916|forum rules].
Linking to forum profiles
Construct the link from "=forum/r/" and user ID. For example, Nach's profile is written as [=forum/r/17|profile].
Linking to other internal pages
To link to any other page that does not have a .html in the URL, take the URL and replace “” with “=”
e.g. [=movies.cgi?name=Mega+Man+X], [=ref.exe?page=TODO], [=forum/]


Tables are created with lines that begin with vertical bars. ( | )
Double vertical bars ( || ) create headers.
|field1a|field2a| |field4a|
|field1b|field2b with [|] vertical bar|field3b with%%%a few words|field4b|
field1afield2a field4a
field1bfield2b with | vertical barfield3b with
a few words

To output a literal vertical bar in a table, surround it in brackets: [|]. To output empty cells, put a space between the cell edges.
To ensure that the table format and appearance is consistent (white lattice with border), every row should have one more vertical bar separator than the number of cells in a table row.

Mark-Up Language (HTML)

Table of contents


To create tab entries, write as follows:
%%TAB header_text1%%
%%TAB header_text2%%
%%TAB header_textn%%
For example:
%%TAB Table of Pokémon%%
Bulbasaur, Venusaur, Ivysaur, and hundreds of others.
%%TAB Minimize tab%%
Bulbasaur, Venusaur, Ivysaur, and hundreds of others.
Important: There must be a newline after %%TAB_END%% or else it will not work.


Start a tabset. Usually only needed if you want nested tabs.
Start a tabset with tabs on left side instead of top.
%%TAB <name>%%
Create a new tab. Starts a tabset if there isn't one.
End the innermost tabset.
Note: In the current implementation of the site, tabs are implemented with Javascript. It is not recommended to use them, because the tabs are not usable with Javascript-challenged browsers.

Source code

%%SRC_EMBED <hilighting>
Start block of code with specified hilighting type. Wiki markup is not processed inside this block.
End a block of code.

Comments and if macros

e.g. [if:!UserIsLoggedIn]
(The ! reverses 1 and 0)
Other macros

Character set

[1]: This is an example of a footnote.
Expand/Collapse collapse-content-_3b8fe68567e4473bb2868d4c66c24e81

TextFormattingRules last edited by Ilari on 8/26/2012 6:12 PM
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