User File #638442357017518724

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#638442357017518724 (unlisted) - 2024-02-22 TAS - VBA-rr - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-02-22 in diagonal view].vbm
In 15:14.39 (54614 frames), 783 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 2/22/2024 9:55 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
54615 frames (15:14.403)
24 frames (0.402 s) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
2161 frames (36.181 s) saved overall relative to the link below
185 frames (3.097 s) saved between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with a very wide range of versions of VBA-rr (including the latest, VBA-rr-svn480.LRC4-xp140), same as Note that the above information is based on the latest VBA-rr using the correct 59.72750057 Hz framerate, but older versions used 60 Hz, while still being compatible with the same replay files.