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#57350350794051497 - Wonder Boy 1 Level Select Game Gear

Wonder Boy 1 level select.bk2
In 01:27.45 (5240 frames), 1912 rerecords
Game: Wonder Boy ( GG, see all files )
Uploaded 8/18/2019 6:31 PM by CoolHandMike (see all 27)
Interesting cheat code to go straight to 9-4 from the title screen. Hold Down and Start on title screen. Done in 5240 frames in about 1900 rerecords. This is not compatible with tasvideos rules since this level select is not intended for normal play.
1) Lag sucks. Probably will not do anything further with this game since just trying to manage lag would take up all my time and that is not fun. 2) Last boss can definitely be down 2 frames faster at least, tasstudio just crashed when I had done it, and not going to redo it. MIGHT be possible to do it in 7 jumps like the SMS tas one, but I don't know.

#54366668718903812 - Shinobi III - Needs Updated Rerecords

Shinobi III - TAS - 77994 - 20190406 Needs Updated Re-records.bk2
In 21:41.60 (77996 frames), 24174 rerecords
Uploaded 4/6/2019 9:37 AM by CoolHandMike (see all 27)
Having trouble extracting , modifying the field in the rerecord count header, then compressing it again. Bizhawk crashes when loading it.