User Files from Lobsterzelda

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#637863326135021777 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To At TTH With Spellstone 4

In 2:16:09.27 (490156 frames), 121122 rerecords
Uploaded 4/23/2022 5:43 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up until Fox arrives back at ThornTail Hollow with Spellstone 4. Note that this is over 3/4ths of the way done with the full TAS!

#637861568048055053 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To In Orbit With Spellstone 4

In 2:14:55.58 (485735 frames), 119295 rerecords
Uploaded 4/21/2022 4:53 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up until Fox enters orbit with Spellstone 4.

#637858563249546210 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To Start of Dragon Rock CloudRunner Rail Shooter

In 2:12:25.58 (476735 frames), 117214 rerecords
Uploaded 4/18/2022 5:25 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up until Fox climbs on top of the CloudRunner in Dragon Rock for the rail shooter.

#637840050964815543 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To Finished HighTop AutoScroller

In 2:10:53.22 (471193 frames), 112045 rerecords
Uploaded 3/27/2022 7:11 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up until we reach the end of the autoscroller HighTop section in Dragon Rock.

#637833573471336196 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To Freed HighTop

In 2:07:53.27 (460396 frames), 109409 rerecords
Uploaded 3/20/2022 7:15 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up until we free the HighTop in Dragon Rock.

#637821909675474009 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To Talked To Dragon Rock EarthWalker

In 2:05:41.52 (452491 frames), 104846 rerecords
Uploaded 3/6/2022 7:16 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This TAS plays Star Fox Adventures from power-on up to the cutscene where we talk to the EarthWalker in Dragon Rock.

#637817491470413412 - Star Fox Adventures TAS Up To Reached Dragon Rock

In 2:03:05.45 (443127 frames), 102355 rerecords
Uploaded 3/1/2022 4:32 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is a TAS of Star Fox Adventures which plays from power-on up to reaching Dragon Rock. This is over 2/3rds of the way done with the full TAS!

#637812380929121451 - Testing Submitting a Published Movie

In 36:50.00 (132604 frames), 37063 rerecords
Uploaded 2/23/2022 6:34 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
Testing to make sure this matches the published time - which is 36:50.07

#637808138736990034 - Star Fox Adventures Finished Test TAS

In 2:59:32.00 (646313 frames), 94548 rerecords
1 comment, 1249 downloads
Uploaded 2/18/2022 8:44 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is a newer test TAS of the game which uses a faster route. This route includes the newly discovered Queen Earthwalker CS Skip after placing Spellstone 4. Additionally, this demonstration TAS proves that sub 3 is possible.

#637778136620151068 - Star Fox Adventures New Finished Test TAS

In 3:05:54.00 (669258 frames), 67753 rerecords
Uploaded 1/15/2022 3:21 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is a new test TAS of Star Fox Adventures which tests out a new route that skips collecting and placing the sun and moonstones. This isn't intended to be optimized, and I haven't checked if it syncs from power-on. Rather, this was just created to confirm that the new route works to beat the game - which it does.

#72590294774327658 - Star Fox Adventures Test TAS

In 3:34:51.98 (1545497 frames), 15478 rerecords
Uploaded 7/5/2021 2:35 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is a movie I made of Star Fox Adventures for the GameCube. It was made on version 1.00 of the game, and was played on Dolphin v. 5.0-13963.
This was made to test whether this route was possible - which confirmed that this route works.
Think of this as a Low-LOTAD: A very low optimization TAS.
Note that this doesn't sync all the way through - it desyncs a little over an hour in, during the test of fear.
Fortunately, I've made savestates throughout this TAS that can be used to continue playback after the desync point.
I'll find somewhere to upload those savestates so that an encode can be made of this movie (after all, this particular TAS is intended for demonstration reasons - not for submission to the site)

#70325434453495838 - Lethal Enforcers TAS Through High Score Screen

In 38:21.28 (138304 frames), 23510 rerecords
Uploaded 3/25/2021 2:37 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is an extended input file of my Lethal Enforcers TAS for the SNES which enters a high score after the credits play.

#66910802739581300 - BTDD Improvement

In 16:27.56 (59351 frames), 126405 rerecords
Uploaded 10/22/2020 7:55 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This new and improved TAS saves about 17 seconds over my original TAS by taking a game over in level 4 and by using the fast kill strategy on the level 6 boss (which save about 4.5 and 13 seconds respectively).

#65364566293859409 - Battletoads Minor 2P Warps Improvement

In 10:40.61 (38500 frames), 49786 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/13/2020 4:40 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
I tidied up the final climbing section of level 12 right before the boss, which let me save a couple of frames. This time, I'm really done with this category!

#65317776403781880 - Really Really REALLY Final Battletoads 2P Warpless TAS

In 19:15.10 (69421 frames), 2224 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/11/2020 2:06 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
My actual final TAS for this category!
Includes a 2 second timesave in level 10 (the rat race) and a huge amount of lag reduction in level 12.
I'll post more details about how I saved this time later on in the workbench thread for this TAS.
In the meantime, I request that this input file replace the file currently in the workbench.

#64935608370738984 - Battletoads 2P Warps Final Improvement... For Real!

In 10:44.74 (38748 frames), 48548 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/25/2020 9:02 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
Ok... I know i've said that I'm done improving this TAS before... But this time, I really mean it - this is the final movie file for this TAS!

