some fixes and rudimentary tastudio support, you need to type in the values that appear at the bottom of the window manually into the columns.
-- Auto analog input script written by TASeditor
-- Main window
-- This function runs after the user clicked on the Start button.
function Start()
if PauseFlag == false
then if StartFlag == false
then if forms.ischecked(PosCheck) and not forms.ischecked(AngCheck)
then CalcAngle();
FollowAngle = forms.gettext(AngFollowTxt);
Radius = forms.gettext(RadiusTxt);
StartFlag = true;
forms.settext(StatLabel, "Started");
-- if forms.ischecked(AdvCheck)
-- then AdvMode = true;
-- else AdvMode = false;
-- end;
--X_0 = XPosition;
--Y_0 = YPosition;
--frame_start = emu.framecount();
elseif not forms.ischecked(PosCheck) and forms.ischecked(AngCheck)
then FollowAngle = forms.gettext(AngFollowTxt);
Radius = forms.gettext(RadiusTxt);
StartFlag = true;
forms.settext(StatLabel, "Started");
elseif forms.ischecked(PosCheck) and forms.ischecked(AngCheck)
then forms.settext(StatLabel, "Error: Uncheck one checkbox");
-- This function runs after the user clicked on the Pause button.
function Pause()
if StartFlag == true
then if PauseFlag == false
then PauseFlag = true;
forms.settext(StatLabel, "Paused");
forms.settext(PauseButton, "Continue");
Xinput["P1 X Axis"] = 0;
Yinput["P1 Y Axis"] = 0;
else PauseFlag = false
forms.settext(StatLabel, "Started");
forms.settext(PauseButton, "Pause");
-- This function runs after the user clicked on the Stop button.
function Stop()
if StartFlag == true
then StartFlag = false;
PauseFlag = false;
forms.settext(StatLabel, "Stopped");
forms.settext(PauseButton, "Pause");
Xinput["P1 X Axis"] = 0;
Yinput["P1 Y Axis"] = 0;
X = 0;
Y = 0;
-- These functions run after the user clicked the "+" or "-" button.
function Add()
console.writeline("not implemented");
function Sub()
console.writeline("not implemented");
function CalcAngle()
DeltaX = forms.gettext(XPosGotoTxt) - memory.readfloat(XPosAddr, true);
DeltaY = forms.gettext(YPosGotoTxt) - memory.readfloat(YPosAddr, true);
Distance = math.sqrt(DeltaX^2 + DeltaY^2);
if FloatBool == "true"
then Alpha = math.atan2(DeltaX , DeltaY) * 180 / math.pi;
else Alpha = math.floor(math.atan2(DeltaX , DeltaY) * 32768/math.pi + 0.5);
forms.settext(AngFollowTxt, Alpha);
-- This function creates the main window.
function WindowForm()
Window = forms.newform(300, 500, "Auto analog input");
PosCheck = forms.checkbox(Window, "Go to position:", 5, 20);
forms.label(Window, "X =", 110, 10, 30, 15);
XPosGotoTxt = forms.textbox(Window, "0", 120, 20, nil, 140, 5);
forms.label(Window, "Y =", 110, 40, 30, 15);
YPosGotoTxt = forms.textbox(Window, "0", 120, 20, nil, 140, 35);
AngCheck = forms.checkbox(Window, "Follow angle:", 5, 75);
forms.label(Window, "a =", 110, 80, 30, 15);
AngFollowTxt = forms.textbox(Window, "0", 120, 20, nil, 140, 75);
forms.label(Window, "Radius =", 5, 120, 50, 15);
RadiusTxt = forms.textbox(Window, "127", 30, 20, nil, 60, 115);
forms.button(Window, "+", Add, 205, 115, 23,23);
forms.button(Window, "-", Sub, 180, 115, 23,23);
forms.label(Window, "Status:", 5, 150, 40, 15);
StatLabel = forms.label(Window, "Stopped", 45, 150, 200, 15);
forms.button(Window, "Start", Start, 5, 180);
PauseButton = forms.button(Window, "Pause", Pause, 105, 180);
forms.button(Window, "Stop", Stop, 205, 180);
forms.label(Window, "Information:", 5, 220, 70, 15);
forms.label(Window, "Current angle:", 5, 240, 80, 15);
CurrAngLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 85, 240, 40, 15);
forms.label(Window, "Difference:", 130, 240, 60, 15);
DiffCurrAngLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 200, 240, 40, 15);
forms.label(Window, "Best angle:", 5, 260, 60, 15);
BestAngLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 85, 260, 40, 15);
forms.label(Window, "Difference:", 130, 260, 60, 15);
DiffBestAngLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 200, 260, 40, 15);
--OptCheck = forms.checkbox(Window, "Optimize", 5, 280);
if tastudio.engaged()
then xLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 5, 280, 30, 15);
yLabel = forms.label(Window, "", 40, 280, 30, 15);
-- Address window
-- This function checks wheter the user has typed in the memory addresses or not.
