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#70117501915162555 - [DSHAWK] NFSC DS desync!

Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City.bk2
In 05:25.77 (19579 frames), 0 rerecords
2 comments, 234 downloads
Uploaded 3/15/2021 5:52 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
After so many successful sync tests, I found one that desyncs!.. unfortunately I don't know how to consistently reproduce it. It desyncs on 3rd track which I suspecting it would. I had rewind enabled. I'm sure to fix it you just make a save state before the dropped input(or somewhere close to it) and just load and keep fighting with it until it syncs.

#70071203169436539 - [Saturn] Wipeout 2097 WIP

WipEout 2097 (1997)(Psygnosis UK)(EU).bk2
In 21:30.13 (77408 frames), 12 rerecords
Game: Wipeout ( Saturn, see all files )
Uploaded 3/13/2021 3:49 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
It goes up to intermediate track 2 in challenge 1.
This game is a bitch to optimize.. The rerecord count is low because I use rewind.

#69938546069286202 - Wipeout 2097 Saturn Challenge 1%

WipEout 2097 (1997)(Psygnosis UK)(EU).bk2
In 14:47.73 (53264 frames), 6 rerecords
Game: Wipeout ( Saturn, see all files )
Uploaded 3/7/2021 4:27 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
The rerecord count is low because I used rewind. The only reason why I made a save state was to instantly get back to work.

#66683873316799121 - FF7 Demake ATB

In 02:15.71 (8156 frames), 185 rerecords
1 comment, 300 downloads
Uploaded 10/12/2020 2:38 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
The youtube video is a little out of sync with the audio because I didn't realize quicknes uses 60fps..
The funny thing was, it said to switch to NESHawk as its more "accurate" and when I loaded that, the sprites came in wrong lol. So you need to use QuickNES for this.
Its not entirely optimized, I'm sure it can be improved. At least all of Clouds deathblows connected. Very luck dependent battle

#66149460546040233 - Street racing sydicate

Street Racing Syndicate (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).bk2
In 02:21.16 (8431 frames), 1 rerecords
Uploaded 9/18/2020 1:01 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
This game looks like a good game to tas. Although these games are very difficult to truly optimize, its still fun to tas. So I won't be submitting it.

#64414687541311551 - Expert track

WipEout 2097 (1997)(Psygnosis UK).bk2
In 03:11.48 (11489 frames), 538 rerecords
Game: Wipeout ( Saturn, see all files )
Uploaded 7/1/2020 10:00 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
This one was pretty intense and precise. Some interesting points include maintaining a high speed after being hit with a rocket by getting hit by a player from behind. Right off the ledge too!

#64396092825984566 - Another wipeout 2097 run

WipEout 2097 (1997)(Psygnosis UK)(EU).bk2
In 02:06.12 (7567 frames), 82 rerecords
Game: Wipeout ( Saturn, see all files )
Uploaded 7/1/2020 1:54 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
The reason why its slower than the first WIP is because of the menuing at the beginning and the fact that I got locked on with a missile a few times through the race. Not sure how I could avoid that..

#64078636701690539 -

WipEout 2097 (1997)(Psygnosis UK)(EU).bk2
In 01:54.27 (6856 frames), 42 rerecords
Game: Wipeout ( Saturn, see all files )
Uploaded 6/16/2020 6:46 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)

#63810527013081129 - Worlds scariest police chases unplayable

World's Scariest Police Chases (USA).bk2
In 12:25.23 (44187 frames), 898 rerecords
Uploaded 6/4/2020 4:59 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
At the 9th mission, all you have to do is follow the bus and stay close. The arrest meter goes up way too slow. I can tell this from the rta record.

#63696797508607495 - Words scariest police chases WIP

World's Scariest Police Chases (USA).bk2
In 09:00.66 (32057 frames), 785 rerecords
Uploaded 5/30/2020 2:04 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Yeah, I know, the rerecount is low. But I got what I was trying to achieve.
It covers the first 7 missions. I dont use firearms because I didn't know you can in some missions lol. They still went down well regardless. I have an encode on my youtube account: fastrun14. Its only the first 6 missions on the encode.

