User Files from Cubamus72

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#638289183417064457 - Super Smash TV (SNES)

Super Smash T.V. SNES(USA).bk2
In 01:31.42 (5494 frames), 0 rerecords
2 comments, 68 downloads
Uploaded 8/29/2023 3:05 PM by Cubamus72 (see all 2)
Full 1H30M Long Gameplay of Super Smash TV for Super NES

#638289178497845585 - SMASH TV ARCADE (REV 8.00)

Smash T.V. ARC (rev 8.00).bk2
In 1:20:35.89 (264556 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Smash T.V. ( Arcade, see all files )
Uploaded 8/29/2023 2:57 PM by Cubamus72 (see all 2)
Full 1H20M Long Gameplay of Smash TV for Arcade