-- It doesn't check if the typed address is the correct one.
-- The "0x" should not be deleted.
function Check()
-- Reading the addresses as a string.
XPosAddr = forms.gettext(XPosAddrTxt);
YPosAddr = forms.gettext(YPosAddrTxt);
MovAngAddr = forms.gettext(MovAngAddrTxt);
CamAngAddr = forms.gettext(CamAngAddrTxt);
FloatBool = forms.ischecked(FloatCheck);
if XPosAddr ~= "0x" and YPosAddr ~= "0x" and MovAngAddr ~= "0x" and CamAngAddr ~= "0x"
then -- Converting the string into an integer number.
XPosAddr = tonumber(XPosAddr);
YPosAddr = tonumber(YPosAddr);
MovAngAddr = tonumber(MovAngAddr);
CamAngAddr = tonumber(CamAngAddr);
-- Writes the addresses into a text file.
-- The user doesn't have to type in the addresses everytime.
AddrFile =, "a");
AddrFile:write(XPosAddr, "\n", YPosAddr, "\n", MovAngAddr, "\n", CamAngAddr, "\n", tostring(FloatBool));
-- Closes the form where the user typed in the addresses.
-- This function creates the form where the user needs to type in memory addresses.
function AddrForm()
Addr = forms.newform(320, 230, "Memory addresses");
forms.label(Addr, "Type in horizontal position addresses:", 5, 5, 280, 20);
forms.label(Addr, "X =",5, 30, 30, 15);
XPosAddrTxt = forms.textbox(Addr, "0x", 70, 20, nil, 40, 25);
forms.label(Addr, "Y =",120, 30, 30, 15);
YPosAddrTxt = forms.textbox(Addr, "0x", 70, 20, nil, 155, 25);
forms.label(Addr, "Type in horizontal movement angle address:", 5, 55, 350, 20);
forms.label(Addr, "a =", 5, 80, 30, 15);
MovAngAddrTxt = forms.textbox(Addr, "0x", 70, 20, nil, 40, 75);
FloatCheck = forms.checkbox(Addr, "Float?", 120, 75);
forms.label(Addr, "Type in horizontal camera angle address:", 5, 100, 340, 20);
forms.label(Addr, "b =", 5, 125, 30, 15);
CamAngAddrTxt = forms.textbox(Addr, "0x", 70, 20, nil, 40, 120);
forms.button(Addr, "Done", Check, 5, 160);
-- Reads out the memory addresses from the file, if there's content in the file.
-- The memory addresses are saved in decimal numbers.
-- The file is in the main BizHawk folder and is called "<romname>.txt".
-- The main window will open.
XPosAddr = nil;
YPosAddr = nil;
MovAngAddr = nil;
CamAngAddr = nil;
FloatBool = nil;
AddrFile = nil;
ROMname = gameinfo.getromname()..".txt";
AddrFile =, "r");
if AddrFile ~= nil
then XPosAddr = tonumber(AddrFile:read("*line"));
YPosAddr = tonumber(AddrFile:read("*line"));
MovAngAddr = tonumber(AddrFile:read("*line"));
CamAngAddr = tonumber(AddrFile:read("*line"));
FloatBool = (AddrFile:read("*line"));
-- If there's no content in the file a window will open, where the user types in the memory addresses once.
if XPosAddr == nil and YPosAddr == nil and MovAngAddr == nil and CamAngAddr == nil and FloatBool == nil
then AddrForm();
-- Prevents crash.
