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#638626327988537140 - Super Mario Bros. Deluxe - warps in 4:58.63

TAS - Super Mario Bros Deluxe - warps in 458.62.bk2
In 04:58.63 (17836 frames), 1220 rerecords
Uploaded 2 days ago by KingKappa (see all 2)
Removed unnecessary inputs at the end of the movie.

#638617888505538233 - TAS - Super Mario Bros. Deluxe by KingKappa

TAS - Super Mario Bros Deluxe (Hopefully better submission time).bk2
In 04:58.92 (17854 frames), 1114 rerecords
Uploaded 12 days ago by KingKappa (see all 2)
A duplicate of my submitted TAS for Deluxe, without the high score input at the end (to hopefully get a better submission time)