#64861191778917061 - Battletoads 2P Warps Final Improvement

In 10:46.05 (38827 frames), 48057 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/22/2020 12:36 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
I was able to save 3 more frames at the end of level 12 with some better lag reduction and hitting one of the springs earlier from different movement.

#64820568608567464 - Updated Battletoads 2P Warps TAS

In 10:46.10 (38830 frames), 47858 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/20/2020 4:41 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is an improvement over the original run that I submitted. It beats the game 2 seconds faster by having a faster level 12.
Thanks to PJ for pointing out that I could save time on the spring jumps!

#64403498514772584 - Battletoads Spawn Warp Portal With Hacks

In 01:12.13 (4335 frames), 124454 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/1/2020 9:54 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
In order for this proof of concept movie to play back correctly, you must use the following hacks on the following frames:
1. On frame 3858, set $21 equal to $10, and then freeze its value. 2. On frame 3879, set $428 equal to $55, and then freeze its value. 3. On frame 3882, set $B7 equal to $1F, and set $B8 equal to $04. Then, freeze both values. 4. On Frame 3883, set $3FE equal to $69, and then freeze its value. 5. On Frame 3886, unfreeze all memory addresses.
The only hacks which currently simulate things that can't be done without hacks are freezing the value of $21 and setting the value of $B7 and $B8. The other hacks are just done for convenience to save me time TASing this, although with more manipulation, those values could have been set correctly without hacks.
The way this works is, the config pointer increases to $21. Since it's non-zero, it loads an object. The object's low X coordinate is equal to the value in $27. Conveniently, $27 stores RNG, which changes every time you press a different button, meaning we can directly control its values!
When the config pointer hits $2C, we hold down $FF to reset it back to 0. when the config pointer reaches $0B, it spawns an object with a low x-position equal to the value stored in $10, which is how many lives you have (which I set to 0 by killing myself a few times before this glitch). As such, every high coordinate byte is automatically set to 0, and we can initialize every low coordinate byte with the values we want. Also note that by holding inputs when the config pointer passes $16, you can spawn an extra object, if you want to make more space between the next slot.
When the config pointer is on $0B for the last time and spawns another object, the ID value of $0B is 14, which is conveniently an invalid ID value, causing the object to be deleted. This allows us to set the animation_2 attribute of the new object to the value we want based on RNG, which we then set to $55.
From there, we need the config pointer to jump to $41F to interpret this data as a new object. This is done with hacks here, although in actual gameplay, when the config pointer equals $16, if you hold down all buttons on player 2's controller, then the config pointer jumps to the address referenced by $17/$18. $17 is roughly based on player 2's x-coordinate, and $18 is roughly based on Player 2's animation. Since player 2 has to keep holding down every button and punching in order to keep resetting the config pointer to $0B, the only way to move him is for player 1 to pick him up and throw him.
After this, I hacked my x-coordinate to match where the portal spawns. This could have been avoided if I set the x-position of the portal to $69 instead of $40. However, redoing this would have altered the RNG and made me have to redo everything, so I just used hacks to change my low x-coordinate to save time.
After this, we hit the portal, and jump to level 5!
For a video of what this actually looks like, please see the link below:
To summarize what's left to do to make this possible in a real TAS, we need to find a way to keep player 1 from dying after respawning from the jet glitch so he can pick up player 2, and we need a way to consistently get the value stored in $21 to be a number greater than 2. $21 is sometimes set to random values like $16, but most of the time its 0, and I haven't yet found a way to manipulate it. However, objects can't be spawned when $21 is 0, so a way around this must be found in order to make use of this setup.

#64374095014736966 - Battletoads 2-Players Warps Up To End Of Level 3

In 00:55.51 (3336 frames), 3828 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/30/2020 2:07 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This movie plays up to the end of level 3 in my Battletoads 2P Warps TAS. It ends right after activating the checkpoint glitch, which makes it convenient for anybody who wants to test trying to get the warp portal to spawn.

#63003180390649610 - Battletoads 2 Players Warpless First 11 Levels

In 16:47.47 (60548 frames), 73816 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/29/2020 8:22 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This WIP plays up until the boss fight at the end of level 11.

#62355587629478395 - Battletoads 2 Players Warpless WIP Up To Level 9.

In 11:59.67 (43251 frames), 63192 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/31/2020 4:25 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is an improved WIP I made of the first 8 levels of Battletoads 2 players warpless. This run is 7 seconds faster than Alyosha's WIP.

#62091469528092252 - Battletoads 2 Players Warpless First 6 Levels

In 08:11.99 (29568 frames), 97472 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/19/2020 6:57 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is an improved WIP I made of Battletoads 2 players warpless, which plays through the first half of the game.

#61638793966706215 - Cabbage Patch Kids with Blank Frames Cut

In 02:30.38 (9012 frames), 342 rerecords
Uploaded 2/27/2020 9:41 PM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)

#61269677130913745 - Even Better level 3

In 03:51.30 (13901 frames), 82471 rerecords
Game: Battletoads ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 2/11/2020 6:43 AM by Lobsterzelda (see all 85)
This is 15 frames better than the first WIP I uploaded today, and is 1 frame better than the second WIP I uploaded today (I deleted the other 2 WIPS, so this is the only one visible now).