15:27.680 (55408 frames)
14.365 s (858 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
18.333 s (1095 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
1.825 s (109 frames) saved between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with BizHawk 2.3.3 - 2.5.2, same as https://tasvideos.org/4105M (the previous published record-holder)
14.365 s (858 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
18.333 s (1095 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
1.825 s (109 frames) saved between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with BizHawk 2.3.3 - 2.5.2, same as https://tasvideos.org/4105M (the previous published record-holder)