User File #11121845087737973

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#11121845087737973 - PSX Bugs Bunny - Lost in Time lua v1

Uploaded 12/5/2013 8:34 PM by Warepire (see all 18)
--position and speed
local Xpos
local XposOld = 0
local Ypos
local YposOld = 0
local Zpos
local ZposOld = 0
local Xspeed = 0
local Yspeed = 0
local Zspeed = 0
--not really a need to look at Y-speed as it seems to be independent of XZ speed, might still be useful for jumping.
local XZspeed

local health
local inlvlCarrots
local inlvlGoldenCarrots
local inlvlClocks
local inlvlACME
local totalCarrots
local totalGoldenCarrots
local totalClocks
local abilities
local jump = false
local music = false
local sesame = false
local fan = false

local function hud()
	--Actual speed vector addresses, not very good as they show speed even when you're blocked by a wall etc.
	--addr 00069D30 X Speed [signed word]
	--addr 00069D34 Y Speed(?)  [signed word]
	--addr 00069D38 Z Speed [signed word]
	Xpos = memory.readdwordsigned(0x00069DC0)
	Ypos = memory.readdwordsigned(0x00069DC4)
	Zpos = memory.readdwordsigned(0x00069DC8)
	--will not show the proper speed on the first frame of a level
	--the game only runs at 30 fps.
	local tempXspeed = math.abs(Xpos - XposOld)
	local tempYspeed = math.abs(Ypos - YposOld)
	local tempZspeed = math.abs(Zpos - ZposOld)
	if tempXspeed ~= 0 or tempYspeed ~= 0 or tempZspeed ~= 0 then
		Xspeed = tempXspeed
		Yspeed = tempYspeed
		Zspeed = tempZspeed
	XZspeed = Xspeed + Zspeed

	health = memory.readbyte(0x00010041)
	inlvlCarrots = memory.readbyte(0x00069525)
	inlvlGoldenCarrots = memory.readbyte(0x00069574)
	inlvlClocks = memory.readbyte(0x00069514)
	inlvlACME = memory.readbyte(0x00010044)
	totalCarrots = memory.readbyte(0x00010043)
	totalGoldenCarrots = (memory.readbyte(0x0001013C)*256) + memory.readbyte(0x00010047)
	totalClocks = memory.readbyte(0x00010045)
	abilities = memory.readbyte(0x00010048) --0x08 == SuperJump
	if abilities >= 0x08 then
		jump = true
		abilities = abilities - 0x08
	-- TODO: The rest of the abilities
	gui.text(0,0,string.format("Pos (%6d,%6d,%6d)\n",Xpos,Ypos,Zpos)
		..string.format("Speed XZ: %3d\n",XZspeed)
		..string.format("Speed  Y: %3d\n\n",Yspeed)
		..string.format("Health: %d\n",health)
		..string.format("Carrots: %d\n",totalCarrots)
		..string.format("LVL Golden: %2d  Total Golden: %3d\n",inlvlGoldenCarrots,totalGoldenCarrots)
		..string.format("LVL Clocks: %2d  Total Clocks: %3d\n",inlvlClocks,totalClocks)
		..string.format("ACME boxes: %d\n\n",inlvlACME)
		..string.format("Jump:   %s\n",tostring(jump))
		..string.format("Music:  %s\n",tostring(music))
		..string.format("Sesame: %s\n",tostring(sesame))
		..string.format("Fan:    %s\n",tostring(fan)))

	XposOld = Xpos
	YposOld = Ypos
	ZposOld = Zpos