#63098668694431676 - NFS Carbon DS tutorial

Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City.bk2
In 05:19.36 (19193 frames), 190 rerecords
Uploaded 5/3/2020 3:35 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
This game is probably the most difficult to truly optimize because of the drafter wingman. Its pretty intense.
No desync issues! Nobody has a complete playthrough of this on youtube.

#63057732006438540 - Stuntman gba test speedrun

Stuntman (USA) (En,Fr,Es).bk2
In 49:04.73 (175882 frames), 574 rerecords
Game: Stuntman ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 5/1/2020 7:20 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Not much effort was put into this, as I just wanted a deathless run.
Surprisingly enough, this is one of the 3d driving games thats very easy to optimize. Getting a straight line is simple, and the only routing involved is knowing what stunts are worth doing and keeping your score good enough to proceed. You get raided off the bar. So a route would just be a string of Red and Green. I haven't figured out the optimal path though.

#62460836113116880 - Another melonds test NFSC

Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City.bk2
In 01:41.62 (6107 frames), 95 rerecords
Uploaded 4/4/2020 10:11 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Another sync test. Gets through first race, no desync issues(yet).
It is possible a desync may come along later down the road. As in, progress further.

#62217585761234301 - Another melonds test

Brothers in Arms DS.bk2
In 01:53.96 (6849 frames), 112 rerecords
Uploaded 3/24/2020 11:16 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
This one syncs fine too. I didnt complete the mission, but I did get like 5 kills in and no desync issues.
This seems to work pretty well.

#62214598359456020 - Melonds test

Burnout Legends.bk2
In 01:33.18 (5600 frames), 128 rerecords
Uploaded 3/24/2020 8:02 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
I test pressing start at earliest frame, I test save states in the race(I get 4 take downs in a row to get my boost meter up, make save states and load them during the camera change when performing a take down), try to get as many near miss as possible(with this game, its very finicky do that).
I dont complete the first race, as this was just a test. I'll probably finish it later.
As always, dont expect it to be optimal.

#62057179673571271 - Bizhawk melonds test

LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga.bk2
In 03:36.54 (13014 frames), 60 rerecords
Uploaded 3/17/2020 5:53 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Using DSHawk branch of course.
Unoptimal, mainly because its just for testing purposes. I test making save states during load screens and loading the save state, making a save state during combat and using that, on the field and such. No desync issues so far. I tested slow motion as well. I did have some issues with the touch screen controls where I had to unpause the emulator to make it comfy, but that must just be me using a laptop with no mouse adapter.

#59824533093049872 - Superman - Man of Steel WIP C64 first mission

Superman - Man Of Steel.bk2
In 13:34.41 (40822 frames), 727 rerecords
1 comment, 364 downloads
Uploaded 12/8/2019 4:44 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
And I beat the first mission with 50 seconds left on the clock. When 3 demons remain, the portal closes and a new one opens and it takes a while for it to come making you lose time.. I'm sure that you can get above 1 minute if you manipulate luck and play better than I did. I think I did pretty good, avoided miss shots unless it manipulates luck and avoided getting bombed to lose all energy. On to second mission which appears to be an autoscroller. This will be fun.
Edit I will post an encode tommorrow as I have heard people having trouble with it syncing. Rest assured, it syncs on my end probably because I'm on linux.

#59813708075330719 - Superman - Man of Steel WIP C64

Superman - Man Of Steel.bk2
In 08:55.17 (26825 frames), 551 rerecords
2 comments, 364 downloads
Uploaded 12/7/2019 5:02 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
I was disappointed to see nobody tased this game. There does exist a playthrough on youtube, but it plays on easy difficulty and I wanted to see it played on expert with tas precision.
Its not completely optimal, I'm not done yet with the first stage, but I will complete this soon. Really grateful to be able to tas on linux!
Its also using a tap image.

