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#638776519360592500 - NES Ys 1 (J): crash glitch

In 00:26.34 (1583 frames), 13 rerecords
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Uploaded 10 days ago by TaoTao (see all 100)
Accidentally I found a crash glitch, but I haven't investigated the details yet.
It seems that you have to equip no weapon. (And, you might have to go down with an enemy?)

EDIT (2025/03/20): In this glitch, the game seems to fail to switch banks correctly. This game assumes that the main thread is always loading PRG 14 when a NMI is triggered, but in this movie, the main thread is loading PRG 5 when a NMI is triggered. So, after returning from the NMI, the main thread resumes from PRG 14 instead of PRG 5, and crashes.

#638766556886261999 - NES Ikari Warriors (U): double flying glitch, with transformation glitch (using dupe glitch)

In 06:16.21 (22610 frames), 28 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 21 days ago by TaoTao (see all 100)

#638766556090678934 - NES Ikari Warriors (U): double flying glitch, with transformation glitch (not using dupe glitch)

In 06:28.61 (23355 frames), 42 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 21 days ago by TaoTao (see all 100)

#638764373754349308 - NES Ikari Warriors (U): transform glitch (changing a tank into a heli)

In 01:18.37 (4710 frames), 43 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 24 days ago by TaoTao (see all 100)

#638721789010637317 - NES Lot Lot (J): screen glitch with rapid pausing

In 00:30.85 (1854 frames), 297 rerecords
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Uploaded 1/11/2025 7:55 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
You can do swap operations during rapid pausing. In this movie, I enable redraw flags for all rooms, and the game fails to update some VRAM in time.
But this glitch only affects drawings, so I think it is not so useful.
EDIT: Probably you can corrupt the PPU transfer queue ($0400-$04FF, typical ring buffer) with this technique. For example, if you write a length=253 entry to the queue, the NMI thread will loop infinitely. But anyway, I think it will be extremely difficult to take advantage of this for TAS.

#638650442897447472 - NES Wizardry (J): save glitch test

In 00:33.01 (3859 frames), 3247 rerecords
Uploaded 10/20/2024 6:04 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
This game often backups hero structs. And, if a hero struct has wrong checksum/CRC, the game restores it from the backup. I crafted a fake backup struct on SRAM (with z3 solver), and created an amulet by changing name.
On Famicom version, the game displays a logo every time you reset, so this movie is not so fast. If this save glitch can be executed on NES version, it will be quite fast. But, it might be more difficult to execute this on NES version, because you can use fewer character kinds for a hero name.

#638596894564787259 - NES Mirai Shinwa Jarvas (J) TAS

In 1:02:14.82 (224458 frames), 29718 rerecords
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Uploaded 8/19/2024 6:37 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
This improves narimasa's TAS on nicovideo (part1, part2, part3) by about 16 minutes.
Objectively, this game will be quite bad. But it was interesting for me to optimize this run.

#638551782606195767 - FDS Moonball Magic (J): TAS made in 2009, resynced for FCEUX 2.6.6

In 03:48.14 (13711 frames), 5 rerecords
Game: Moonball Magic ( FDS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/28/2024 1:31 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
EDIT: if you newly tas this game, probably you should use NesHawk/SubNesHawk. Because, this game doesn't use NMI and uses PPU_STATUS ($2002) to wait VBLANK. FCEUX doesn't emulate the race-condition of PPU_STATUS, so an effective FPS differs between FCEUX/NesHawk. (FCEUX: 60.10, NesHawk: ~58. for details, see NesDev Wiki)
On SubNesHawk, You might be able to avoid the drop-frames by using the sub-frame pauses, but it will need the dev-build of BizHawk, because BizHawk 2.9.1 doesn't support FDS disk operations on SubNesHawk.

I made this in 2009, and now resynced this for FCEUX 2.6.6 (just removed some frames).
I couldn't resync this for NesHawk. (desynced at stage 2, and FDS load times quite differ)

#638548422442451009 - NES Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan 3 (J): a cheat to clear the Meijinsen mode

In 00:45.51 (2735 frames), 491 rerecords
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Uploaded 6/24/2024 4:10 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Put your king to 27, and put your rook to 28. And, try to move your king to the opponent king.

#638511811549801985 - SNES Same Game (J): SameGame "medium" mode score 2229

In 00:43.94 (2641 frames), 599 rerecords
Game: Same Game ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/13/2024 7:12 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)

#638510427681392753 - SNES Same Game (J): SameGame "easy" mode score 844

In 00:49.84 (2995 frames), 1057 rerecords
Game: Same Game ( SNES, see all files )
1 comment, 68 downloads
Uploaded 5/11/2024 4:46 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Probably highest, but...
  • I didn't care about hash collisions, so some unfortunate collisions might hide the optimal solution (though I think this probability is low).
  • I haven't completely understood about the RNG.