XPosAddr = 0;
YPosAddr = 0;
MovAngAddr = 0;
CamAngAddr = 0;
FloatBool = false;
--Brute force script --
Xinput = {};
Yinput = {};
StartFlag = false;
PauseFlag = false;
X = 0; Y = 0;
CamAngle = 0;
InputAngle = 0;
Radius = 0;
--Steps = 1;
done = false;
--j = 0;
--diff = 10;
--bestdiff = 10;
-- X_0=0; Y_0=0;
-- X_g=0; Y_g=0;
-- X_b=0; Y_b=0;
-- frame_start = 0;
function CreateInput()
if FloatBool == "true"
then InputAngle = ((FollowAngle - CamAngle - 90) % 360)*math.pi/180; --console.writeline("Flt InA"..InputAngle);
else InputAngle = ((FollowAngle - CamAngle - 49152) % 65536)*math.pi/32768; --console.writeline("Int InA"..InputAngle);
Xbest = math.floor(math.cos(InputAngle)*Radius+0.5); --console.writeline("X"..X);
Ybest = math.floor(math.sin(InputAngle)*Radius+0.5); --console.writeline("Y"..Y);
-- X = Xbest
-- Y = Ybest
-- InputAngleInt = math.atan2(Y, X); --console.writeline(InputAngle.." "..InputAngleInt);
-- if InputAngleInt == InputAngle
-- then --console.writeline("perfect");
-- else
-- repeat
-- if Steps % 2 == 0
-- then for i = 1,Steps,1 do
-- X = X - 1;
-- InputAngleInt = math.atan2(Y, X); --console.writeline(X.." "..Y.." "..Steps);
-- diff = math.abs(InputAngleInt - InputAngle);
-- if diff < bestdiff then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; bestdiff = diff; end;
-- end;
-- if InputAngleInt == InputAngle then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; break; end;
-- for i = 1,Steps,1 do
-- Y = Y - 1;
-- InputAngleInt = math.atan2(Y, X); --console.writeline(X.." "..Y.." "..Steps);
-- diff = math.abs(InputAngleInt - InputAngle);
-- if diff < bestdiff then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; bestdiff = diff; end;
-- end;
-- if InputAngleInt == InputAngle then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; break; end;
-- else for i = 1,Steps,1 do
-- X = X + 1;
-- InputAngleInt = math.atan2(Y, X); --console.writeline(X.." "..Y.." "..Steps);
-- diff = math.abs(InputAngleInt - InputAngle);
-- if diff < bestdiff then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; bestdiff = diff; end;
-- end;
-- if InputAngleInt == InputAngle then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; break; end;
-- for i = 1,Steps,1 do
-- Y = Y + 1;
-- InputAngleInt = math.atan2(Y, X); --console.writeline(X.." "..Y.." "..Steps);
-- diff = math.abs(InputAngleInt - InputAngle);
-- if diff < bestdiff then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; bestdiff = diff; end;
-- end;
-- if InputAngleInt == InputAngle then Xbest = X; Ybest = Y; break; end;
-- end;
-- Steps = Steps + 1;
-- j = j +1;
-- until j == 100 --how long does this need to run?
-- Steps = 1;
-- end
done = true;
-- console.writeline("test");
-- j = 0;
function BruteForce()
XPosition = memory.readfloat(XPosAddr, true);
YPosition = memory.readfloat(YPosAddr, true);
if FloatBool == "true"
then MovAngle = memory.readfloat(MovAngAddr, true);
CamAngle = memory.readfloat(CamAngAddr, true);
else MovAngle = memory.read_u16_be(MovAngAddr);
CamAngle = memory.read_u16_be(CamAngAddr);
CreateInput(); -- only call this function once every frame
if tastudio.engaged()
then forms.settext(xLabel, Xbest);
forms.settext(yLabel, Ybest);
Xinput["P1 X Axis"] = Xbest;
Yinput["P1 Y Axis"] = Ybest;
while true do
f = emu.framecount();
if f_old ~= f then done = false; end;
f_old = f;
if StartFlag and not PauseFlag and not emu.islagged() --and not done
then BruteForce();