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#638045382211316561 - Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2

Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2
In 5:00:14.05 (1082623 frames), 94 rerecords
Game: Battle Chess ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/20/2022 10:50 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2
Move_number Frame Your_move Stockfish_rating CPU_move CPU_thinking_time
1 622 e4 (0.51) e5 3146 2 4668 Nf3 (0.40) Nf6 12717 3 19983 Nxe5 (0.80) d6 12641 4 35166 Nf3 (0.74) Nxe4 7445 5 45901 Bd3 (0.77) d5 11916 6 58587 O-O (0.62) Bc5 16948 7 77645 Nc3 (0.64) Nxc3 29471 8 111269 dxc3 (0.65) Nc6 27941 9 141718 Re1+ (0.92) Kf8 13899 10 156473 Rb1 (1.80) Qd6 58635 11 216094 b4 (2.30) Bb6 65582 12 282484 b5 (2.45) Na5 78047 13 362124 Ng5 (6.13) g6 104085 14 467381 Qf3 (7.64) f5 138818 15 607172 Ba3 (11.1) Qxa3 60526 16 669712 Qxd5 (M12) Kg7 145893 17 817582 Qe5+ (M9) Kg8 11585 18 829957 Rb4 (M8) Qxa2 102032 19 933951 Qe8+ (M7) Kg7 31662 20 966636 Qe7+ (M6) Kg8 30305 21 997794 Qd8+ (M5) Kg7 20062 22 1018500 Re7+ (M4) Kf6 31642 23 1051632 Re6+ (M3) Kg7 28309 24 1080918 Qe7+ (M2) Kg8 871 25 1082618 Qf7# (M1)

#638045376344965016 - Battle Chess Lua form (actually uses forms!)

Game: Battle Chess ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/20/2022 10:40 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Just a small script to reduce the tedium of entering moves and waiting for CPU to move (especially on the hardest difficulty).
  • Auto move allows to enter the move and the script will execute the move optimally (type in move like "e2e4"; "5254" is also acceptable). Must be run when it is your turn.
  • Option to go forward until CPU finishes moving (to the beginning of your turn), then pauses. Will also return information such as what the CPU's move was, as well as CPU thinking time for the move. Must be run during your turn (before or during your move).
Script may be buggy; may not recognize CPU pawn promotion moves. The script is dumb and cannot tell when captures, castling, pawn promotion and/or en passant has occurred. All it cares about is the starting square and the ending square.