User File #638169970616700723

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#638169970616700723 - Double Dragon 3 (Arcade, US) - Enemy HP RAM watch

Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (US).wch
Uploaded 4/13/2023 3:37 PM by Darkman425 (see all 50)
Emulator used: BizHawk 2.9
Arcade game version: ddragon3
This is a simple but effective RAM watch sheet of enemy HP values. There are 4 addresses the game uses to track enemy HP.
SystemID Arcade
0	S	_	1		Enemy HP addresses
23A0	w	u	1	m68000 : ram : 0x1C0000-0x1C3FFF	Enemy A
242C	w	u	1	m68000 : ram : 0x1C0000-0x1C3FFF	Enemy B
2314	w	u	1	m68000 : ram : 0x1C0000-0x1C3FFF	Enemy C
24B8	w	u	1	m68000 : ram : 0x1C0000-0x1C3FFF	Enemy D
0	S	_	1