--Bizhawk: Common Lua Functions
--Purpose is to show functional examples of common Lua functions within Bizhawk
--Note that all functions can be viewed at http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk/LuaFunctions.html
--Also note that in the Lua Console window -> Help -> Lua Functions window you get a list of functions with syntax and examples.
--Author: CoolHandMike
while true do
memory.usememorydomain("WRAM") --Specify Memory Domain
gui.drawLine( 180, 0, 180, 230, "Black" )
gui.drawRectangle( 16, 170, 200, 45, 0x007F00FF, 0x7F7F7FFF )
gui.drawText( 16 , 90, "Some message" , "Red")
gui.text(10,185, "Text with default formatting") -- Better performance over gui.drawText()
gui.drawBox( 16, 0, 250, 150, "Black", 0xE67F7FFF )
gui.drawImage( "C:\pet3.png", 0, 110, 18, 24, false )
gui.drawImage( "feather.png", 64, 110, 18, 24, false )
local val = mainmemory.readbyte(0x0359) --reads unsigned byte (8 bits)
local val_u8 = mainmemory.read_u8(0x0360) --unsigned 8 bits
local val_s8 = mainmemory.read_s8(0x0361) --signed 8 bits
local val_u16le = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x0362) --read unsigned 16 bits little endian
local val_s16le = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x0364) --reads signed 16 bits
local val_u32le = mainmemory.read_u32_le(0x0370) --reads unsigned 32 bits
local val_s32le = mainmemory.read_s32_le(0x0366) --reads signed 32 bits
local val_u16be = mainmemory.read_u16_be(0x0362) --read unsigned 16 bits big endian
local val_s16be = mainmemory.read_s16_be(0x0364) --reads signed 16 bits
local val_u32be = mainmemory.read_u32_be(0x0370) --reads unsigned 32 bits
local val_s32be = mainmemory.read_s32_be(0x0366) --reads signed 32 bits
local nlmairea = mainmemory.readbyterange( 0x100, 64 ) --best performance, but hardest to deal with. may want to use brunovalads' byterange_decoder http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/67926325655324243
--Replace above text "read" with "write", and add a parameter to write. and you will get all the options of writing bytes.
mainmemory.writebyte(0x0362, 28)
mainmemory.write_u8(0x0360, 31) --unsigned 8 bits
mainmemory.write_s8(0x0361, 43) --signed 8 bits
mainmemory.write_u16_be(0x0362, 500) --read unsigned 16 bits big endian
mainmemory.write_s16_be(0x0364, 500) --reads signed 16 bits
mainmemory.write_u32_be(0x0370, 20000) --reads unsigned 32 bits
--//mainmemory.writebyterange(nluatable memoryblock)
--//bit.band(uint val, uint amt) --bitwise and.
local uibitban = bit.band( 1, 4 );
gui.drawText( 16 , 0, "bit.band( 1, 4 ) returns " .. bit.band( 1, 4 ) , "Red");
local uibitrsh = bit.rshift( 8, 1 );
gui.drawText( 16 , 16, "bit.rshift( 8, 1 ) returns " .. bit.rshift( 8, 1 ), "Red");
if bit.check( 2, 1 ) then
gui.drawText( 16 , 32, "bit.check( 2, 1 ) returns " .."true" , "Red");
gui.drawText( 16 , 32, "bit.check( 2, 1 ) returns " .."false" , "Red");
-- -- --//bit.clear(uint num, int pos)-- position 0 is the rightmost bit.
local lobitcle = bit.clear( 3, 0);
gui.drawText( 16 , 48, "bit.clear( 3, 0) returns " .. lobitcle , "Red");
local uibitset = bit.set( 4, 0 );
gui.drawText( 16 , 60, "bit.set( 4, 0 ) returns " .. uibitset , "Red");
local uibitbxo = bit.bxor( 1, 1 );
gui.drawText( 16 , 76, "bit.bxor( 1, 1 ) returns " .. uibitbxo , "Red");
--//client.SetGameExtraPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
client.SetGameExtraPadding( 0, 10, 230, 20 );
local userinput = input.getmouse()
gui.drawText( 260 , 110, "mouse x : " .. userinput.X.. " ; mouse y: " .. userinput.Y , "Red");
--//savestate.loadslot(int slotnum, [bool suppressosd = False])
if false == true then --never actually run, just have it uncommented for readability
savestate.saveslot( 7 );
savestate.loadslot( 8 );
--This KeyCheck function is helpful to determine the controller names when trying to access them in a table. http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/edit/67926325655324243@user
--joypad.getimmediate works similar to joypad.get()
if joypad.get()["P1 Right"]==true then
local p1 = joypad.get(1)
p1["P1 B"]=true
gui.drawText( 15, 115, "Reading input Right", "Red");