#59546070534979102 - NHL Blades of steel 33 - 0 1st period

blades of steel (u) [c][t1].bk2
In 10:19.55 (37005 frames), 417 rerecords
Uploaded 11/25/2019 3:46 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Not submitting or even finishing this as its just repetitive and not very entertaining. Glad I can tas on linux though!

#59309460583669439 - Script for FFVII NES to get critical hits

Uploaded 11/15/2019 12:01 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
I have not tested the script yet, as bizhawk linux lua function seems to be broken, but I believe it should work fine.
How to use, when the cursor is on an enemy that you're targeting, run the script. You don't have to pay attention either as the script will pause the emulator once it succeeds at getting the hit.
Yes, I am planning on redoing the FFVII NES Tas. Im still very curios to see how fast it can be beaten.

#58978668308854744 - Driver Renegade TAS WIP

In 03:02.00 (10920 frames), 187 rerecords
Uploaded 10/31/2019 2:29 AM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
I get it, the rerecord count is low, but I at least got my goal finished.
Just having this here for safe keeping.


! Version info: 

libTAS version: 1.3.4

#58079978220442106 - FFT Prime WIP

In 15:02.01 (53483 frames), 524 rerecords
Uploaded 9/20/2019 3:08 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
I don't understand why Ramza doesn't have wizard available at this point.
Maybe its because of the hack?

#57416228177367956 - Testrun of star wars a new droid army

Star Wars - The New Droid Army (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).bk2
In 37:27.84 (134258 frames), 2419 rerecords
Uploaded 8/21/2019 5:44 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
Game is a somewhat good tas candidate as you can have enemies kill each other.
Other than that, this game is pretty boring. I'm not sure if I will complete it or not.
The game IS very hard to optimize though(something I didn't put much effort into).

#52531473615281703 - [WIP] Star wars battlefront 2 test tas

In 03:40.32 (13219 frames), 396 rerecords
System: Linux
Uploaded 1/13/2019 6:03 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
A test tas to demonstrate odd desync behavior. The furthest I've gotten was to luke, leia and yoda face off that ended up with desync. Sometimes leia doesn't appear which happened the first time I reached it. Pretty intense moment too.
To sync as far as I did:
look up mooseswb2part1 for rom(not sure if it matters what rom dump you use as there's all dumped the same way) place the save state file in ~config/ppsspp/PSP/PPSSPP_STATE edit ini file in ~config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini on line FrameSKipUnthrottle to False
open up battlefront 2 once in the native emulator to set location
in native ppsspp, go to controls edit controls and remove unthrottle key in exchange for speed-toggle and set that to tab key. Then set state load to 2 open ppsspp with libtas runtime backup save files in memory - off go under input - configure input and disable fast forward play back and literally hope for the best. Each time you play you'd likely see different things by the time I square off with a bunch of jedi after killing han solo in that alleyway. I do die to obi wan while I kill him at the same time, that's a part of the movie. I know its unoptimized, but this a test and is prone to desyncs. Once fixed, I will redo these with far more optimized.
How far can you get?


! Version info: 

libTAS version: 1.3.2

#49316506710441267 - Driver 2 TAS Complete

Driver 2 (USA) (Disc 1) (v1.1).bk2
In 2:11:21.32 (467306 frames), 6628 rerecords
Game: Driver 2 ( PSX, see all files )
1 comment, 494 downloads
Uploaded 8/21/2018 11:10 PM by InfamousKnight (see all 69)
While I did beat the world record, somehow someone beaten the first mission by 2 seconds. I also didn't manage to beat all known records in the levels, and I'm honestly not sure why. 3D driving games are difficult to optimize, and I'm not planning on doing this again.
Could someone make an encode for me?