#638410278864544870 - NES Hokuto no Ken 4 (J): moonwalk glitch, getting very strong Kazemaru

In 02:25.19 (8726 frames), 766 rerecords
Uploaded 1/16/2024 6:51 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
You can zip through some obstacles with U+D / L+R inputs.
When Kazemaru joins, his level will be (the main hero's level) - 1. So, if the main hero's internal level is 0, Kazemaru's internal level will be 255.
But anyway, you have to win the 1on1 battle against the last boss, and it will take a long time to earn levels. I hope there are some more glitches to solve this problem.

#638402593442805940 - NES Kaettekita! Gunjin Shogi: Nanya Sore!? (J): ending cheat

In 00:00.83 (136 frames), 149 rerecords
Uploaded 1/7/2024 9:22 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Slower than the DPCM exploit.

#638402592738797547 - NES Kaettekita! Gunjin Shogi: Nanya Sore!? (J): DPCM exploit, starts from zero-cleared RAM

In 00:00.56 (1903 frames), 553 rerecords
1 comment, 99 downloads
Uploaded 1/7/2024 9:21 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
On the default RAM setting, there are no sound in the ending...

#638365738177104719 - NES Super Pinball (J): testrun (3087 frames)

In 00:51.37 (3087 frames), 7376 rerecords
Game: Super Pinball ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/26/2023 5:36 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Just a testrun. Probably improvable with better RNG manipulation, etc.
When a ball bounces by bumpers etc., you can sometimes manipulate the direction of the ball with input. (Probably the address $5A affects.)
This movie syncs on NesHawk as is, but I confirmed that another .fm2 movie only partially syncs on NesHawk.
Memory map:
$37u16leball position x (subpx)
$39u16leball position y (subpx)
$3Bi16leball velocity x (subpx)
$3Di16leball velocity y (subpx)
$5Au8affects the bounce direction of the ball (can be manipulated with input)

#638356646232826674 - NES Cadillac in 2:15.14

In 02:15.13 (8122 frames), 1385 rerecords
Game: Cadillac ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/15/2023 5:03 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Not theoretically optimal solution. I bruteforced only for endgame. Until the end of midgame, I used beam search to enumerate good positions.

#638326357521741889 - NES Might and Magic (U): 5m00s TAS

In 05:00.70 (23546 frames), 2034 rerecords
Uploaded 10/11/2023 3:42 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
I might submit this.

#638323834760330518 - Nes Might and Magic (J): 5m28s TAS

In 05:28.23 (30323 frames), 5568 rerecords
1 comment, 101 downloads
Uploaded 10/8/2023 5:37 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
I might submit this.

#638291999962457577 - NES Might and Magic (U): opening a sack without untrapping

In 02:55.88 (13161 frames), 8431 rerecords
Uploaded 9/1/2023 9:19 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)

#638263820758178037 - NES Saint Seiya (J): fast gauge charging, and using the kick

In 00:31.08 (1868 frames), 11776 rerecords
Uploaded 7/31/2023 6:34 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
For forum post.

#638221497376186444 - NES Flipull (J): normal mode wip (stuck at stage 13)

In 05:49.87 (21027 frames), 490 rerecords
Uploaded 6/12/2023 6:55 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
You cannot manipulate the RNG by inputs anymore.

#638218390079846084 - NES Flipull (J): normal mode casual tas

In 32:34.32 (117452 frames), 211 rerecords
Uploaded 6/8/2023 4:36 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
I made this a long time ago. Note that this movie starts from stage 201 with an in-game code.

#638153588922821307 - NES Arctic (J): 589 frames improvement (20230326)

In 12:16.92 (44288 frames), 1729 rerecords
Game: Arctic ( NES, see all files )
1 comment, 116 downloads
Uploaded 3/25/2023 4:34 PM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Improved the stage 0, 1, 5, 23.

#638153232332462136 - NES Arctic (J): 489 frames improvement (20230325)

In 12:18.58 (44388 frames), 1413 rerecords
Game: Arctic ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/25/2023 6:40 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Improved the stage 20, 25. Helped by Moyou_Jo.

#638138340325557642 - NES Saint Seiya (J): skip some event battles with the cursor glitch

In 03:36.49 (13011 frames), 1897 rerecords
Uploaded 3/8/2023 1:00 AM by TaoTao (see all 100)
Encode is available. In this movie, $06D5 is corrupted.
Maybe you can skip up to 4 battles.