User Files for Super Mario 64 DS

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#638678904087014846 - 150 Star WIP (35 stars)

150 WIP 2.dsm
In 28:24.94 (102000 frames), 453709 rerecords
Uploaded 11/22/2024 4:40 PM by Migu (see all 12)

#638605679299834080 - SM64DS 0 Star 5:36.89

0 Star 20155.dsm
In 05:36.89 (20155 frames), 440248 rerecords
Uploaded 8/29/2024 10:38 PM by Migu (see all 12)
20 frames saved over publication by Rupa.

#638547225307611894 - 0 Star -16f

0STAR 20477.dsm
In 05:42.27 (20477 frames), 434191 rerecords
Uploaded 6/23/2024 6:55 AM by Migu (see all 12)
16f saved over previous file by Rupa and me, 38f total saved over submission

#638540982855021725 - 0 Star -22f

0STAR -22f.dsm
In 05:42.54 (20493 frames), 433673 rerecords
Uploaded 6/16/2024 1:31 AM by Migu (see all 12)
Saved by Rupa

#638388940010273093 - SM64DS Controls Fix script

Uploaded 12/23/2023 2:06 AM by YoshiRulz (see all 2)
revision 2023.11.24 for EmuHawk ≥ 2.9.2
While this script is running, you'll be able to use the left analog stick on your gamepad to more precisely control Yoshi and the plumbers, similar to the original SM64. It also lets you control the camera with either the bumpers or the right analog stick. As a bonus, you can exit course without a mouse since it's in the same spot as the camera controls.
At time of writing, the default binds have the DPad bound to the left stick and L/R bound to the bumpers—you'll need to rebind those to the DPad and triggers. And make sure your controls are set to the default 'Standard Mode' in the pause menu. You don't need to unbind X or Y, though you are free to rearrange the face buttons.

#638357886988434946 - SM64DS Controls Fix script

Uploaded 11/17/2023 3:31 AM by YoshiRulz (see all 2)
revision 2023.11.16 for EmuHawk ≥ 2.9.2 (next revision here)
While this script is running, you'll be able to use the left analog stick on your gamepad to more precisely control Yoshi and the plumbers, similar to the original SM64. It also lets you control the camera with either the bumpers or the right analog stick. As a bonus, you can exit course without a mouse since it's in the same spot as the camera controls.
At time of writing, the default binds have the DPad bound to the left stick and L/R bound to the bumpers—you'll need to rebind those to the DPad and triggers. And make sure your controls are set to the default 'Standard Mode' in the pause menu. You don't need to unbind X or Y, though you are free to rearrange the face buttons.

#73810099246309097 -

150 star WIP (19 stars).dsm
In 17:49.75 (63999 frames), 338856 rerecords
1 comment, 276 downloads
Uploaded 8/29/2021 1:00 AM by Migu (see all 12)
WIP of the first 19 stars. The RNG in THI 100 isn't fully optimized yet.

#70527350345483596 - SM64DS 0 star demo

In 06:17.31 (22573 frames), 6202 rerecords
Uploaded 4/3/2021 4:51 AM by Migu (see all 12)

#32154304301422422 - Super Mario 64 DS any% in 8′50″70

In 08:50.71 (31750 frames), 78844 rerecords
Uploaded 7/10/2016 1:27 AM by ALAKTORN (see all 34)
Should sync on either DeSmuME 0.9.9/10/11. Decompiler and Bus Timing off.
Still a few things left to try and improve.

#31373458496044164 - SM64DS XYZ Speed Lua + velocity change + Y run timer and KtQ speeds

SM64DS XYZ speed.lua
Uploaded 6/4/2016 9:28 PM by ALAKTORN (see all 34)
Shows XYZ and horizontal real speed, RAM speed, and prints horizontal velocity changes (if you have 100 speed and next frame 50, it will print −50). Added Y run timer and KtQ speeds display. Here’s what a slightly older version looks like:

#26416000739600848 - TAS Super Mario 64 DS 20 Star WIP (for 150 star TAS)

In 17:30.01 (62818 frames), 30487 rerecords
Uploaded 10/25/2015 3:13 PM by Sharkey91 (see all 4)

#25506041999124602 - TAS Super Mario 64 DS 150 Star WIP

In 11:34.92 (41575 frames), 189 rerecords
Uploaded 9/14/2015 3:41 PM by Sharkey91 (see all 4)
The star 8 red coins puzzle with 15 pieces is now improved, but sloppy in this TAS WIP because I haven't hexed it yet. Also, the number of rerecords is false. Juste a mistake, sorry , it's actually 19871 rerecords Video :