A framework to streamline logging memory values and outputting them in TAStudio and saving and loading them with branches as well as script starting and closing.
Version 0.9, not fully done yet. Runs in Bizhawk 2.10
To get started:
This script is not meant to be run in the Lua Console!
Save this lua script in your lua folder and make a new empty lua script.
In the new script copy the following:
-- Add your loggers. e.g.: AddLogger("XSpeed", function() return memory.read_s8(0x1234) end)
-- Or AddLogger("Grounded", function() return memory.read_u8(0xABCD) & 2 end)
-- Add your printers, e.g.: AddPrinter("XSpd" "XSpeed", function(index, value) return ColorGradient(index, math.abs(value), 100 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00) end)
-- Or AddPrinter("P1 A", "Grounded", 0xFFE0A3014)
while true do
-- Add your own usual lua functionality
Load your scipt into the Lua Console and run it with TAStudio open.