User File #638442805467453293

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#638442805467453293 (unlisted) - 2024-02-23 TAS - BizHawk 2.5.2 - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-02-23 - BizHawk 2.5.2, in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:28.28 (55444 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 2/23/2024 10:22 AM by Deadcode (see all 13)
55444 frames (15:28.283)
84 frames (1.406 s) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
1059 frames (17.731 s) saved overall relative to the link below
109 frames (1.825 s) saved between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with BizHawk 2.3.3 - 2.5.2, same as (the previous published record-holder)