Submission #5634: Mothrayas & Tremane's GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge in 16:57.45 converted to lsmv According to emulator, 16:56.517 (60714 frames).
Compared to [336] GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge by Bag_of_Magic_Food in 17:11.30: (56 frames saved in prior WIP) 10 frames saved in Ice Man's stage (10 in stage, 0 in boss) 28 frames saved in Fire Man's stage (21 in stage, 7 in boss) 16 frames lost by longer menu loading times 193 frames saved by skipping through the Wily Fortress cutscene faster. Total amount of time saved by the start of the first fortress stage is now 271 frames. (Note: frames are compared by AVI frame time because VBA's frames are inaccurate).
Compared to [336] GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge by Bag_of_Magic_Food in 17:11.30: 23 frames saved in Cut Man's stage (22 in stage, 1 in boss). 51 frames saved in Elec Man's stage (44 in stage, 7 in boss). 18 frames lost overall by longer menu loading times in GambatteHawk. (Note: frames are compared by AVI frame time because VBA's frames are inaccurate).