User File #638374110737335910

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#638374110737335910 - Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run "Win a Game" in 11:36.94

Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run (USA) - Win a Game Improvement.bk2
In 11:36.94 (41885 frames), 4986 rerecords
System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Uploaded 12/5/2023 10:11 PM by Technickle (see all 209)
RTA Timing = 11:01
first ever try at this, I've never played regulation baseball, but I do win by 1 after 9 innings.

SRC Rules:

  • Permitted Ports:
  • Super Nintendo
  • Timer starts when you start a game at the team verses screen. Timer ends when the Final Score screen is shown. (of course, not for TAS Timing)
  • 1 Player Only
  • Must be played Under MLB Challenge and 1p vs. COM
  • Must show Game Settings in Options. (not required as default innings is always 9 from a fresh start)
  • Number of Innings must be 9
  • Auto Fielding must be OFF